

280 Members
Gather, organize and mobilize yourselves with a convivial, ethical, and emancipating tool. https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon https://joinmobilizon.org English prefered, french allowed.85 Servers

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3 Feb 2025
@cos:hacklab.ficosSo the 'normal' use case is that user creates groups, and publishes via these groups instead of personal account?09:26:56
@cos:hacklab.ficosIMO it's too difficult for people coming from facebook. I'd prefer also federating regular account's events.. or automatically create a personal group for every account.11:27:39
@cos:hacklab.ficosI understand the rationale but we should be as easy as possible to compete with facebook. 11:28:27
@knightrider0xd:matrix.orgknightrider0xdThis sounds like a good idea to submit as a feature request.11:31:56
@cos:hacklab.ficosWhich one?11:34:38
@knightrider0xd:matrix.orgknightrider0xdAs I understand it though the goal is not to compete with Facebook on an individual-user-events level, but for coordinating events in community, so I don't know if allowing federating individual users' events will gain much traction/priority.11:35:49
@cos:hacklab.ficosI don't have strong opinion on which would be the better solution11:35:49
@cos:hacklab.ficosI've been selling Mobilizon as alternative to facebook events (whch is the de facto currently)11:39:33
@knightrider0xd:matrix.orgknightrider0xdI'd submit the general idea and in your feature request include both suggestions for how it might be realised.11:39:42
@knightrider0xd:matrix.orgknightrider0xdSpeaking of communicating to users, I noticed a bunch of documentation issues raised a few days ago. Is this something new contributors like me could help with? If so is there any additional context (I note mention of a January 24 meeting). Do I just submit a merge request to the documentation repo?11:49:44
@karshpolrev:matrix.orgKarsh Sahayare you saying there's no way to change to miles yet?15:58:17
@cos:hacklab.ficos no, setop said it's not implemented yet 15:58:58
@karshpolrev:matrix.orgKarsh Sahayok, thanks 15:59:16
@cos:hacklab.ficosshould be quite trivial to implement though15:59:17
@karshpolrev:matrix.orgKarsh Sahaygreat tool in any case15:59:25
@karshpolrev:matrix.orgKarsh SahayI appreciate the response15:59:29
4 Feb 2025
@douweb82:matrix.orgdouweb82 joined the room.06:25:35
@systd:matrix.orgsystd joined the room.14:35:26
@drbucket:matrix.orgBenjamin Kirik joined the room.17:29:05
@drbucket:matrix.orgBenjamin KirikRedacted or Malformed Event17:29:11
@drbucket:matrix.orgBenjamin KirikRedacted or Malformed Event17:29:49
@drbucket:matrix.orgBenjamin KirikRedacted or Malformed Event17:30:03
@drbucket:matrix.orgBenjamin KirikRedacted or Malformed Event17:30:25
5 Feb 2025
@rrbd1957:matrix.orgrrbd1957 joined the room.07:50:49
@mydemoaccount:matrix.orgmydemoaccount joined the room.08:32:59
@mydemoaccount:matrix.orgmydemoaccountJust wanted to say thanks for maintaining the project08:33:32
@mydemoaccount:matrix.orgmydemoaccountJust spun up an instance yesterday where I hope to plan events with my climbing group08:34:56
@cos:hacklab.ficosOther good news, I got e-mails working for my instance at last. I had to install an exim to relay the mails. 08:34:58
@mydemoaccount:matrix.orgmydemoaccountI really like the iCal integration08:35:12

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