Sender | Message | Time |
24 Oct 2023 | ||
muzimuzhi | In reply to and maybe even need to be before releasing. | 19:02:48 |
muzimuzhi | In reply to* I think #1239 and #1240 need to be resolved before a new release. | 19:03:43 |
muzimuzhi | * I think #1238 and #1240 need to be resolved before a new release. | 19:04:17 |
29 Oct 2023 | ||
निरंजन left the room. | 05:59:00 | |
7 Nov 2023 | ||
Qrrbrbirlbel | In reply to @muzzi:matrix.orgMostly because I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to Git(Hub). I just wanted to clean up my profile and didn't think about what that means for #1179 and #1182. I didn't release this kills the PR. But I also didn't think they're still “active” or considered. But they're part of tikz-ext and I would need to check for how it interacts with old documents if we want to include them in PGF/TikZ. I would also put #1287 in my package if it were my code. I don't know how I found the original issue but it's such an old bug and had such an easy fix, I was impatient. I guess, tikz-sloped is also not set up correctly, because that's also the main branch and it's actually named like a branch … | 20:59:37 |
8 Nov 2023 | ||
Qrrbrbirlbel | * In reply to Qrrbrbirlbel: Hi I saw two of your PRs (#1179 and #1182) were closed last week due to deletion of the head repository (your pgf fork, now invalid). It seems then you re-created a pgf fork ( for PR #1287 (maybe because the default branch "master" in your fork is used as the head branch in #1287), thus I'm guessing you might still want to contribute the closed two PRs in the future? Mostly because I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to Git(Hub). I just wanted to clean up my profile and didn't think about what that means for #1179 and #1182. I didn't realize this kills the PR. But I also didn't think they're still “active” or considered. But they're part of tikz-ext and I would need to check for how it interacts with old documents if we want to include them in PGF/TikZ. I would also put #1287 in my package if it were my code. I don't know how I found the original issue but it's such an old bug and had such an easy fix, I was impatient. I guess, tikz-sloped is also not set up correctly, because that's also the main branch and it's actually named like a branch … | 17:48:14 |
11 Dec 2023 | ||
matrix-t2bot joined the room. | 15:57:34 | |
19 Jan 2024 | ||
Manis joined the room. | 21:49:02 | |
20 Jan 2024 | ||
Manis | Hi. I've seen it's quite silent in here, but maybe somebody has an idea: I'm struggling to get /pgfplots/table/string replace* to work; it only replaces digits in numbers but not words in a string. Is this the expected behaviour? | 09:03:46 |
marei | In reply to @manis:matrix.orgNo, but if I remember correctly it's by default not applied to the header, as it's using the preprocessor in case you use it as an option to the whole table. | 09:26:26 |
Manis | marei: I don't have headers in this case. I'm trying to apply some abbreviation(s) to the string values read from a file's first column. | 09:27:35 |
marei |
| 09:34:01 |
marei | works as expected. first line isn't replaced, second is | 09:34:15 |
Manis | Hmm, yeah, interesting. I just tried to throw together a MWE and it worked, too :headscratch:
| 09:35:10 |
Manis | AHA! | 09:36:57 |
Manis | It does not work when text indicator is used. | 09:37:08 |
Manis | cf.
| 09:37:13 |
marei | I'd expect that one to add grouping, and that would explain why it doesn't work. | 09:50:57 |
Manis | Shouldn't the quotes be removed before the cell's contents are further processed? | 09:55:23 |
marei | They are. But changed to a group. -> I send you a direct message with an example guess we shouldn't spam that channel too much | 09:56:11 |
Manis | OK, thank you. | 09:56:26 |
hmenke | In reply to @marei:im.f3l.deDiscussion about how to use pgfplotstable is not spam. This is literally what the channel is for. Please feel free to continue here. | 10:29:21 |
marei | Okay, thanks for clarifying, i was not sure as we were at some specific example at that point. - but actually i now learned, that the text indicator add grouping which is quite nice to know. | 10:31:08 |
Manis | Yeah, it came as a surprise to me. | 10:34:20 |
Manis | I expected it to behave in a more CSV way to prevent separators inside the text indicator to split fields. | 10:34:55 |
Manis | I don't know if it makes sense, since AFAIK {} in the table data also create groups, don't they? | 10:35:50 |
Manis | If I want to string replace*={ }{\,} , do I need to expand \, first? | 10:54:19 |
Manis | As it is, it replaces [space] with a literal \, | 10:54:35 |
Manis | * As it is, it replaces [space] with \, verbatim. | 10:54:44 |
Manis | I solved this thing outside of TeX. I'll just add the thin spaces in the input file already. | 11:11:02 |