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24 Aug 2021
In reply to @fleece_johnson:matrix.org
One of the coolest things I saw was while inspecting 3d printed guns being entered, one dude pulled out his "TheOtherSig" g43 design and handed it to TheOtherSig... LMAO priceless
It was a good print, and they had done well to bring it too me.
In reply to @the_number_15:matrix.org
It's been 20 minutes.
I'm sorry, the conversation has already moved on.
In reply to @sigfriedofarabia:matrix.org
It was a good print, and they had done well to bring it too me.
Man I'm sorry I missed that
In reply to @memphistopheles:matrix.org
Man I'm sorry I missed that
It's going to get more and more difficult to keep pretending we aren't the same person as more matches pop up.
@vityaz:matrix.orgVityazI KNEW IT!23:47:57
@300_blackout:matrix.org300_blackoutExplains a lot 🤔23:49:12
@the_number_15:matrix.orgdrunk 🥃
In reply to @memphistopheles:matrix.org
I'm going to act like I replied to this right away to make you feel more comfortable
I set a timer to respond in 20 minutes and I made it 12 minutes
@the_number_15:matrix.orgdrunk 🥃
In reply to @bustedfoxwagen:matrix.org
Did you type something drunk 🥃 ?
If I did I promise it's nothing of value
In reply to @the_number_15:matrix.org
I set a timer to respond in 20 minutes and I made it 12 minutes
You're that kid from the marshmallow test, aren't you?
In reply to @memphistopheles:matrix.org
You're that kid from the marshmallow test, aren't you?
Is that the Goonie Belly dance thing?
@the_number_15:matrix.orgdrunk 🥃I don't even know how to respond to that but good call back on that one23:54:44
In reply to @fleece_johnson:matrix.org
But mainly it's timer/scoring related
I think that it mainly can be due to 22 sometimes not being loud enough outdoors for the timers, especially if you're suppressed, and some targets are required to be knocked over depending on how things are setup. 22 doesn't have enough oomph alot of the time to do that
@the_number_15:matrix.orgdrunk 🥃Gotta go watch that video now23:55:35
@memphistopheles:matrix.orgMemphistophelesThere are plenty of competitions that allow 22, it's just their own division. I shot a Steel Challenge match a few weeks ago and there were only a few people shooting production or limited (center-fire pistols). Almost everyone was shooting rimfire or PCC23:57:33
@hdawsome:matrix.orghdawsomePCC is where it's at23:58:57
25 Aug 2021
@mankeyscotsgit:matrix.orgmankeyscotsgit joined the room.00:00:08
@sloth2adesigns:matrix.orgsloth2adesigns joined the room.00:01:22
@v8vtwin:matrix.orgv8vtwin ][ Ozymandias of GunCADyeah im a huge fan of PCC00:02:01
@das_auto:matrix.orgdas_autowhat differentiates (legally) a PCC from an SBR?00:04:06
@deadparrot:matrix.orgDeadParrotPCC - Pistol Caliber Carbine?00:05:35
@v8vtwin:matrix.orgv8vtwin ][ Ozymandias of GunCADyeah i think youre thinking of PDW00:05:47
@v8vtwin:matrix.orgv8vtwin ][ Ozymandias of GunCADwhich is often interchanged with PCC00:05:54
@v8vtwin:matrix.orgv8vtwin ][ Ozymandias of GunCADalbeit incorrectly00:06:01
@das_auto:matrix.orgdas_autoall of the above00:06:08
@v8vtwin:matrix.orgv8vtwin ][ Ozymandias of GunCADa 16" AR that shoots 9mm is still a PCC00:06:18
@deadparrot:matrix.orgDeadParrotPDW != PCC00:06:30
@das_auto:matrix.orgdas_autoexplain to my dumbass how an SG22 becomes one or the other00:06:44
@deadparrot:matrix.orgDeadParrotWell, a P90 is a PDW?00:06:52
@hdawsome:matrix.orghdawsomeBarrel length00:06:55
@v8vtwin:matrix.orgv8vtwin ][ Ozymandias of GunCADPCC is a carbine that shoots a pistol round like 9mm, 10mm, .40 etc00:06:59

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