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14 May 2018
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)you could abuse one of the neb's or one of Travis' bots for that :P16:37:56
@cadair:cadair.comCadairstatic is just CS API right? so it dosen't need special access to the HS?16:38:29
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)the former16:38:49
@cadair:cadair.comCadairI like the idea of abusing neb for it16:39:16
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)which is why its so slow on view.matrix.org, bcuz matrix.org CS API is sloow :P16:39:20
@cadair:cadair.comCadairinvite all the github bots16:39:22
@cadair:cadair.comCadairI feel like the horrific hack to work around the federation peeking issue is to have static try and register a guest account on whatever HS it's trying to look at (probably (and horrifically) based on room id)16:40:17
* @cadair:cadair.comCadair hides16:40:26
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)!github create "workaround federation inpeekability" "I feel like the horrific hack to work around the federation peeking issue is to have static try and register a guest account on whatever HS it's trying to look at (probably (and horrifically) based on room id) - Cadair"16:40:45
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)well I guess it could instead just try to join the room from a matrix.org user16:41:02
@_neb_github:matrix.orgGithubCreated issue: https://github.com/t3chguy/matrix-static/issues/6116:41:10
@cadair:cadair.comCadairthat would be nicer16:41:13
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)but then it wouldn't be honouring the "Anyone" attribute16:41:17
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)and wouldn't be peeking16:41:20
@cadair:cadair.comCadairif it's open to guest join then it's basically the same as "Anyone" right ?!!!!16:41:49
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)I guess, but those rooms still might not want to be logged without admin's explicit approval16:42:09
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)tbf16:42:13
@cadair:cadair.comCadairGuest == Anyone in Cadair's head16:42:14
@cadair:cadair.comCadairyeah that's fair16:42:22
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)I have plans to add a flow where you can invite the bot16:42:25
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)if you're an admin in a room16:42:28
@cadair:cadair.comCadairyes plz16:42:34
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)and then whether or not its Anyone it can log the room16:42:36
@cadair:cadair.comCadairthat would solve my problem in one very easy swoop16:42:43
@cadair:cadair.comCadairso static is just builds the page from the peek on demand right, it has no backend or storage of its own?16:44:12
* @cadair:cadair.comCadair ponders running static on netlify16:49:45
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)not quite sadly16:52:56
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)its a go backend which stores recent queries in memory16:53:10

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