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24 Jun 2021
In reply to @ak-ru:matrix.org
Someone from tech support will publish 0.23.3 db snapshot soon
Awesome, thanks for the effort Akru!
@andromeda__:matrix.orgSamsara * Hi akru Thanks for your reply. Got it, was some heavy slashing unfortunately. Can I downgrade to 0.23.3 without resyncing the DB?09:25:14
@ak-ru:matrix.orgakru Hi @andromeda__:matrix.org migration process was started, in few hours new ipci release will be published, I’ll let you known when ready 10:29:21
In reply to @ak-ru:matrix.org
Hi @andromeda__:matrix.org migration process was started, in few hours new ipci release will be published, I’ll let you known when ready
Hi Akru, thanks for the update! Much appreciated, will update then👌
@andromeda__:matrix.orgSamsara akru: just read the announcement of the migration. Is the restart of the network in the new format starting from block 0 again?
Wasn't clear for me.
In reply to @andromeda__:matrix.org
akru: just read the announcement of the migration. Is the restart of the network in the new format starting from block 0 again?
Wasn't clear for me.
Yes, state of blockchain saved but blocks will be pruned because of launch as parachain. From validator side it will be almost same: generate session keys, bond stash, stake
@yaroslvozl:matrix.org@yaroslvozl:matrix.orgWhat about validator rewards? Same?12:33:13
@ak-ru:matrix.orgakruYes, staking parameters is same12:33:35
@yaroslvozl:matrix.org@yaroslvozl:matrix.orgWill supply be changed to 10m in this update?12:33:48
In reply to @ak-ru:matrix.org
Yes, state of blockchain saved but blocks will be pruned because of launch as parachain. From validator side it will be almost same: generate session keys, bond stash, stake
Ah understood!
In reply to @yaroslvozl:matrix.org
Will supply be changed to 10m in this update?
Yes, difference with 10m will be moved into treasury
@yaroslvozl:matrix.org@yaroslvozl:matrix.org Got ya. Thanks akru 12:35:21
@yaroslvozl:matrix.org@yaroslvozl:matrix.orgAlso should validator rewards per era grow proportionally to supply?12:35:54
@yaroslvozl:matrix.org@yaroslvozl:matrix.orgOr that's won't be the case12:36:06
In reply to @yaroslvozl:matrix.org
Also should validator rewards per era grow proportionally to supply?
Right, according to target emission
@yaroslvozl:matrix.org@yaroslvozl:matrix.orgOk. Thanks12:38:21
@ak-ru:matrix.orgakru era duration will be also changed to one week instead of one day 12:39:08
@yaroslvozl:matrix.org@yaroslvozl:matrix.orgGot it12:39:35
@andromeda__:matrix.orgSamsara akru , thanks for all the info! 12:42:15
26 Jun 2021
@andromeda__:matrix.orgSamsaraMorning! Is the IPCI upgrade almost ready?06:41:03
In reply to @andromeda__:matrix.org
Morning! Is the IPCI upgrade almost ready?

Hi, yes, we testing it internally, working well, bootnodes and public endpoints will be available today, currently new IPCI chain supported on latest release candidate https://github.com/airalab/robonomics/tree/v0.99.0-rc2

Feel free to test it using following command:
robonomics —validator —parachain-id 3000

@ak-ru:matrix.orgakru *

Hi, yes, we testing it internally, working well, bootnodes and public endpoints will be available today, currently new IPCI chain supported on latest release candidate https://github.com/airalab/robonomics/tree/v0.99.0-rc2

Feel free to test it using following command:
robonomics —validator —parachain-id 3000 —bootnodes /ip4/

In reply to @ak-ru:matrix.org

Hi, yes, we testing it internally, working well, bootnodes and public endpoints will be available today, currently new IPCI chain supported on latest release candidate https://github.com/airalab/robonomics/tree/v0.99.0-rc2

Feel free to test it using following command:
robonomics —validator —parachain-id 3000 —bootnodes /ip4/

Hi Akru, good to hear. Will test it out, thanks!
@ak-ru:matrix.orgakruFeel free for any questions!06:45:18
@andromeda__:matrix.orgSamsaraFor sure, thanks Akru!06:45:25
@ak-ru:matrix.orgakru *

Hi, yes, at the moment we check it internally, working well, bootnodes and public endpoints will be available today, currently new IPCI chain supported on latest release candidate https://github.com/airalab/robonomics/tree/v0.99.0-rc2

Feel free to test it using following command:
robonomics —validator —parachain-id 3000 —bootnodes /ip4/

29 Jun 2021
@egg1egg2:matrix.orgGreg | Ryabina and Web3alert joined the room.11:16:01
30 Jun 2021
@quipu:matrix.orgplaying with dust joined the room.17:00:34
1 Jul 2021
@mpact_iq:matrix.orgimpact_iq joined the room.02:36:35
@mpact_iq:matrix.orgimpact_iq changed their display name from mpact_iq to impact_iq.02:36:47

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