

346 Members
| Part of the Cybersec matrix.org community (#cyber-space:matrix.org) | RULES: https://cybersec-rules.thomcat.rocks | Whonix-focused room | Off-topic chat is fine. Keep it brief and/or move it to #cybersec-offtopic:matrix.org53 Servers

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13 Aug 2024
@admin:matrix.zb-server.deSebastian joined the room.21:34:28
14 Aug 2024
@type-iix:tchncs.detype-iixWhat's the rationale for using the Tor Browser Updater when you lose your bookmarks?03:52:25
@type-iix:tchncs.detype-iixIsn't it better to do the in-browser update?03:52:56
15 Aug 2024
@memorysafetybelike:envs.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] (Migrated -> @babba27:anonymousplanet.net)I don't store bookmarks in Tor Browser04:56:53
@memorysafetybelike:envs.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] (Migrated -> @babba27:anonymousplanet.net) Actually, tb-updater is specifically the preferred update path on Whonix 04:58:03
@memorysafetybelike:envs.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] (Migrated -> @babba27:anonymousplanet.net)When I use Tor Browser, it's usually inside a disposable VM that gets destroyed immediately after the browser closes04:58:49
@memorysafetybelike:envs.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] (Migrated -> @babba27:anonymousplanet.net)Any data I want saved, goes into a KeePassXC vault running in an entirely separate VM04:59:16
@memorysafetybelike:envs.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] (Migrated -> @babba27:anonymousplanet.net)So even if I did use the built-in updater, I'd lose the update as soon as I restart Tor Browser to actually apply it05:00:41
@orange-dev:matrix.orgorange-devHello, there are more and more nodes banned from TOR and I almost can't navigate on the internet anymore. Would you recommend any way to use a VPN within TOR that is capable of tunneling and free? I have been able to use OpenVPN but I think it doesn't tunnel, could you please help me? Thanks.12:24:49
@orange-dev:matrix.orgorange-dev * Hello, there are more and more nodes banned from TOR and I almost can't navigate on the Internet anymore. Would you recommend any way to use a VPN within TOR that is capable of tunneling and free? I have been able to use OpenVPN but I think it doesn't tunnel, could you please help me? Thanks.12:25:29
22 Aug 2024
@nosleep404:catgirl.cloudnosleep404 joined the room.13:27:51
24 Aug 2024
@umbilicalcord:matrix.org@umbilicalcord:matrix.org joined the room.11:12:20
@umbilicalcord:matrix.org@umbilicalcord:matrix.orgWhat is a recommended workflow for using Whonix Workstation with persistent data?11:15:17
@umbilicalcord:matrix.org@umbilicalcord:matrix.orgI can't seem to install Mullvad Browser, Veracrypt or Element through terminal or from .deb packages.11:16:12
@umbilicalcord:matrix.org@umbilicalcord:matrix.org * Also I can't seem to install Mullvad Browser, Veracrypt or Element through terminal or from .deb packages. Didn't find any info on that in the Whonix docs.11:18:32
@thehidden:tchncs.denope (tchncs.de)
In reply to @umbilicalcord:matrix.org
What is a recommended workflow for using Whonix Workstation with persistent data?
Why wouldn't it be persistent? It's not Tails.
@thehidden:tchncs.denope (tchncs.de)https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Mullvad_Browser15:13:12
25 Aug 2024
In reply to @thehidden:tchncs.de
Why wouldn't it be persistent? It's not Tails.
Yeah, I don't know what happened exactly, but stuff weren't working properly. Was getting constant errors with apt get and apt install. Probably were some connection issues
@thehidden:tchncs.denope (tchncs.de) "There was constant errors" which said? 00:38:51
26 Aug 2024
@umbilicalcord:matrix.org@umbilicalcord:matrix.orgSome permission denied errors. The issue went away, probably connection issues were the cause. The permission errors probably are the normal thing in Whonix because of Kicksecure user permissions and access separations and hardening06:47:21
@nichromesage:matrix.orgnichro changed their display name from nichromesage to nichro.20:21:25
@nighthawk:jameskitt616.onenobody changed their profile picture.22:16:29
@nighthawk:jameskitt616.onenobody changed their display name from nighthawk to nobody.22:37:34
@memorysafetybelike:envs.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] (Migrated -> @babba27:anonymousplanet.net) changed their display name from Babba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] to Babba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] (Migrated -> @babba27:anonymousplanet.net).23:35:48
27 Aug 2024
@babba27:anonymousplanet.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] joined the room.00:17:51
@mjolnir:thomcat.rocksThe Banhammer banned @umbilicalcord:matrix.org@umbilicalcord:matrix.org (spam right-wing fud somewhere else).11:46:15
28 Aug 2024
@mjolnir:thomcat.rocksThe Banhammerchanged room power levels.13:26:33
1 Sep 2024
@nope:anonymousplanet.netNope (PSA/Anonymous Planet 🌏) joined the room.03:45:50
3 Sep 2024
@jellystone:arcticfoxes.netjellystone joined the room.17:06:05
15 Sep 2024
@fomosapien:matrix.orgTriskelion (migrated to envs.net) changed their display name from Triskelion to Triskelion (migrated to envs.net).18:07:43

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