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5 Mar 2021
@freenode_epidrome:matrix.org@freenode_epidrome:matrix.org joined the room.12:49:09
@freenode_epidrome:matrix.org@freenode_epidrome:matrix.org left the room.12:50:54
12 Mar 2021
@yegortimoshenko:matrix.org@yegortimoshenko:matrix.org joined the room.20:52:40
10 Apr 2021
@appservice-irc:matrix.org@appservice-irc:matrix.org invited @arc:arcn.mx@arc:arcn.mx.10:27:37
@arc:arcn.mx@arc:arcn.mx joined the room.10:27:45
25 Apr 2021
@freenode_emily:matrix.org@freenode_emily:matrix.org joined the room.00:27:17
@yegortimoshenko:matrix.org@yegortimoshenko:matrix.org left the room.09:00:42
27 May 2021
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI don't know if anyone pays any attention to this dead channel for a dormant piece of vapourware ... but I'm probably going to move the IRC side of this off freenode at some point in the near future due to its network meltdown.04:07:58
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyor just cut it out, but I'd like to think it will become relevant again in the future!04:08:09
@freenode_V:matrix.org@freenode_V:matrix.orgor, I suppose, I was surprised at there being activity here, and looked04:39:20
@freenode_V:matrix.org@freenode_V:matrix.org I don't find Matrix particularly usable, so I'm limited to IRC-only things :) 04:40:20
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyhey, this is at least hypothetically a future going concern until I stop using Nix or stop getting frustrated with it, neither of which show any signs of abating >_>04:57:55
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI like to think the time I spend wrangling Nix into doing what I want instead of replacing it makes me better-equipped to redesign it04:58:17
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI'll probably just start a channel on ...that one network you're not allowed to talk about... and bridge it over to the existing Matrix room sometime in the next few days. seems like the IRC logger I was using for backup died while I wasn't looking too04:59:01
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyfwiw, if you want an authentically IRC-feeling Matrix experience, weechat-matrix and gomuks are both pretty good options (although both also have their limitations)04:59:33
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily(reasoning for picking over OFTC mostly "it's bigger, the services seem nicer and their ircd seems more likely to support IRCv3 stuff that might make Matrix bridging fancier"... nothing against OFTC and their management structure seems potentially better, but I only bridged to IRC for wider accessibility reasons anyway)05:20:38
@freenode_V:matrix.org@freenode_V:matrix.org I don't think that Nix will stop being frustrating any time soon :) 06:14:11
@freenode_V:matrix.org@freenode_V:matrix.org That would require meaningful improvements to both it and the ecosystem (and how it's developed) 06:15:47
@freenode_V:matrix.org@freenode_V:matrix.org FWIW I've been in this channel on that one network you're not allowed to talk about since day one 06:16:49
@freenode_V:matrix.org@freenode_V:matrix.org I don't want to use weechat-matrix primarily because I'm already using Quassel, and cannot run a synapse node b/c it's absolutely unusable 06:17:57
@freenode_V:matrix.org@freenode_V:matrix.org None of the alternative homeserver impls are in any state ready, so as far as I'm concerned the whole decentralised thing is a joke 06:18:34
@freenode_V:matrix.org@freenode_V:matrix.org(I had my first experience using all of this recently when NixOS shifted to it, spent the entire weekend trying to figure it all out, and then noped out of there)06:19:24
@freenode_V:matrix.org@freenode_V:matrix.orgMy preferences for that over OFTC are pretty much identical06:19:59
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI sympathize about the bad state of the homeserver ecosystem... if you don't use push notifications or search (both things IRC doesn't exactly do great at anyway) then I think Dendrite is ~about usable, but it's still a lot of fuss to set up06:39:23
@freenode_V:matrix.org@freenode_V:matrix.orgI never even tried either of those06:39:56
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI find Matrix quite frustrating in many ways, but stay for the combo of (a) usable multi-device e2e chats and (b) widespread bridging to other chat technologies06:40:51
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyXMPP is about the only other thing that comes close and it'd be a bit more painful for what I specifically want06:41:01
@freenode_V:matrix.org@freenode_V:matrix.orgQuasselDroid is pretty decent re push notifications, and is probably the main reason I suffer Quassel instead of using WeeChat06:41:02
@freenode_V:matrix.org@freenode_V:matrix.org I'm setting up prosody soonish™ 06:41:33

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