
Self-hosting | Security | Sysadmin | Homelab | Programming

278 Members
#self-hosting : Discussion about self hosted or in-house applications and services for private cloud and privacy preservation use cases. Inspired by /r/selfhosted community on Reddit (no official affiliation.) Self Hosted Software Lists: https://tinyurl.com/awesome-self-hosted | https://tinyurl.com/awesome-rank-self-hosted | https://github.com/kahun/awesome-sysadmin | How to secure your self hosted services: https://tinyurl.com/securing-selfhosted General Self Hosting Tutorials: https://landchad.net/ Rules: - don't be disrespectful - no trolling - have fun66 Servers

481 users have interacted with this room.
Page 1
MXIDAvatarDisplay NamePower Level
@hcbot:matrix.org@hcbot:matrix.org🍄 HB|Funguy BotAdmin(100)
@hashborgir:mozilla.org@hashborgir:mozilla.org🍄 HB🍄Admin(100)
@peter:peterjin.org@peter:peterjin.orgPeter the Construction Worker 👷Moderator(50)
@m0veax:matrix.org@m0veax:matrix.orgm0veax 🥙Moderator(50)
@jmueller:matrix.jmueller.eu@jmueller:matrix.jmueller.eu1 JoniUser(0)