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28 Dec 2023
Download 1000005574.jpg
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlockCool shit but have to show the tree as well then xD12:48:11
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlock * Cool shit but have to show the tree as well then 12:51:26
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlock * Cool shit but have to show the tree as well then :)12:51:38
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlock * Cool shit but have to show the tree as well then 12:51:43
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlock * Cool shit but have to show the tree as well then :)12:59:42
29 Dec 2023
@cwfitzgerald:matrix.orgcwfitzgerald norlock: 02:05:27
Download 1000005578.jpg
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid HuculakCute tree 04:51:26
2 Jan 2024
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlock David Huculak: How do you determine where you add reflections on the material and where not? I don't see that the gltf loader has a texture for that? 17:19:16
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlock * David Huculak: How do you determine where you add environment reflections on the material and where not? I don't see that the gltf loader has a texture for that? 17:23:03
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid HuculakI guess to start you could take the metallicness to scale how much the reflection is visible and the roughness map to scale how much the reflection is blurred17:28:00
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid HuculakJust like in IBL/environment maps17:28:11
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid HuculakI assume you're talking about SSR17:28:27
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid Huculak1000006411.png
Download 1000006411.png
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlockEuh I have a very simple reflection shader now where I use the roughness to determine the reflection. But I guess I have to blur it, do you use mipmapping for that or irrediance map? Because I'm not sure what that really suppose to solve17:39:51
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlockIs what I do now17:40:38
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlock * Euh I have a very simple reflection shader now where I use the roughness to determine the reflection. But I guess I have to blur it, do you use mipmapping for that or irrediance map? Because I'm not sure what that really suppose to solve. But I tried to pass the env_color through the brdf function but it result was not good. I guess I make some mistakes17:43:39
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid HuculakI can't remember the exact specifics, but learnopengl has a great tutorial on pbr/IBL that explains it18:20:41
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid HuculakYou basically create a cube map as a lookup table for each environment which lets you look up the lighting for each roughness value and then another lookup table for the metallicness I think, then you combine them with some fancy math that I don't understand 18:21:51
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid HuculakAnd yeah mipmaps are involved for the different blur/roughness levels18:22:17
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlockah ok thanks, I will take a better look at the tutorial. I didnt really get the convolution map it was way too heavy to run even just for one frame it completely freezes for a second but I can improve that probably19:53:24
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid HuculakNo probs! You only need to generate the lookup tables once, meaning it can be done offline and saved to disk for quick loading. You could also time slice it (split the process up into small pieces and limit how many pieces you run per frame) if you want to prevent frame spikes19:58:14
@hastur:sigint.clubszatang joined the room.21:42:44
3 Jan 2024
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlockYes i might need to split up because it kind of freezes my pc everytime i resize. Or use less precise sampling16:02:53
@ralith:ralith.comRalithwhy are you recomputing it on resize?18:44:42
4 Jan 2024
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlockYeah i dont have to14:49:51
6 Jan 2024
@sofia-snow:matrix.org@sofia-snow:matrix.org left the room.22:02:12

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