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chat for https://github.com/t3chguy/matrix-static/ - deployed at https://view.matrix.org/21 Servers

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2 Jul 2019
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRThey'd rather bring the service back than fix the redirect21:21:36
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsthat makes a lot of sense21:21:56
* @x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy) wonders if bribing them with chocolate would work21:22:00
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)Their office is just an hour or so by tube away21:22:09
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsif it didn't take as long as it did21:22:09
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsactually, I really shouldn't be complaining21:22:19
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsthere's alltogether too much stuff to do21:22:29
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsand it's not like the matrix team is sitting on their asses doing nothing21:22:40
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRyou could probably bribe them into doing it - particularly if you have the resources. Would need chocolate for upper management and ops21:22:48
In reply to @x:riot.ovh
Their office is just an hour or so by tube away
if you could, that would be awesome
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)I might see some of them on Thursday at Frisbee, if it ends up happening21:23:45
In reply to @mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.com
and it's not like the matrix team is sitting on their asses doing nothing
it's also not a core team problem - it's an ops problem. The ops team is limited in what they can achieve in a given day, and unfortunately there's much higher priority tasks which need their daily attention right now.
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)I guess someone could always host an instance against the matrix.org hs21:24:23
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)Given that it is just a regular user account21:24:32
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsI meant it as a colloquial term for 'people working on matrix'21:24:33
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsbut I see how it could be interpreted as 'core team'21:24:50
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR Michael (t3chguy): as long as it doesn't wake someone up at 2am or raise a red flag, I'm sure it's fine. Having the official instance going would be more ideal though. 21:25:16
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsmatrix static doesn't seem like it's heavy to run, right?21:25:56
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)
W odpowiedzi do @travis:t2l.io
Michael (t3chguy): as long as it doesn't wake someone up at 2am or raise a red flag, I'm sure it's fine. Having the official instance going would be more ideal though.
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)It can create a lot of requests very quickly21:26:38
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)Go is surprisingly nimble at receiving requests and creating matrix api calls 😅21:26:59
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsdoes matrix static listen on port 80 by default?22:20:57
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsoh, I should read the readme :D22:21:16
16 Jul 2019
@TimSmall:matrix.orgTimSmall set a profile picture.09:56:54
@TimSmall:matrix.orgTimSmall changed their profile picture.09:58:46
@blzut3:maniacsvault.netBlzut3 joined the room.20:14:16
19 Jul 2019
@brad:koehn.comBrad Koehn joined the room.14:59:59
26 Jul 2019
@brad:koehn.comBrad Koehn I'm not sure I get it. I created an instance of matrix-static using the Docker image, generated a config.json for my homeserver, but how do I get it to serve a room? I tried inviting the user ID from the config file into a public room on my homeserver, but no joy. 15:13:53
@brad:koehn.comBrad Koehn Ah, ok, it seems to have located the room. Now if I can get the --public-serve-prefix=/foo/ to work. 15:36:24
@brad:koehn.comBrad Koehn It doesn't help that the command-line help shows it's -public-serve-prefix= (with one leading -). 15:37:17

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