

2495 Members
**Topic** Corrupting content in all its forms, literature, audio, video, and imagery. **Rules** 1. Our rules apply to all 'official' rooms in our space. 2. Permitted content (not exclusive) 2.1. All Drawn or CGI Shota/Lolicon 2.2. Trans, Furry, Teens, Adult 3. Not Permitted Content 3.1. Where depicting IRL minors (including AI) content must be: 3.1.1. Non Nude (nude includes 'wedgies', both top and bottom must be clothed) 4. User behavior 4.1. Trolling is not permitted 4.2. Spam is not permitted. (Includes 'Request Invite' and posting links (ask a mod). 5. External Moderation is not permitted as a first course of action (please take all reports to the moderation team in the first instance).121 Servers

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25 Jul 2024
@fuugml:nekos.cafeHentaiLover joined the room.22:00:52
@munamees:midov.pleggman changed their display name from munamees to eggman.22:27:33
26 Jul 2024
@tamaoshiro:nope.chat🐾 Tamao Shiro 🐾 joined the room.00:23:50
@tamaoshiro:nope.chat🐾 Tamao Shiro 🐾 set a profile picture.00:34:56
@tamaoshiro:nope.chat🐾 Tamao Shiro 🐾 changed their profile picture.00:47:38
@xexm:gemeinsam.jetztAsh!! <3 DMs open!! UK!! [sleeping :3] changed their display name from Ash!! <3 DMs open!! UK!! [online :3] to Ash!! <3 DMs open!! UK!! [sleeping :3].01:34:35
@everyone:midov.pleveryone left the room.03:32:57
@wwchickendinner21:nope.chat@wwchickendinner21:nope.chat removed their profile picture.04:00:48
@wwchickendinner21:nope.chat@wwchickendinner21:nope.chat removed their display name wwchickendinner21 (DM open).04:00:50
@wwchickendinner21:nope.chat@wwchickendinner21:nope.chat left the room.04:00:51
@markr24:tchncs.demarkr24 joined the room.07:53:48
@markr24:lrl.chatmarkr24 joined the room.08:23:51
@markr24:lrl.chatmarkr24 left the room.08:27:06
@daffydunce88:nope.chatdaffydunce88 joined the room.10:36:20
@xexm:gemeinsam.jetztAsh!! <3 DMs open!! UK!! [sleeping :3] changed their display name from Ash!! <3 DMs open!! UK!! [sleeping :3] to Ash!! <3 DMs open!! UK!! [online :3].13:35:41
@variableparameters:arcticfoxes.netvariableparameters joined the room.13:38:11
@modelfan:nekos.cafemodelfan joined the room.14:30:35
@webtortoise:funami.tech@webtortoise:funami.tech removed their profile picture.14:38:14
@webtortoise:funami.tech@webtortoise:funami.tech removed their display name webtortoise.14:38:16
@webtortoise:funami.tech@webtortoise:funami.tech left the room.14:38:20
@kitty:nekos.cafenekochan joined the room.15:05:43
@enzou:funami.tech@enzou:funami.tech removed their profile picture.15:46:42
@enzou:funami.tech@enzou:funami.tech removed their display name Enzou 🏳️‍⚧️.15:46:52
@enzou:funami.tech@enzou:funami.tech left the room.15:48:12
@littlecubboy:nope.chat@littlecubboy:nope.chat changed their display name from littlecubboy (DMs open / always horny) to littlecubboy (DMs open / corrupt me).16:28:52
@littlecubboy:nope.chat@littlecubboy:nope.chat removed their profile picture.16:50:22
@littlecubboy:nope.chat@littlecubboy:nope.chat removed their display name littlecubboy (DMs open / corrupt me).16:50:39
@littlecubboy:nope.chat@littlecubboy:nope.chat left the room.16:51:00
@elijah111:matrix.orgelijah111 joined the room.17:33:47
27 Jul 2024
@xexm:gemeinsam.jetztAsh!! <3 DMs open!! UK!! [sleeping :3] changed their display name from Ash!! <3 DMs open!! UK!! [online :3] to Ash!! <3 DMs open!! UK!! [sleeping :3].01:43:03

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