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5 Feb 2025
adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP, 
relay: "email-smtp.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com", 
# usually 25 (clear), 465 (TLS) or 587 (STARTTLS) 
port: 587, 
username: "USERNAME", 
password: "PASSWORD", 
# can be `:always` or `:never` 
tls: :if_available, 
# not needed when using STARTTLS 
ssl: false, 
allowed_tls_versions: [:"tlsv1.2", :"tlsv1.3"], 
tls_options: [ 
  verify: :verify_peer, 
  versions: [:"tlsv1.2", :"tlsv1.3"], 
  cacerts: :public_key.cacerts_get(), 
  server_name_indication: "localhost", 
  depth: 99 
retries: 2, 
# can be `true` 
no_mx_lookups: false, 
# can be `:always`. If your smtp relay requires authentication set it to `:always`. 
auth: :if_available
@cos:hacklab.ficosI didn't figure out how to get mails working. I just installed an unauthenticated unencrypted exim in container next to mobilizon and send mails via that.13:26:25
@cos:hacklab.ficosOnly error I got from mobilizon's smtp library was "ArgumentError" which is useless for debugging. 13:28:21
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-jolosmy error is ```Feb 05 13:26:58 mobilizon mobilizon[1822]: ** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: <<0>> Feb 05 13:26:58 mobilizon mobilizon[1822]: (gen_smtp 1.2.0) /builds/framasoft/mobilizon/deps/gen_smtp/src/gen_smtp_client.erl:841: :gen_smtp_client.read_possible_multiline_reply/1 Feb 05 13:26:58 mobilizon mobilizon[1822]: (gen_smtp 1.2.0) /builds/framasoft/mobilizon/deps/gen_smtp/src/gen_smtp_client.erl:631: :gen_smtp_client.do_AUTH_each/5 Feb 05 13:26:58 mobilizon mobilizon[1822]: (gen_smtp 1.2.0) /builds/framasoft/mobilizon/deps/gen_smtp/src/gen_smtp_client.erl:556: :gen_smtp_client.try_AUTH/3 Feb 05 13:26:58 mobilizon mobilizon[1822]: (gen_smtp 1.2.0) /builds/framasoft/mobilizon/deps/gen_smtp/src/gen_smtp_client.erl:384: :gen_smtp_client.open_smtp_session/2 Feb 05 13:26:58 mobilizon mobilizon[1822]: (gen_smtp 1.2.0) /builds/framasoft/mobilizon/deps/gen_smtp/src/gen_smtp_client.erl:316: :gen_smtp_client.try_smtp_sessions/3 Feb 05 13:26:58 mobilizon mobilizon[1822]: (gen_smtp 1.2.0) /builds/framasoft/mobilizon/deps/gen_smtp/src/gen_smtp_client.erl:289: :gen_smtp_client.send_it/2 Feb 05 13:26:58 mobilizon mobilizon[1822]: (swoosh 1.15.3) lib/swoosh/adapters/smtp.ex:57: Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP.deliver/2 Feb 05 13:26:58 mobilizon mobilizon[1822]: (mobilizon 5.1.0) lib/web/email/mailer.ex:5: anonymous fn/2 in Mobilizon.Web.Email.Mailer.instrument/3 Feb 05 13:26:58 mobilizon mobilizon[1822]: Last message: {:continue, :handle_connection} 13:28:37
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-jolosequally obscure, i suppose13:28:52
@cos:hacklab.ficosyep, but different error13:29:04
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-joloshow does exim help? I would need to use an external smtp server (or at least some service) since the vps doesn't allow direct smtp13:30:05
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-jolosjust asking since i'm not sure what it is13:30:21
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-jolosexim = postfix, more or less?13:31:48
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-joloswhat are my options (if any) if i want to run a mobilizon instance with another smtp?13:33:17
@cos:hacklab.ficosyeah, exim and postfix are mta's13:35:51
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-jolosand if I cant send emails from the same server then there is no other way, basically?13:36:31
@cos:hacklab.ficosi used this docker image https://github.com/devture/exim-relay13:36:35
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-jolosaha so you relay to another smtp or do you send the emails from that same server?13:37:05
@cos:hacklab.ficosmobilizon -> exim (local in docker) -> outside smtp13:38:38
@cos:hacklab.ficosit's much easier to debug as exim actually prints out messages when things happen13:39:59
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-jolosah perfect, okay thanks!13:40:34
@sebseb01:digitale-gesellschaft.chsebseb01 I'm not using a docker image, but i use an external smtp server without issues. 13:41:48
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-jolosoh yeah? would you mind sharing your (anynomized maybe) mobilizon config?13:43:56
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-jolosthis worked beautifully! thanks again14:09:47
@sebseb01:digitale-gesellschaft.chsebseb01yes i can, but in 4 hour ... i need an access to my computer for this14:13:07
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-jolosi'm happy with the exim-relay route cas showed, all good, thanks anyway14:14:32
@mydemoaccount:matrix.orgmydemoaccountWhat is the reason Mobilizon uses postgis? I have never heard of that before, but that may be my fault. Now it is stopping me from running mobilizon on a raspberry pi since there is no docker image for postgis that runs on the arm achitecture :( Any advice on how to do this?14:34:10
@cos:hacklab.ficosBtw has anyone figured out how to set event image with API? Last time I tried it was undocumented and I failed14:57:44
@mydemoaccount:matrix.orgmydemoaccountI found this docker image that works for postgis on arm: ghcr.io/baosystems/postgis:15-3.515:10:59
In reply to @mydemoaccount:matrix.org
What is the reason Mobilizon uses postgis? I have never heard of that before, but that may be my fault. Now it is stopping me from running mobilizon on a raspberry pi since there is no docker image for postgis that runs on the arm achitecture :( Any advice on how to do this?
Postgis is used for the location features , ie for ‘events near you’.

Ok how do I set locales? The reference doesn't tell. I tried this, but no effect:

config :cldr, 
  locales: [ "fi_FI", "en_GB" ]

Ok got forward but:

mobilizon-1  | ERROR! the application :mobilizon has a different value set for key :cldr during runtime compared to compile time. Since this application environment entry was marked as compile time, this difference can lead to different behaviour than expected:
mobilizon-1  | 
mobilizon-1  |   * Compile time value was set to: [locales: ["ar", "be", "bn", "ca", "cs", "cy", "de", "en", "es", "fa", "fi", "fr", "gd", "gl", "hr", "hu", "id", "it", "ja", "nl", "nn", "pl", "pt", "ru", "sv", "zh_Hant"]]
mobilizon-1  |   * Runtime value was set to: [locales: ["fi", "en"]]
mobilizon-1  | 
mobilizon-1  | To fix this error, you might:
mobilizon-1  | 
mobilizon-1  |   * Make the runtime value match the compile time one
mobilizon-1  | 
mobilizon-1  |   * Recompile your project. If the misconfigured application is a dependency, you may need to run "mix deps.clean mobilizon --build"
mobilizon-1  | 
mobilizon-1  |   * Alternatively, you can disable this check. If you are using releases, you can set :validate_compile_env to false in your release configuration. If you are using Mix to start your system, you can pass the --no-validate-compile-env flag


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