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23 Jan 2025
@chrowe:matrix.orgchroweHey all, this was me. I did restore from a back.18:26:05
@chrowe:matrix.orgchroweAs part of my effort to investigate the high server load issues we were having I noticed that the stack running Wordpress is very old and was trying to update it. In the process I deleted the Wordpress database so had to restore the server from a disk backup. Before doing so I put the forum in read only mode, made a backup, and then restored from that backup after restoring from the disk backup. Thinking that this would not cause any issues I never reported this. That was last Friday, so I guess this was an issue for a few days.18:31:06
24 Jan 2025
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstenta Ah good to know it was only a few days. Thanks for the update @chrowe:matrix.org! 11:52:59
@jgaehring:matrix.orgjgaehringI've been meaning to come back to this, are there other folks still interested in looking into some of these concepts? Maybe as the deep dive for the next community call, or just an ad hoc gathering to geek out? As yet another misadventure with my "white whale" of decentralized farmOS, I started a lil draft of what a supplementary farmOS implementation might look like if it took a distributed approach right from the start (any feedback welcomed!): https://github.com/runrig-coop/runrig-farmos15:16:48
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeI've show up to get a walk through for sure if you do meet15:37:56
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathree Hi GOATs... Juliet mstenta ... there's lots of changes impacting the federal government right now, and it's all in flux. I thought it may be helpful to set up a meeting for people to share what they know and provide both informational and emotional support. I think doing it soon (early next week) is important for it to be useful. It doesn't need to be repeating IMO, but I think it could help us all navigate and brainstorm. What do you think? 17:28:22
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeFor example I feel we've learned a lot and can share in a kind of anonymized fashion that could be helpful.17:28:46
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeI also wonder if we could include some people from other spaces affected, at least the GOSH community for example.17:29:00
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreesince some lessons may be broad, and some may be specific.17:29:12
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeI would not, though, want it recorded and honestly I wouldn't really even want it to be published on the forum. More word of mouth. 17:29:51
28 Jan 2025
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstentaApparently the farmOS OpenCollective can't contribute directly to the GOAT OpenCollective (because they have different fiscal hosts)... :-/13:25:38
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstenta(Trying to contribute to the Pasa Booth)13:26:07
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstentaFound this: https://docs.opencollective.com/help/financial-contributors/collective-to-collective13:26:30
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstentaSuggests that I can submit an expense as GOAT to the farmOS OC, but that doesn't work either.13:26:47

This Expense is between different Hosts but the Payer Host is not allowed for this yet. If it's an issue, contact the Host or Open Collective support.

@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeAre folks aware of this https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/27/us/politics/white-house-pauses-federal-grants.html?unlocked_article_code=1.sk4.mNKR.KWJCDEVWJ7X0&smid=url-share13:29:34
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeMaybe just go through barnowl.13:30:29
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeSo take out money from farmos13:30:37
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeVia barnowl13:30:42
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeAnd contribute to goat13:30:48
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathree Semra Fetahovic I am looking to set a meeting on Friday at 1pm today, and would like some organizing help. It's on the topic of the recent US government changes - a chance for folks to share and think and learn together. Could you ping me when you're up and about? I don't think I want to post a public link on the forum, but do want to get the word out broadly. 13:37:33
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstenta gbathree: Can you give it a quick try on your end first? Try to submit an expense to farmOS for the 2025 GOAT booth. 13:47:32
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstentaI imagine you'll see the same message, but worth a try.13:47:44
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstentaI also sent a message to OC to see if they can help.13:52:45
@semrafetahovic:matrix.orgSemra FetahovicSorry I missed this! Yes I am down to help spread the word. 1pm ET works for me.17:10:55
@semrafetahovic:matrix.orgSemra Fetahovic

Hi all - I think many of us have been experiencing the funding and program shifts occurring in the US government. We have had programs cancelled (then uncancelled) through the USDA for example, and I'm sure some of you have had similar experiences in other agencies, or maybe you want to better understand what's going on.

Well - on Friday at 1pm EST there will be a meeting which crosses community boundaries to share stories and experiences about these changes. My hope is this helps us feel less alone, more informed, but also share important lessons and maybe even find strategies to get through it. This meeting is a space for us to:

  • Share your experiences
  • Learn from others and find commonalities to help make better decisions individually
  • Find strategies that can work going forward individually or together.
    Join the calendar link here (https://calendar.app.google/yMuBiZmnNGyqzucJ7) to attend (meeting link is in the notes).

Please forward to others who may find this valuable, but try not to share the calendar link publicly please. Hope you can make it!

29 Jan 2025

Wow friends, 34 folks already signed up!! Looking forward to the discussion, and Semra Fetahovic I think we should talk about the best way to ensure this is productive and well facilitated. I might even send out an agenda ahead just to prime everyone, because people I think are coming for a wide range of reasons and expectations.

Looking forward to the conversation!


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