
Bolsonaro Presidente #1

235 Members
Grupo de apoio à reeleição de Bolsonaro. - Em razão da criptografia da sala, ao entrar, você verá apenas os posts a partir de sua entrada. - A sala é pública, ajude-nos, compartilhe o link para que mais pessoas tomem conhecimento do Element. - Grupo no Signal: https://signal.group/#CjQKIJebDU_PA1CwvcaVFfcYr0vPT6Tk3C7u6aFWT1ecyVj1EhB7CyNLJdvna-IxQ-us2HR27 Servers

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14 Aug 2023
@quinto-elemento:nitro.chat@quinto-elemento:nitro.chat left the room.04:28:43
18 Aug 2023
@coltt77:matrix.org@coltt77:matrix.org left the room.16:20:15
22 Aug 2023
@pereirah:matrix.org@pereirah:matrix.org left the room.11:54:15
8 Sep 2023
@gomeszz:matrix.orgGasparzinho joined the room.17:33:01
9 Sep 2023
@betomandu:matrix.org@betomandu:matrix.org joined the room.01:55:44
@betomandu:matrix.org@betomandu:matrix.org left the room.02:47:24
23 Sep 2023
@petecampbell:matrix.orgpetecampbell joined the room.17:58:03
25 Sep 2023
@mrfalcon2:matrix.org@mrfalcon2:matrix.org left the room.00:27:24
6 Oct 2023
@lolidev:matrix.org@lolidev:matrix.org joined the room.23:50:50
10 Oct 2023
@oztexugo:halogen.city@oztexugo:halogen.city left the room.22:15:55
13 Oct 2023
@ancapshooter:matrix.org@ancapshooter:matrix.org joined the room.20:06:07
@ancapshooter:matrix.org@ancapshooter:matrix.org left the room.20:06:57
29 Oct 2023
@edercabral:matrix.orgedercabral joined the room.22:31:30
13 Nov 2023
@ruylobo:matrix.org@ruylobo:matrix.org joined the room.15:10:47
23 Nov 2023
@spike/369:matrix.orgspike/369 joined the room.20:24:57
27 Nov 2023
@lratiobozo:matrix.orglratiobozo joined the room.01:12:13
6 Dec 2023
@processo:matrix.org@processo:matrix.org left the room.14:52:25
9 Dec 2023
@victoriacecilia:matrix.org@victoriacecilia:matrix.org joined the room.21:35:12
@victoriacecilia:matrix.org@victoriacecilia:matrix.org left the room.21:38:11
16 Dec 2023
@virgilneto:matrix.org@virgilneto:matrix.org joined the room.17:45:25
@virgilneto:matrix.org@virgilneto:matrix.org joined the room.18:22:53
17 Dec 2023
@virgilneto:matrix.org@virgilneto:matrix.org left the room.05:38:04
31 Dec 2023
@ruylobo:matrix.org@ruylobo:matrix.org left the room.04:53:52
9 Feb 2024
@jhon117:matrix.orgJJ changed their display name from João Fidellis to JJ.21:38:30
7 Apr 2024
@gmail.com.br:matrix.org@gmail.com.br:matrix.org left the room.16:53:16
13 Apr 2024
@lucijo:matrix.org@lucijo:matrix.org left the room.12:42:14
17 Jun 2024
@acarol:matrix.orgGalit changed their display name from Alexa to Galit.18:52:40
@acarol:matrix.orgGalit changed their profile picture.18:54:24
16 Jul 2024
@lolidev:matrix.org@lolidev:matrix.org left the room.22:13:45
21 Jul 2024
@jhon117:matrix.orgJJ changed their profile picture.23:46:48

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