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28 Aug 2021
@x_y:matrix.orgx_y (old) ~> @y:tchncs.de (new)Redacted or Malformed Event12:47:22
@x_y:matrix.orgx_y (old) ~> @y:tchncs.de (new)Redacted or Malformed Event12:47:28
@ninchuka:matrix.orghaisethe room name for this is I2P [ UNOFFICIAL ] 12:47:58
@ninchuka:matrix.orghaisefor me at least12:48:02
@x_y:matrix.orgx_y (old) ~> @y:tchncs.de (new)Redacted or Malformed Event12:48:11
@x_y:matrix.orgx_y (old) ~> @y:tchncs.de (new)Redacted or Malformed Event12:48:15
@x_y:matrix.orgx_y (old) ~> @y:tchncs.de (new)Redacted or Malformed Event12:48:55
Download image.png
@ninchuka:matrix.orghaisethis is what it shows for me12:49:01
@ninchuka:matrix.orghaisetrying clearing your client cache12:49:11
@x_y:matrix.orgx_y (old) ~> @y:tchncs.de (new)Redacted or Malformed Event12:49:18
In reply to @ninchuka:matrix.org
the room name for this is I2P [ UNOFFICIAL ]
unofficial, because i don't represent the i2p project
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgthe dark web room still exists as a place for general discussion of other darknet tech15:18:48
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgnow, if the official developers wished to claim this room at some point, then it would be appropriate for to remove the 'UNOFFICIAL'15:19:39
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgi used to tend to #tor:matrix.org as well, until the devs wanted to migrate here, so i gave it to them after making sure they were who they said they were via github15:20:48
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgugh... time for coffee15:21:10
@ninchuka:matrix.orghaiseI wonder if its possible to run a IRC bridge to IRC thats on I2P since thats the main place they talk I think isnt it?15:24:43
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgit WAS pointing to that room for a while, but it would be appear to not be working as far as the bridge goes15:25:15
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgthey should get with the program and join here15:25:40
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgthen the broken bridges could be ditched15:25:53
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgwhat i think happened is they made some sort of mode +R or something where only registered nicks can join15:26:12
@ninchuka:matrix.orghaiseI joined IRC at one point on I2P but it kept getting DC'd every so often and no history when you arent on IRC is really annoying for me15:26:43
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgi haven't been on any darknets in years now... i2p maybe in 2015, 2016 when i created the aliases and launched these rooms15:28:37
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgi am useless as far as help goes, but i feel obligated to keep them alive15:28:55
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgi tend to quite a large community of rooms now after being on here for so long, so it becomes overwhelming at times15:29:27
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgbut yea, irc2p, all i remember was the constant disconnects and everyone accusing everyone else of being a pedophile15:30:50
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgoverall i didn't find it to be a very useful place to chat15:31:07

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