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13 Jan 2023
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhisound good14:38:09
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi * sounds good14:38:17
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeIf the release builds fine on my fork, I'll push it to pgf-tikz later and we'll have a new release on CTAN by the end of the weekend.14:43:29
In reply to @muzzi:matrix.org
Having no idea why the use in pgfmanual worked before.
See the why part in https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/981.
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhiNot surprisingly, rolling back just opens many more possibilities, hence is hard (or, complex?).15:23:56
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi * Not surprisingly, rolling back just opens many more (orthogonal) possibilities, hence is hard (or, complex?).16:06:26
14 Jan 2023
In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org
If the release builds fine on my fork, I'll push it to pgf-tikz later and we'll have a new release on CTAN by the end of the weekend.

The release workflow failed at step "CTAN: Validate" with

In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org
If the release builds fine on my fork, I'll push it to pgf-tikz later and we'll have a new release on CTAN by the end of the weekend.

The release workflow failed at step "CTAN: Validate" with

Do you want to upload to CTAN? [y/n]
> ...xlive/2022/texmf-dist/scripts/l3build/l3build-upload.lua:213: bad argument #1 to 'lower' (string expected, got nil)
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi *

The release workflow failed at step "CTAN: Validate" with

Do you want to upload to CTAN? [y/n]
> ...xlive/2022/texmf-dist/scripts/l3build/l3build-upload.lua:213: bad argument #1 to 'lower' (string expected, got nil)

when running l3build upload --dry-run --date "$tagdate" "$tagname". See https://github.com/hmenke/pgf/actions/runs/3913264885/jobs/6688947232

Not sure if it's l3build's fault.

@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi The context is https://github.com/latex3/l3build/blob/34f616b8d8cf650d74da770458415d94894fe50c/l3build-upload.lua#L208-L215. My guess is that setting variable ctanupload to true may help. WIll check locally after I learn how to use l3build upload. 01:49:02
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi *

The context is https://github.com/latex3/l3build/blob/34f616b8d8cf650d74da770458415d94894fe50c/l3build-upload.lua#L208-L215.

      print("Do you want to upload to CTAN? [y/n]" )
      local answer=""
      io.stdout:write("> ")
      if(lower(answer,1,1)=="y") then

My guess is that setting variable ctanupload to true may help. WIll check locally after I learn how to use l3build upload.

@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi *

The context is https://github.com/latex3/l3build/blob/34f616b8d8cf650d74da770458415d94894fe50c/l3build-upload.lua#L208-L215.

      print("Do you want to upload to CTAN? [y/n]" )
      local answer=""
      io.stdout:write("> ")
      if(lower(answer,1,1)=="y") then

My guess is that setting variable ctanupload to true in config.lua may help. WIll check locally after I learn how to use l3build upload.


The release workflow failed at step "CTAN: Validate" with

Do you want to upload to CTAN? [y/n]
> ...xlive/2022/texmf-dist/scripts/l3build/l3build-upload.lua:213: bad argument #1 to 'lower' (string expected, got nil)

when running l3build upload --dry-run --date "$tagdate" "$tagname".

Strange. With --dry-run set, lua variable ctanupload is set false [1] hence the branch of code containing print("Do you want to upload to CTAN? [y/n]" ) should be skipped [2].

[1] https://github.com/latex3/l3build/blob/2022-11-10/l3build-upload.lua#L73-L79
[2] https://github.com/latex3/l3build/blob/2022-11-10/l3build-upload.lua#L191-L216


My guess is that setting variable ctanupload to true in config.lua may help.

l3build maintainers suggested the same setting in https://github.com/latex3/l3build/issues/247. Thus I think this is the correct "how" part. It may take more time to find the "why" part (why it worked before, what has changed since then, etc.)

hmenke Would you mind applying

diff --git a/build.lua b/build.lua
index bff18b23..7bf4f678 100644
--- a/build.lua
+++ b/build.lua
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ checkconfigs = { "build", "config-gd" }
 maxprintline = 9999

 -- For release
-ctanupload = true
 ctanzip = "pgf.ctan.flatdir"
 packtdszip = true

and try again? I didn't have GPG keys set hence could not test in my fork.

@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi *

My guess is that setting variable ctanupload to true in config.lua may help.

l3build maintainers suggested the same setting in https://github.com/latex3/l3build/issues/247. Thus I think this is the correct "how" part. It may take more time to find the "why" part (why it worked before, what has changed since then, etc.)

hmenke Would you mind applying

diff --git a/build.lua b/build.lua
index 7bf4f678..bff18b23 100644
--- a/build.lua
+++ b/build.lua
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ checkconfigs = { "build", "config-gd" }
 maxprintline = 9999
 -- For release
+ctanupload = true
 ctanzip = "pgf.ctan.flatdir"
 packtdszip = true

and try again? I didn't have GPG keys set hence could not test in my fork.

@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi *

My guess is that setting variable ctanupload to true in config.lua may help.

l3build maintainers suggested the same setting in https://github.com/latex3/l3build/issues/247. Thus I think this is the correct "how" part. It may take more time to find the "why" part (why it worked before, what has changed since then, etc.)

hmenke Would you mind applying

diff --git a/build.lua b/build.lua
index 7bf4f678..bff18b23 100644
--- a/build.lua
+++ b/build.lua
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ checkconfigs = { "build", "config-gd" }
 maxprintline = 9999
 -- For release
+ctanupload = true
 ctanzip = "pgf.ctan.flatdir"
 packtdszip = true

and try again? This will involve tag deletion and re-addition. I didn't have GPG keys set hence could not test in my fork.

@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi Here comes the "why" part: a l3build bug, see https://github.com/latex3/l3build/issues/264
So the "how" part is just a short-term workaround.
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhiAnother obstacle, hopefully it will be the last one: https://github.com/latex3/l3build/issues/26515:52:40
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi *

Another obstacle, hopefully it will be the last one: https://github.com/latex3/l3build/issues/265

Update: Not really an obstacle because echo 'y' | l3build upload ... will work around it.

15 Jan 2023
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhiRedacted or Malformed Event04:28:57

A commit (based on hmenke/master) shows a workaround for above limitations in l3build 2022-11-10.

To test with it, after rebasing, cherry-picking, and retagging and before force pushing, you may need to delete https://github.com/hmenke/pgf/releases/tag/3.1.10 first.

@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeIt is done: https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/releases/tag/3.1.1009:38:10
In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org
Farewell, experiments/

(a message I should have sent at the time)

Another two dir named experimental:

$ find . -type d -name 'experimental'

Quick digging shows these experimental code files are related to an experimental graphdrawing library envolving, contributed by mskambath with no email, back to 2016. Related commits are:

  • e7f9df5c (added experimental sources for animated gd for trees, 2016-08-10)
  • 82916fb3 (Created an experimental tikzlibrary for the gd-library 'evolving', 2016-08-15)
  • 46b0e901 (Fixed a bug (declaration of a missing counter) in tikzlibrarygraphdrawing.evolving.code.tex, 2016-08-16)
  • 51c328f4 (worked on implementation of the efficient algorithm, 2016-08-19)
In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org

I think in the future <type>(<scope>): ... should be listed as

### <type>

- <scope>: ...

(another message popped from my backlog memory)

One practice I saw in ohmyzsh: Accompanied with a strict commit message format, ohmyzsh uses changelog.sh, a zsh script to automatically generate changelog from commit messages.

Download image.png
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeI think that's a bit too much magic, especially considering our rather low throughput.20:17:45
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeMandatory XKCD: https://xkcd.com/1319/20:18:19
In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org
I think that's a bit too much magic, especially considering our rather low throughput.
can't argue In a whole leaving some work to do manually is not that inefficient. :D
In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org
I think that's a bit too much magic, especially considering our rather low throughput.
* can't argue. In a whole leaving some work to do manually is not that inefficient. :D
16 Jan 2023
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi *

My guess is that setting variable ctanupload to true in config.lua may help.

l3build maintainers suggested the same setting in https://github.com/latex3/l3build/issues/247. Thus I think this is the correct "how" part. It may take more time to find the "why" part (why it worked before, what has changed since then, etc.)

hmenke Would you mind applying

diff --git a/build.lua b/build.lua
index 7bf4f678..bff18b23 100644
--- a/build.lua
+++ b/build.lua
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ checkconfigs = { "build", "config-gd" }
 maxprintline = 9999
 -- For release
+ctanupload = false
 ctanzip = "pgf.ctan.flatdir"
 packtdszip = true

and try again? This will involve tag deletion and re-addition. I didn't have GPG keys set hence could not test in my fork.


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