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26 Apr 2022
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03CG6Y6BF1:matrix.orgHao Cui changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U03CG6Y6BF1 to Hao Cui.03:31:53
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03CG6Y6BF1:matrix.orgHao Cui set a profile picture.03:31:54
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03CG6Y6BF1:matrix.orgHao Cui changed their profile picture.03:44:51
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03CG6Y6BF1:matrix.orgHao Cui After asking, Rawkv Scan All did not see the official Golang Demo. Under this link, https://github.com/tikv/client-go/blob/master/examples/rawkv.go How can it be better? 03:44:51
27 Apr 2022
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03D7P1FAHJ:matrix.orgBen Liang Yang joined the room.13:18:59
@_slack_tikv-wg_U02G4V2B17V:matrix.orgPhoebe (Xuewei) HE Ruma Bose 21:29:01
@_slack_tikv-wg_U01JG24Q7N3:matrix.orgKolbe Kegel joined the room.21:41:57
@_slack_tikv-wg_U01JG24Q7N3:matrix.orgKolbe Kegel Are you trying to only deploy TiKV, or are you trying to deploy a full TiDB Cluster? Either way, you should take a look at https://docs.pingcap.com/tidb-in-kubernetes/stable/configure-a-tidb-cluster#configure-tidb-deployment to familiarize yourself with how the components fit together and how to configure them. TiKV itself doesn’t have its own CRD, it exists as part of a TidbCluster. See https://docs.pingcap.com/tidb-in-kubernetes/stable/configure-a-tidb-cluster#configure-tidb-deployment for the TidbCluster resource and https://github.com/pingcap/tidb-operator/blob/master/docs/api-references/docs.md#tikvspec for TiKVSpec 21:41:57
28 Apr 2022
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03D9DZA0H1:matrix.orgAnanth G joined the room.03:40:57
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03D9DZA0H1:matrix.orgAnanth G changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U03D9DZA0H1 to Ananth G.03:40:57
@_slack_tikv-wg_U02SDE45C78:matrix.orgSwapnil Raj Kolbe Kegel thanks for your reply! I am only trying to deploy TIKV on a 3 node cluster, I tried to deploy it using https://tikv.org/docs/4.0/tasks/try/tikv-operator/#step-2-deploy-tikv-operator, but it looks like the CRD which is used here cant be used on k8s version > 1.16. Can i deploy only tikv cluster using tidb operator? Also is there a way to deploy tikv without operator? thanks in advance 05:14:16
@_slack_tikv-wg_U02FX6W0S4D:matrix.orgChenhao Huang Dear all, our hands-on workshop “Building a Sample Data-Intensive Application with TiDB Cloud” is scheduled on Thursday, May 5th, 4 PM PDT! Join this hands-on workshop to learn how to build a sample data-intensive application with TiDB Cloud and Metabase. You’ll see how TiDB provides insight-as-a-service. Complete the tasks in the workshop to win an Amazon gift card. Space is limited. First come, first served! *This event is for the North America community only. • *Here is our Linkedin event page:* https://www.linkedin.com/events/hands-onworkshop-buildingasampl6924645597325000704 • *And the Meetup page:* https://www.meetup.com/Bay-Area-Cloud-Native-Database-Meetup/events/285537374/ 08:52:37
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03E0ECQQDN:matrix.orgWang Zihe joined the room.09:30:09
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03E0ECQQDN:matrix.orgWang Zihe set a profile picture.09:30:15
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03E0ECQQDN:matrix.orgWang Zihe changed their profile picture.09:30:16
@_slack_tikv-wg_U01JG24Q7N3:matrix.orgKolbe Kegel Oh, I see. 16:15:14
@_slack_tikv-wg_U01JG24Q7N3:matrix.orgKolbe Kegel I’m not familiar with TiKV Operator. It may not even be maintained anymore. Are you really committed to deploying in Kubernetes? 16:16:53
29 Apr 2022
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03DEBD0JS1:matrix.orgZhangBicheng joined the room.12:34:49
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03DEBD0JS1:matrix.orgZhangBicheng set a profile picture.12:34:50
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03DEBD0JS1:matrix.orgZhangBicheng changed their profile picture.12:34:50
1 May 2022
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org joined the room.16:18:03
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org left the room.16:18:06
2 May 2022
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03DPKZ517V:matrix.orgruby joined the room.05:56:00
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03DPKZ517V:matrix.orgruby changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U03DPKZ517V to ruby.05:56:01
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03DPKZ517V:matrix.orgruby changed their profile picture.05:56:01
4 May 2022
@_slack_tikv-wg_U01D7BEMK89:matrix.orgMila Wu ☀️☁️ Hey all, JOIN TiKV maintainers on May 19 at KubeCon EU, for a deep dive into how they plan to improve TiKV’s service quality in the cloud, such as prioritized I/O rate limiting and a #raft engine! 06:00:00
5 May 2022
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03EKLRAZ9P:matrix.orgTisuama joined the room.11:18:09
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03EKLRAZ9P:matrix.orgTisuama changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U03EKLRAZ9P to Tisuama.11:18:09
@_slack_tikv-wg_U03EKLRAZ9P:matrix.orgTisuama set a profile picture.11:18:11
@_slack_tikv-wg_U0174Q44LD6:matrix.orgFrederik Schöll Hello, we are having an issue with the backup restore tool to create backups from our raw KV store. At the end of the process it crashes due to a resolve lock timeout. Does anyone have an idea what might cause this? We are running version 4.0.15 of TiKV, PD and BR. See the logs here: https://gist.github.com/matthewdarwin/e9267ff900a44b511915b686dbc83783 12:03:04

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