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28 May 2016
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhxchanged room power levels.16:13:27
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhxchanged room power levels.16:13:30
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhxchanged room power levels.16:13:31
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhxchanged room power levels.16:13:35
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhxchanged room power levels.16:14:20
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhxchanged room power levels.16:14:45
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhxchanged room power levels.16:14:59
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhxchanged room power levels.16:15:09
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhxchanged room power levels.16:15:14
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhxchanged room power levels.16:15:34
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhx [гуманитарненько][quantified self] http://www.robinwe.is/explorations/cry.html tl;dr Анализ, с графиками и распределением, причин плача на самостоятельно записанных данных.

I've always considered myself to be a bit of a crybaby, triggered frequently and privately and sometimes for hardly any reason at all. I've also always considered myself to be a fairly strong person, stable and resilient and able to work through challenging situations. I found it difficult to reconcile that part of myself with my overwhelming sensitivity, and I wondered about the exact nature of the things that were capable of pushing me over the edge. Naturally, I turned to spreadsheets to help me find the answers to my curiosities.

@eadventurous:matrix.orgeadventurousВау, это очень интересные данные! Ну и конечно пример хорошего анализа)17:47:13
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhx http://www.hooktheory.com/blog/i-analyzed-the-chords-of-1300-popular-songs-for-patterns-this-is-what-i-found/ 19:57:23
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhx [python] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVBLF0ohcrE

Never let being CPU-bound be a bottleneck for your next great data exploration or scientific computing challenge! Attend this talk to beat Python's GIL not with a CPython fork, not with a PyPy STM implementation, but instead with old-fashioned distributed computation!

@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhx [python] http://technicaldiscovery.blogspot.com/2013/12/why-i-promote-conda.html
Это объяснило мне, зачем же всё-таки нужна conda, если у нас есть setuptools wheels.
tl;dr Это последствия всего этого треша с package management как в питоне, так и вообще.
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhx [python] https://www.continuum.io/open-source-core-modern-software

Это ребята, которые сильно двигают АДик в Питоне, пишут кучку FLOSS (в т.ч. conda, bokeh). Можно сравнить с Hashicorp.
Насколько я представляю, по ссылке - набор дефолтных утилит для решения кучки проблем.

@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhx [python] http://numba.pydata.org/numba-doc/latest/user/overview.html

Numba generates optimized machine code from pure Python code using the LLVM compiler infrastructure. With a few simple annotations, array-oriented and math-heavy Python code can be just-in-time optimized to performance similar as C, C++ and Fortran, without having to switch languages or Python interpreters.

def sum2d(arr):
    M, N = arr.shape
    result = 0.0
    for i in range(M):
        for j in range(N):
            result += arr[i,j]
    return result

И даже AOT!

@Timopheym:matrix.orgTimopheymwldhx: мне визуализация свиданий больше понравилась =)22:10:48
* @wldhx:matrix.orgwldhx , кажется, не видел22:19:23
@Timopheym:matrix.orgTimopheym http://www.robinwe.is/visualizations/dating.html 22:20:15
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhxА, я смотрел только в Explorations :)22:24:49
30 May 2016
@Sttrelllok:matrix.org@Sttrelllok:matrix.orgwget from ya disk? easy 21:37:39
@Sttrelllok:matrix.org@Sttrelllok:matrix.org https://github.com/mindcollapse/yadisk-link-extractor 21:37:41
31 May 2016
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhxRedacted or Malformed Event08:52:29
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhx xenx: Or not?
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhx [python] Немного про the great mess с package-management в Питоне: http://stackoverflow.com/a/14753678

tl;dr current status: следут использовать setuptools и кодить distlib.

@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhxRedacted or Malformed Event13:35:40
@dank:matrix.orgdank 13:52:33
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhx Извольте: https://gitlab.com/wldhx/yadisk-direct
(Пока что не на PyPI за тем, что сегодня у него проблемы)
1 Jun 2016
@wldhx:matrix.orgwldhx https://pypi.python.org/pypi/wldhx.yadisk-direct ^^ 00:39:54

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