
(W)ISPs & Gear/Devices, LAN, Networking, mobile phones. wisps

304 Members
All about getting online, dealing with (W)ISPs, (Wireless) Internet Service Providers, and some about the devices we use, including mobile phones. A tech' general discussion. Some DNS, OpenNIC chat, et cetera is okay. But discuss stuff like custom smartphone ROMS elsewhere. ••• VoIP/VoLTE/Internet Telephony has moved to #VoIP:matrix.org ••• No need to introduce yourself, nor greet others; whereas "lurking"/idling is fine. "Don't ask to ask! Just ask." - This is NOT a General Chat. Go fill the scrollback with hi-hello ping-pong somewhere else like #offtopic:matrix.org . Put your greetings within a topical message! — https://www.nohello.com/?m=0 ••• For sharing: "(W)ISPs & Gear/Devices, LAN, Networking, mobile phones. wisps" [\(W\)ISPs & Gear/Devices, LAN, Networking, mobile phones. wisps](https://matrix.to/#/!OKNqXZORszDrCcBJMb:matrix.org) ° https://matrix.to/#/!OKNqXZORszDrCcBJMb:matrix.org ••• Room History is "World Readable" by anyone. → https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23wISPs:matrix.org ••• Was listed (R.I.P.): https://matrixstats.org/alias/%23wISPs:matrix.org ••• Keywords/Tags: #ISP #ISPs #wISP #wISPs #DSL #FIOS #FttX ••••39 Servers

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1 May 2023
@skumar01:matrix.org@skumar01:matrix.org joined the room.08:48:35
@skumar01:matrix.org@skumar01:matrix.org left the room.08:48:42
4 May 2023
@khalid999:matrix.orgKhalid ibn al-Walid joined the room.14:21:56
5 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in joined the room.23:32:58
7 May 2023
@sluffer78:matrix.orgSluffer joined the room.13:17:36
13 May 2023
@luffy:chat.mistli.netluffy joined the room.03:24:02
@flyingjanitor:matrix.org@flyingjanitor:matrix.org left the room.17:08:08
15 May 2023
@vincentop9kad:matrix.orgVincent Kadar joined the room.14:20:43
20 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in left the room.20:55:13
21 May 2023
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepe joined the room.12:38:59
@ffffff666:matrix.orgffffff666 joined the room.21:30:33
23 May 2023
@aleatory-avers:matrix.orgaleatory-avers changed their profile picture.12:43:29
2 Jun 2023
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeWhat are the best methods to stay online in the face of hostilities?15:46:54
11 Jun 2023
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepe changed their profile picture.17:21:19
14 Jun 2023
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepe changed their display name from pepe to perfectperfect.00:48:08
@lagging_elitism:matrix.orglagging_elitism joined the room.01:40:39
@kn4fpc:matrix.orgKN4FPC joined the room.16:15:57
16 Jun 2023
In reply to @perfectperfect:matrix.org
What are the best methods to stay online in the face of hostilities?
What you mean by hostilities
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepe changed their display name from perfectperfect to pepe.02:13:06
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeAn intelligent adversary. Somebody knows your online, but they don't want you to be able to succeed at anything so they think - how can we keep him from getting online? My question, what would be the most robust way to get online so that if somebody wants to exploit a weakness to keep you offline then their opportunities are limited? I mean I could take a few stabs at answering, but I'm trying to make a "playbook" so to speak.02:18:11
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepe* An intelligent adversary. Somebody knows you're online, but they don't want you to be able to succeed at anything so they think - how can we keep him from getting online? My question, what would be the most robust way to get online so that if somebody wants to exploit a weakness to keep you offline then their opportunities are limited? I mean I could take a few stabs at answering, but I'm trying to make a "playbook" so to speak.02:25:15
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeIt's pretty hard to keep a determined person off of wifi, for example, but for the same reason a lot of wifi in public places sucks. 02:25:38
@tuxayo:matrix.org@tuxayo:matrix.org left the room.02:29:02
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeSatellite service can't have any wires physically cut or tapped, but also probably require noncash payment so you can be blocked at random by your bank (literally your bank might just randomly deny charges "for security reasons"). Also accessing the sky makes one very visible and draws a lot of attention (could attract harassment - zoning codes violations, false police reports against "that guy with the satellite dish", etc).02:29:07
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeCellphone service can be purchased almost anywhere (like practically any store at all these days, supermarket, dollar general etc)...so no payment fuckery, but...it don't make it through the metal walls of my building.02:31:44
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeI guess a mesh network on the wifi spectrum could be ideal in theory, but it's not really used in practuce yet is it? I can't buy internet service on a mesh network anywhere can I? Nobody even has a business model where as cellphones and public wifi are here today - once they know it is robust anyone can just do it.02:32:59
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeIn my experience the most reliable is public wifi...police raid your house, drive you 50 miles away to book you, take all your money and ID, and now what? How do you contact your lawyer or your wife? Public wifi is a sure bet in my experience. ...even a public library with computers connected by wire will often deny access (because the police took your ID).02:36:10
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeAnd when the police park that high tech van in front of your house all night...a lot of MITM attacks start by disconnecting the internet service, but if it can't be disconnected...02:41:12
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepe* In my experience the most reliable is public wifi...police raid your house, drive you 50 miles away to book you, take all your money and ID, you're stranded (basically been mugged) and now what? How do you contact your lawyer or your wife? Public wifi is a sure bet in my experience. ...even a public library with computers connected by wire will often deny access (because the police took your ID).02:41:17
18 Jun 2023
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeCheck out this federal prosecutor spilling all the beans on what they've been up to on matrix: #open:matrix.lrn.fm17:59:01

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