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4 Aug 2024
@chile09:matrix.orgrolodondo34criminals using which OS?22:22:04
@memorysafetybelike:envs.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] (Migrated -> @babba27:anonymousplanet.net)
In reply to @chile09:matrix.org

: the act or process of extrapolating information about a person based on known traits or tendencies

@chile09:matrix.orgrolodondo34Windows XP?22:22:34
@memorysafetybelike:envs.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] (Migrated -> @babba27:anonymousplanet.net)
In reply to @chile09:matrix.org
criminals using which OS?
Realistically, only a small subset of criminals are using Linux-based systems at all. Most use Windows. Linux sees more use among hackers, who are by definition tech-inclined. Even then, it's rare to find them using Qubes
@memorysafetybelike:envs.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] (Migrated -> @babba27:anonymousplanet.net)To know what OSs criminals are using, just look at what OSs normal people are using. With the exception of the specifically-tech-inclined, you can expect these statistics to be about the same22:25:12
@chile09:matrix.orgrolodondo34no kali?22:25:13
@memorysafetybelike:envs.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] (Migrated -> @babba27:anonymousplanet.net)Kali is Linux-based, so it's included in that category22:25:30
@chile09:matrix.orgrolodondo34which tools on Windows?22:25:59
@memorysafetybelike:envs.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] (Migrated -> @babba27:anonymousplanet.net)I won't answer that, because I think it's a fundamentally bad idea to use Windows if you're concerned about the police trying to find you22:26:50
@chile09:matrix.orgrolodondo34no eres22:30:50
@chile09:matrix.orgrolodondo34no eres criminales22:31:01
@memorysafetybelike:envs.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] (Migrated -> @babba27:anonymousplanet.net)Whoever said you need to be a criminal for the police to target you?22:31:52
@chile09:matrix.orgrolodondo34no eres trafficante22:49:42
7 Aug 2024
@wholesomethrows:matrix.orgwholesomethrows joined the room.05:54:41
8 Aug 2024
@schneiderzero:matrix.orgschneiderzero set a profile picture.22:36:57
10 Aug 2024
In reply to @memorysafetybelike:envs.net
The idea that Qubes is only for supervillains is one of the pervasive beliefs that undermines the safety of Qubes users
I said that in jest
@type-iix:tchncs.detype-iixHeh, I actually think it's curious you said "only for supervillains," like the Penguin might use it, but not the Joker? :)22:23:50
@type-iix:tchncs.detype-iixI was just flabbergasted at how granular it will/would be to configure well22:24:42
@type-iix:tchncs.detype-iixBut my threat model has made itself known. Very clearly. It's hackers.22:25:00
@type-iix:tchncs.detype-iixSo I probably need Qubes now22:25:23
@type-iix:tchncs.detype-iixOr at least airgapped, cold storage, hardware wallets, YubiKey, etc.22:25:50
11 Aug 2024
@memorysafetybelike:envs.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] (Migrated -> @babba27:anonymousplanet.net)
In reply to @type-iix:tchncs.de
Heh, I actually think it's curious you said "only for supervillains," like the Penguin might use it, but not the Joker? :)
Well, "supervillain" was your word, not mine
@type-iix:tchncs.detype-iixFair enough!19:57:07
@type-iix:tchncs.detype-iixSome hxx0rs probably (OK, definitely) use it19:57:20
@type-iix:tchncs.detype-iixAfter watching a couple videos showing its good speed and usability I think I will use Qubes19:58:08
@type-iix:tchncs.detype-iixBetter daily driver than Whonix but its Whonix integration is legendary19:58:30
13 Aug 2024
@memorysafetybelike:envs.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] (Migrated -> @babba27:anonymousplanet.net)Why does Whonix Workstation always take so long to update the TBB version included with the Tor Browser Updater?00:11:43

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