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21 Nov 2023
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid Huculak
In reply to @timokoesters:fachschaften.org
This channel is too quiet, take this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ix_5wGZxwg
Thanks, I enjoyed
22 Nov 2023
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlock joined the room.18:45:27
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlockDoes anyone know here what to do if you import something from blender that looks huge in wgpu? It "seems" ok with my limited knowledge in blender18:46:17
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlockscale in blender is 1x1x1 18:47:15
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid HuculakDo u have a repo that produces the issue? I could take a look19:04:59
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid HuculakCould be caused by a number of different things19:05:25
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid HuculakMy first guess would be that the object you're comparing it to is actually really small19:05:54
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlockAh ok19:14:43
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlockI commit it here: https://github.com/Norlock/sparticles/tree/models. 19:16:20
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlockOn gltf viewer it seems fine: https://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com/ 19:16:56
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlock * On gltf viewer it seems fine: https://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com/ . https://github.com/Norlock/sparticles/blob/models/src/loader.rs code of loading gltf 19:18:34
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlock * On gltf viewer it seems fine: https://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com/ . https://github.com/Norlock/sparticles/blob/models/src/loader.rs code of loading gltf 19:47:57
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlock * On gltf viewer it seems fine: https://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com/ . https://github.com/Norlock/sparticles/blob/models/src/loader.rs code for loading gltf 19:48:10
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid Huculakit looks like your gltf loader isn't taking into account the transforms from the gltf nodes21:18:22
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid Huculakand the drone.glb model you're loading has a scale of 0.01 applied to it on one of the nodes21:19:57
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid Huculakimage.png
Download image.png
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlockOk I will have to look where I can find that, because the gltf-loader doesn't support that function21:26:43
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlockor is it morph targets?21:27:40
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid Huculakimage.png
Download image.png
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid Huculakyou'll want to call this transform() function on the nodes that you're loading as well as recursively multiply them with their parents to get the correct global transform21:33:35
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid Huculak * you'll want to call this transform() function on the nodes that you're loading as well as recursively multiply them with their parent nodes to get the correct global transform21:33:55
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlockAhhh thanks21:35:03
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid Huculakthis small pdf cheatsheet helped me out a lot when writing a gltf loader for my project: https://www.khronos.org/files/gltf20-reference-guide.pdf21:36:10
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlockYeah I just extracted the JSON from the GLB now which I could have done before as well :/. Cool I already had some other weird issues with other models21:37:39
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid Huculakif you convert your .glb to a .gltf there's a really nice vscode extension that makes it much easier to explore those json files + preview in vscode directly21:40:03
@davidhuculak:matrix.orgDavid Huculakhttps://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=cesium.gltf-vscode21:40:37
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlockI don't use vscode but maybe I can find some alternative for neovim / online21:45:32
@norlock:matrix.orgnorlock * I don't use vscode but maybe I can find some alternative online21:46:04

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