24 Jan 2022 |
bigbroc | Maybe just to fulfill “every drawing operation in pgf is basically a \path ?” | 21:53:03 |
25 Jan 2022 |
muzimuzhi | In reply to @bigbroc:nerdsin.space Maybe just to fulfill “every drawing operation in pgf is basically a \path ?” I guess so. | 13:22:40 |
26 Jan 2022 |
hmenke | bigbroc: Asking about design decisions is always difficult because Till is not here and none of us was involved in most of the original development. | 13:31:00 |
samcarter | In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org bigbroc: Asking about design decisions is always difficult because Till is not here and none of us was involved in most of the original development. My personal conspiracy theory is that COVID was invented just to safe Till from having to answer all my why-does-beamer-questions at the 2020 Dante meeting :) | 13:58:36 |
30 Jan 2022 |
muzimuzhi | In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org muzimuzhi: What do you think about requiring Conventional Commits for PGF? hmenke: Since Conventional Commits has been applied for a while with a tacit agreement, maybe it's time to mention and require it in PR template. This could save us from reminding new contributors. | 18:36:41 |
hmenke | muzimuzhi: Yes, we could certainly formalize the requirements for commit messages a bit. | 19:15:40 |
hmenke | muzimuzhi: What you pushed was exactly the same that I pushed. Only my changelog update got lost, but I quickly cherry-picked that on top of your branch. | 19:32:33 |
muzimuzhi | In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org muzimuzhi: What you pushed was exactly the same that I pushed. Only my changelog update got lost, but I quickly cherry-picked that on top of your branch. I was too sensitive to "Run failed" emails 😢 | 20:57:05 |
muzimuzhi | In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org muzimuzhi: Yes, we could certainly formalize the requirements for commit messages a bit. Perhaps also a note like
for simple manual typo corrections it's as easy as starting your commit message with doc: (or fix: ? i'm not sure)
since most new contributions are manual typo fixing
| 21:01:12 |
muzimuzhi | In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org muzimuzhi: Yes, we could certainly formalize the requirements for commit messages a bit. * Perhaps also a note like
for simple manual typo corrections it's as easy as starting your commit message with doc: (or fix: ? i'm not sure)
since <s>most</p> a large portion of new contributions are manual typo fixing
| 21:04:39 |
muzimuzhi | * Perhaps also a note like
for simple manual typo corrections it's as easy as starting your commit message with doc: (or fix: ? i'm not sure)
since <s>most</s> a large portion of new contributions are manual typo fixing
| 21:04:46 |
Romano Giannetti | Hi --- I am not sure what the protocol is here... so please don't kill me. First post here, hi everybody | 21:27:43 |
Romano Giannetti | So, I was looking to a strange artifact in circuitikz, and I found this... which is clearly operator error (do not fill an open path), but it surprised me. | 21:29:19 |
Romano Giannetti |
| 21:29:39 |
Romano Giannetti | *
| 21:29:48 |
Romano Giannetti | * \documentclass[margin=1cm]{standalone}
% \pgfpathclose
\draw[] (0,0) -- node[what] {} ++(0,-2);
\draw[red, shorten <=.5cm] (1,0) -- node[what] {} ++(0,-2);
\draw[blue,shorten <=.5cm] (2,0) -- node[draw] {} ++(0,-2);
| 21:30:03 |
Romano Giannetti | There is an artifact in the red line, which disappears if I uncomment the pgfpathclose or remove the shorten . This does not happen with the stock shapes, so there must be something I'm doing wrong that I miss. | 21:32:27 |
Romano Giannetti | Download ksnip_20220130-223259.png | 21:33:19 |
Romano Giannetti | using backgroundpath or other layers does not change anything... | 21:34:16 |
31 Jan 2022 |
muzimuzhi | In reply to @r_mano:matrix.org
% \pgfpathclose
\draw[] (0,0) -- node[what] {} ++(0,-2);
\draw[red, shorten <=.5cm] (1,0) -- node[what] {} ++(0,-2);
\draw[blue,shorten <=.5cm] (2,0) -- node[draw] {} ++(0,-2);
shorten <=.5cm is applied when the node shape is drawn. Yes this option (and shorten > ) takes effect even when the path has no arrows. Without \pgfpathclose , you can also use \pgfsetshortenstart{0pt} \pgfsetshortenend{0pt} to do the resetting in pgf level.
PS: Commenting out the second \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{-4pt}{0pt}} and using node[what, draw=black] help me figure out what's really wrong.
| 00:03:29 |
muzimuzhi | In reply to @r_mano:matrix.org
% \pgfpathclose
\draw[] (0,0) -- node[what] {} ++(0,-2);
\draw[red, shorten <=.5cm] (1,0) -- node[what] {} ++(0,-2);
\draw[blue,shorten <=.5cm] (2,0) -- node[draw] {} ++(0,-2);
* shorten <=.5cm is applied when the node shape is drawn. Yes this option (and shorten > ) takes effect even when the path has no arrows. Without \pgfpathclose , you can also use \pgfsetshortenstart{+0pt} \pgfsetshortenend{+0pt} to do the resetting in pgf level. The plus sign is a pgfmath trick so it knows the math-expr is only a simple value and the parsing will be quicker.
PS: Commenting out the second \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{-4pt}{0pt}} and using node[what, draw=black] help me figure out what's really wrong.
| 00:06:29 |