
Open Source Hardware, DIY & CNC Desktop Fabrication - Self Support Community

1155 Members
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-source_hardware ••• We can work towards more open hardware. Reverse Engineering or hacking existing things is good if legal. The world is a better place because of of what lead to OpenWRT (but software focus is in other rooms). I see there is now OpenWiFi on FGPAs, et cetera, no chipset yet. Adding hardware for such on exsisting devices would be great. ••• Don't do "Hi-Hello Ping-Pong" in here, or anything superfluous, OUTSIDE of TOPICAL messages. If you want to sit in a circle, introducing yourselves, go join Alcohol Anonymous!!! ••• It is the responsibility of people posting i.e. links, to make certain such is in good faith believed to be topical, and for the poster to summarize and explain why it's topical. Otherwise Mod's may summarily remove such posts at their discretion. • This is NOT a General Chat. ° No need to introduce yourself, nor greet others; whereas "lurking"/idling is fine. - Go fill the scrollback with hi-hello ping-pong somewhere else like what has been the cesspit of #offtopic:matrix.org . Put your greetings within a topical message! — https://www.nohello.com/?m=0 — Such is not part of room norm's. Expression of gratitude IS part of the room norm' culture we foster, to re-normalize such. Reactions are generally okay, but no standalone greetings. ° And in i.e. our Tech' Rooms, the "brb" thing is NOT okay, nor letting us know of your status in a room message, nor changing your Display Name to show you are eating a piece of toast in a urinal. Basically NO ONE CARES, it's orthogonal/unrelated to whatever you are asking and doesn't help you solve that problem, plus just annoyingly wastes our time so we're less likely to answer! Matrix has improved things from 1988 when IRC is said to have been incepted. If you are in a room, you won't miss what happened when you are offline (unless you have an E2EE problem). So don't announce you are /away. But if you think you must,Matrix already has a Custom Status Message, shown i.e. in the userlist/memberlist, on Element-web, click your Avatar next to the textbox/textarea. Use THAT instead, for anyone who might care. There needs to be a modern Matrix update, but the concept has been around for a while: https://bisqwit.iki.fi/jutut/away.html ° "Don't ask to ask! Just ask." https://dontasktoask.com • It's just noise in the signal-to-noise thing and off-topic clutter in the scroll-back that serves no purpose in helping people help each other find answers. • Don't bring us some supposed solution and expect us to make it fit your problem. See: The XY Problem http://xyproblem.info/ ° Again, this just leads to BULLSHIT screen-clutter and useless chat. • Also, do not send new-messages in rapid-fire race-to-send IRC-style before finishing a thought. Your BFF-Jill is NOT in here. And EDIT instead of sending new- correction messages. If you would rather be on IRC, no one is stopping you. Edit, and on desktop/laptop/et cetera, use <shift>+<enter> instead of sending, and set the mobile client to not send on <enter>. CONSOLIDATE instead of leaving 30 messages in the scrollback, where 1 would do just fine. Practice sending well formed messages, or editing, in some other room, making your own if need be. Some have used #test:matrix.org but do NOT play with your "shiny new thing" up in here!!! See Also, i.e. item 2, here: https://pics.me.me/annoying-typing-habits-i-l337-speak-2-enter-key-h3110-11638212.png • DNF(t)T/DNFtT/DNFT!!! Nod's gon' Thanos (wipe away without a trace) the sockpuppeting trolls, at their earliest convenience. Adding to the drama they bring makes you part of the trollfest problem, and maybe a co-conspirator to be Thanos-ed. We are Moderators. Expect us. ••• In rooms with RSS/Atom Feeds, the RSS 'Bot may provide very helpful info' at times, and offer discussion starters. We Mod's do not care if you dislike them. Disregard or /ignore them if you must. But no unappreciative, disruptive, malcontent Concern Troll FUD meta-chat (chat about the chat) is allowed; you can LEAVE and join the cesspit of #offtopic:matrix.org !!! • It is polite to ASK in the room BEFORE inviting someone into a Direct Chat Message. This is EXPECTED before inviting Mod's, and futile AFTER being banned. Can't behave in the room, we won't waste our time in an individual temper-tantrum time-out hand-holding fidget-spinner participation-trophy session. Full stop. ••• Room is "logged" & "World Readable": https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23fosh:matrix.org ••• "Open Source Hardware, DIY & CNC Desktop Fabrication - Self Support Community" [Open Source Hardware, DIY & CNC Desktop Fabrication - Self Support Community](https://matrix.to/#/!OFgmAhgZPLssJPZqSO:matrix.org) ° https://matrix.to/#/!OFgmAhgZPLssJPZqSO:matrix.org ° !OFgmAhgZPLssJPZqSO:matrix.org ••••°§¦70 Servers

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2 Jul 2024
@lyberta:matrix.org@lyberta:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:11:57
@lyberta:matrix.org@lyberta:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:12:46
@vondutch:matrix.org@vondutch:matrix.orgjust to let you know I don't own nor will I own a cell phone20:13:02
@vondutch:matrix.org@vondutch:matrix.organd I like my cars with carburetors and points20:13:10
@lyberta:matrix.org@lyberta:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:13:15
@vondutch:matrix.org@vondutch:matrix.orgyes, I mess with computers a lot but still20:13:25
@lyberta:matrix.org@lyberta:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:13:47
@lyberta:matrix.org@lyberta:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:15:00
@vondutch:matrix.org@vondutch:matrix.orgyou think modifying your body will make you a billionaire?20:15:44
@vondutch:matrix.org@vondutch:matrix.orgI have bad news for you20:15:54
@vondutch:matrix.org@vondutch:matrix.orgbillionaires are about to become very uncomfortable......20:16:13
@lyberta:matrix.org@lyberta:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:16:21
@vondutch:matrix.org@vondutch:matrix.organd forcing things on people is part of the problem20:16:32
@vondutch:matrix.org@vondutch:matrix.orgfrankly you sound really young and super retarded20:16:48
@vondutch:matrix.org@vondutch:matrix.orgI remember all the singularity hype decades ago20:17:10
@vondutch:matrix.org@vondutch:matrix.orgit's like cheap nuclear fusion20:17:23
@lyberta:matrix.org@lyberta:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:17:24
@vondutch:matrix.org@vondutch:matrix.orgwell, I hope you enjoy being the cell phone and robot for pedophile Satanists20:19:20
@lyberta:matrix.org@lyberta:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:21:34
@vondutch:matrix.org@vondutch:matrix.orgcan you stop flagging me for every response20:22:00
@lyberta:matrix.org@lyberta:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:22:13
@vondutch:matrix.org@vondutch:matrix.orgI'm sure you'll make a billion dollars shilling singularity shit from github on a near dead matrix Open Source Hardware room20:26:39
@lyberta:matrix.org@lyberta:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:27:37
4 Jul 2024
@lyberta:matrix.org@lyberta:matrix.org left the room.05:55:28
@kent_n:matrix.org@kent_n:matrix.org joined the room.08:50:28
@kent_n:matrix.org@kent_n:matrix.org left the room.09:08:43
@passiflora-system:matrix.orgpassiflora-system joined the room.11:02:43
@linuxper5:matrix.orglinuxper5 joined the room.22:13:22
@cdnpup:bark.lgbt@cdnpup:bark.lgbt left the room.19:37:37
@linuxper5:matrix.orglinuxper5does anyone use qubes here22:13:35

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