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7 Nov 2024
@setop:matrix.orgsetopdefinitely not in debug debug is enabled in "dev" and is very very verbose.10:15:42
@setop:matrix.orgsetop * definitely not in debug.
debug is enabled in "dev" and is very very verbose.
@neil:glasgow.socialneilThat's what I was hoping for but editing my .env and restarting the containers with sudo docker compose restart doesn't seem to work.. let me try making the postgres passwords wrong just to see if my changes are actually doing anything :/10:16:39
@setop:matrix.orgsetopyou must not only restart10:17:00
@setop:matrix.orgsetopyou must recreate them10:17:07
@setop:matrix.orgsetopenv is only taken when creating10:17:16
@setop:matrix.orgsetopthen it is immutable10:17:30
@setop:matrix.orgsetopof you must change the env from the inside of the container by modifying the entrypoint10:17:55
@neil:glasgow.socialneilWhat is the docker command to do that?10:18:03
@setop:matrix.orgsetopI usually use docker compose which does it automatically.10:18:29
@setop:matrix.orgsetopbut with bare docker10:18:35
@neil:glasgow.socialneilThat's what I thought I was doing.. docker compose restart isn't enough?10:18:43
@setop:matrix.orgsetopyou must delete the existing "api" container10:18:54
@setop:matrix.orgsetopthen docker run gain10:19:03
@setop:matrix.orgsetop * then docker run again 10:19:25
@setop:matrix.orgsetop * you must delete the existing "api" container (docker rm -f) 10:19:50
@javahippie:freiburg.socialjavahippie neil: To add to your other question: Debug Level logs work for us, but I'm not sure if a "docker compose restart" is sufficient to update the config, we used "docker compose down" and "docker compose up" and the config changes worked 10:19:52
@neil:glasgow.socialneilAh, so docker compose stop; docker compose rm; docker compose up -d10:21:44
@neil:glasgow.socialneilThank you setop, that was a vital step I was missing.. I have logs at least now!10:21:56
@setop:matrix.orgsetop event docker compose up -dwill detect change in in the container description and recreate it. 10:22:18
@setop:matrix.orgsetop * even docker compose up -dwill detect change in in the container description and recreate it. 10:22:42
@neil:glasgow.socialneilI thought so, but it complained containers need to be removed first10:22:55
@setop:matrix.orgsetopI might be lucky : I set the four env vars in docker and it worked out of the box for OVH mail.10:23:57
@neil:glasgow.socialneilActually, that did seem to work now, I must have started this incorrectly in the first place.10:24:57
@neil:glasgow.socialneilThanks all, that seems to have been my problem, not familiar enough with docker (and was forced to use it as I had a too old version of libc6 on my debian server)10:26:26
@cos:hacklab.ficosShouldn't restart == (down up)?10:27:49
@neil:glasgow.socialneilI think restart misses the remove step10:28:15
@neil:glasgow.socialneil(which is needed for the create)10:28:31
@setop:matrix.orgsetop maybe because you did not create it with composebut with run. 10:30:02
@setop:matrix.orgsetopin any case, yes it must be removed before creating.10:30:18

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