
Signal Secure Messenger (new room!)

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10 May 2022
@bkil:matrix.orgbkilActually, something is wrong with its invitation code right now - it should invite over people automatically. It was a long time ago since that function last worked and we didn't bother to fix it.18:55:09
@bkil:matrix.orgbkilBut it would also be neat if it could invite over people based on presence status, read receipts and leave events as well, though. I see many more people leaving the old room than the number of new joiners here18:55:47
@swimmingaway:matrix.orgswimmingaway joined the room.19:10:45
@justinhsa:matrix.orgjustinhsa joined the room.19:17:18
@room-deprecation-bot:systemtest.tkRoom Deprecation Bot

➡ Room Deprecation Bot was configured for room !qZFigcWoZoRODhzUlw:matrix.org to route the users here!

@bkil:matrix.orgbkilOh my, this is embarrassing. Now after reading the source code I realized that it needs the fully qualified internal identifier of this target room. Let's see whether it will be able to invite new users here 🖕19:25:10
@bkil:matrix.orgbkil * Oh my, this is embarrassing. Now after reading the source code I realized that it needs the fully qualified internal identifier of this target room. Let's see whether it will be able to invite new users here 🤞19:25:15
@mahdi1234:matrix.orgmahdiShould I try it now?19:46:52
@room-deprecation-bot:systemtest.tkRoom Deprecation Bot invited @mahdi:tchncs.demahdi.19:49:47
@mahdi:tchncs.demahdi joined the room.19:55:13
@mahdi:tchncs.demahdiI'm not sure I was invited, but I had it in historical rooms, probably someone with account never accessed old and new room should try it19:56:08
@mahdi:tchncs.demahdi * I'm not sure I was invited, but I had it in historical rooms, probably someone with account never present in old and new room should try it19:56:28
@secuencias:matrix.org@secuencias:matrix.org We could try with a fresh account 19:57:44
@secuencias:matrix.org@secuencias:matrix.orgI’ve just created an account on nitro.chat20:01:16
@secuencias:matrix.org@secuencias:matrix.orgDo i have to try to enter in the old room first?20:01:50
In reply to @mahdi:tchncs.de
I'm not sure I was invited, but I had it in historical rooms, probably someone with account never present in old and new room should try it
Or we could just wait a couple of hours until a new members drops by 🤷
In reply to @secuencias:matrix.org
Do i have to try to enter in the old room first?
@room-deprecation-bot:systemtest.tkRoom Deprecation Bot invited @secuencias:nitro.chatsecuencias nitro.chat.20:03:59
@secuencias:nitro.chatsecuencias nitro.chat joined the room.20:04:54
@secuencias:matrix.org@secuencias:matrix.orgOkay, it worked 👍20:06:30
@bkil:matrix.orgbkilThank you for the test!20:09:00
@secuencias:matrix.org@secuencias:matrix.orgBtw, I have done all with Fluffychat, so I presume it works also with Element20:09:29
@secuencias:nitro.chatsecuencias nitro.chat left the room.20:13:02
@room-deprecation-bot:systemtest.tkRoom Deprecation Bot invited @sonnenmond:matrix.orgsonnenmond.20:15:52
@sonnenmond:matrix.orgsonnenmond rejected invite.20:16:26
@kaiheikkinen:matrix.orgKai 🇫🇮anyone know any good voip services like jmp.chat?20:21:55
@room-deprecation-bot:systemtest.tkRoom Deprecation Bot invited @secuencias:tchncs.desecuencias tchncs via element.20:23:23
@secuencias:tchncs.desecuencias tchncs via element joined the room.20:23:41
@secuencias:tchncs.desecuencias tchncs via element
In reply to @secuencias:matrix.org
Btw, I have done all with Fluffychat, so I presume it works also with Element
Tried also with another new account but with Element client.
It worked, so we can say for sure that the bot does his work 😅
@secuencias:tchncs.desecuencias tchncs via element left the room.20:27:43

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