9 Sep 2023 |
| peterdcosta joined the room. | 17:24:14 |
| bagheri_reza joined the room. | 18:08:45 |
| Mahmoud joined the room. | 18:43:52 |
| Mahmoud changed their display name from Mahmoud Obeydavi to Mahmoud. | 18:47:08 |
| masuod.s29 joined the room. | 19:02:10 |
| khadije mehrabi joined the room. | 19:34:47 |
| safar.mohebbi joined the room. | 19:52:23 |
10 Sep 2023 |
| amin14 joined the room. | 04:09:48 |
| Ayli joined the room. | 04:59:19 |
| ali_kh joined the room. | 05:37:54 |
| MR joined the room. | 07:13:45 |
| Ayli changed their display name from inamyelos to Ayli. | 07:49:51 |
| Ayli set a profile picture. | 07:52:04 |
| Hassan changed their profile picture. | 08:31:44 |
| mutrix joined the room. | 10:06:03 |
| @kaveh35:matrix.org joined the room. | 10:14:35 |
| MR changed their display name from MORTEZA to MR. | 10:56:29 |
| hanielkhanom joined the room. | 12:19:13 |
| Behnam joined the room. | 12:22:23 |
| سینا نوری joined the room. | 18:33:10 |
| mojtaba2m joined the room. | 19:35:39 |
11 Sep 2023 |
| imilgi joined the room. | 04:00:55 |
| Seyed Mahmoud Mousavi joined the room. | 06:45:52 |
@alireza.r.a:matrix.org | https://t.me/proxy?server=parsa-r.ir.20st.ir.kralparke.com.behintrans.com.baghadartabiat.ir.richlion.ir.persi_anvoipshop.ir.ceramtechnic.ir.chchoob.ir.whiteboard.ir.youratmsource.ir.sharifirad.com.hypesho.ir.rcs-co.ir.vbayati.ir.kolerabi.com.felezvarzan.ir.irancellmodems.website.&port=443&secret=eeda411655b684fe87abf58ec2235e28167765622e62616c652e6972 | 07:06:20 |
@alireza.r.a:matrix.org | https://t.me/proxy?server= | 07:06:39 |
@alireza.r.a:matrix.org | https://t.me/proxy?server= | 07:06:49 |
@alireza.r.a:matrix.org | https://t.me/proxy?server= | 07:07:01 |
@alireza.r.a:matrix.org | https://t.me/proxy?server= | 07:07:40 |
@alireza.r.a:matrix.org | https://t.me/proxy?server= | 07:07:49 |
| omid k joined the room. | 07:45:03 |