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chat for https://github.com/t3chguy/riot-static/ - test deployment at https://stormy-bastion-98790.herokuapp.com20 Servers

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17 Feb 2020
@vitorhugo:matrix.orgVitorOr do I just enable guests and have it as a guest in every room? 17:26:40
@vitorhugo:matrix.orgVitorHey, what is the "qtc" dependency?17:39:12
@vitorhugo:matrix.orgVitorCan't seem to find any packages for it on ubuntu17:39:22
@vitorhugo:matrix.orgVitornevermind, I'm not used to go. 17:41:06
@vitorhugo:matrix.orgVitorIt went into ~/go/bin/ after go get17:41:16
@bubu:bubu1.euBubu left the room.18:50:16
In reply to@vitorhugo:matrix.org
Or do I just enable guests and have it as a guest in every room?
Rooms need to be world-readable for matrix-static.
@x:riot.ovhMichael davo: or the user it uses has to be in the room 20:54:45
18 Feb 2020
@lars:matrix.linuxlars.netlinuxlars left the room.07:32:42
22 Feb 2020
@TimSmall:matrix.orgTimSmall left the room.22:00:04
25 Feb 2020
@stoically:matrix.orgstoic joined the room.13:02:12
27 Feb 2020
@firlevapz:matrix.orgfirlevapz joined the room.20:28:16
@firlevapz:matrix.orgfirlevapz Hello, I just tried to make the matrix-static work for a my new public-room here but it always returns a 404, could this be related to this issue with synapse regarding guest access/previews? 20:31:34
@firlevapz:matrix.orgfirlevapz I also dont understand, why matrix-static is available as a gues user in riot.im app, see here but my room is not available without a login, see here - is something misconfigured or could it be a federation problem or something else? - thanks for you help! 20:33:27
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRthere's a bug with the thing, you just need a trailing slash: https://view.matrix.org/room/!hdCXmWcRKMebtqKfbc:matrix.org/20:33:59
In reply to @travis:t2l.io
there's a bug with the thing, you just need a trailing slash: https://view.matrix.org/room/!hdCXmWcRKMebtqKfbc:matrix.org/
ohhh, awesome!! :) thanks so much
@firlevapz:matrix.orgfirlevapz Still what i dont get is, why i cant see any previews as a guest for my room, but i do see the history e.g. for this channel in riot.im, see https://riot.im/app/#/room/!hdCXmWcRKMebtqKfbc:matrix.org?via=matrix.org 20:36:17
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR That would be a question for #riot-web:matrix.org 20:36:50
In reply to @travis:t2l.io
That would be a question for #riot-web:matrix.org
ok, thank you!
3 Mar 2020
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijs Michael (t3chguy): sorry to be a nag, is the release coming at some point? 16:08:04
4 Mar 2020

there's a bug with the thing, you just need a trailing slash…

firlevapz: FWIW it's generally recommended to scroll up™ in rooms, e.g.:


I suppose to fully flesh-out the bug-issue, a repo' reference would be nice, but I've got stuff to do IRL ATM.


6 Mar 2020
@apiyo4:matrix.orgapiyo4 joined the room.16:10:55
@jacamronknowsbest2020:matrix.orgKrixisKraxy28 joined the room.19:21:48
7 Mar 2020
8 Mar 2020
@portugol9:matrix.orgPortugol9 joined the room.06:12:42
10 Mar 2020
@tom:lant.uktom changed their profile picture.23:56:16
27 Mar 2020
@hech-bee:matrix.orghech-bee joined the room.00:59:57
2 Apr 2020
@rgb:dreyeck.freedombox.rocksrgb joined the room.05:18:22

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