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Gather, organize and mobilize yourselves with a convivial, ethical, and emancipating tool. https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon https://joinmobilizon.org English prefered, french allowed.85 Servers

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5 Feb 2025
@mydemoaccount:matrix.orgmydemoaccounton the topic of emails, I had to disable SSL and set TLS to "if_available" for it to work with mailgun :(08:36:17
@mydemoaccount:matrix.orgmydemoaccountBefore that, I got no error logging, but also no emails08:36:36
@cos:hacklab.ficosI also got just "AttributeError" and no way to debug it. I ended up setting up a exim with no authentication or encryption that Mobilizon talks to.08:39:11
@cos:hacklab.ficosI don't blame Mobilizon, but the smtp library used is very hostile in debugging08:39:42
@mcnesium:exma.demcnesiumis there a separate iCal feed for a tag in mobilizon?09:27:28
@cos:hacklab.ficosI haven't found one.. would be a nice feature though.09:28:17
@cos:hacklab.ficosAlso ical with location + range filter would be nice for seeing local events09:28:52
@mcnesium:exma.demcnesiumok I added an issue about this :)10:46:05
@mcnesium:exma.demcnesium also, I am struggeling to successfully follow my mobilizon account in my mastodon account @mcnesium@events.exma.de: though it says "unfollow" when viewing that mobilizon profile in my mastodon, none of it's events show up in the mastodon timeline. is this a missconfiguration or is something broken? 10:49:50
@mcnesium:exma.demcnesiumI see that neither https://events.exma.de/@mcnesium nor https://events.exma.de/users/mcnesium even shows the profile. Has this always been the case? 🤔10:50:53
@mcnesium:exma.demcnesium * also, I am struggeling to successfully follow my mobilizon account @mcnesium@events.exma.de in my mastodon account: though it says "unfollow" when viewing that mobilizon profile in my mastodon, none of it's events show up in the mastodon timeline. is this a missconfiguration or is something broken? 10:52:03
@cos:hacklab.ficos mcnesium: we just discussed it in backlog. It seems mobilizon publishes events only for groups, not individual users. 11:36:43
@cos:hacklab.ficosIMO it's a bit unnecessary restriction11:37:09
@mydemoaccount:matrix.orgmydemoaccountRegarding iCal feeds, would it not be best if there was just a single iCal feed per user and that the user can configure what events they want in their feed? Think like how the notifications work. I don't subscribe to 5 different notification feeds, I just check the boxes for the ones I want. Sounds simpler to get working :)12:10:10
@cos:hacklab.ficosThe feeds contain public events create by the user/group. They can make private events if they don't want it to be visible.12:11:26
@mcnesium:exma.demcnesium mydemoaccount: I understand your comment refers to a personal feed that a user consumes theirselves in e.g. a local calendar app. my thoughts tackle a different use case: follow some other user's (public) events in a separate feed. however, I can't make up a real-life use case for this, so this is probably a theoretical issue :D 12:25:37
@mcnesium:exma.demcnesium cos: thanks for the feedback. do you think this is worth filing an issue? 12:26:03
@cos:hacklab.ficosyes, I think so12:27:08
@mcnesium:exma.demcnesium However, I do not understand yet, how I can even follow a user then 12:34:17
@mcnesium:exma.demcnesium I mean, my Mastodon says that I do follow that mobilizon account of mine… 12:34:43
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@mcnesium:exma.demcnesium what is not true is the date at the bottom. something seems to be broken there ^^ 12:35:27
@cos:hacklab.ficosyes, I also don't understand why it's possible to follow user but the events are not federated. 12:35:55
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-jolos joined the room.13:13:56
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-joloshey hello, is this a good place to ask for help setting up a new instance? I don't manage to get SMTP working13:14:32
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-jolosor is https://framacolibri.org/c/mobilizon/39 a better place for that, perhaps?13:15:39
@cos:hacklab.ficoswell, this is the community support room for mobilizon13:22:10
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-jolosall righty! hello! so this is how far i got. I manage to send an email from the terminal on the machine where mobilizon is installed with "swaks --to recipient@mail.com --server email-smtp.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com --auth LOGIN --tls --from myinstance@default.email"13:23:56
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-jolosmy config looks like:13:24:07
@jolos-jolos:matrix.orgjolos-jolosRedacted or Malformed Event13:24:53

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