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29 Mar 2024
@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENA This is the zipped file that I tried to import but without success 15:25:05
3 Apr 2024
@_slack_openlmis_U04HBGHCMHS:matrix.orgAleksandra Hinc Hi Hermann NGUENA I checked this and seems that there is no issue in Import functionality. Your file has been saved using semicolon separators, but should be saved using the commas. -> After changing the csv separators from semicolon to commas, the error is not occurring. See the difference, when I pasted correct and incorrect format into the notepad: 11:36:42
@_slack_openlmis_U04HBGHCMHS:matrix.orgAleksandra Hinc Please let me know if this helped you 11:37:34
4 Apr 2024
@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENA Ok my dear, thank you for the feedback, I'll look at it quickly 16:25:10
8 Apr 2024
@_slack_openlmis_U06TYPT0EQ0:matrix.orgDamian Borowiecki joined the room.14:07:32
@_slack_openlmis_U06TYPT0EQ0:matrix.orgDamian Borowiecki changed their display name from _slack_openlmis_U06TYPT0EQ0 to Damian Borowiecki.14:08:45
@_slack_openlmis_U06TYPT0EQ0:matrix.orgDamian Borowiecki set a profile picture.14:08:48
@_slack_openlmis_U06TCGZUHRS:matrix.orgKamil Malinowski joined the room.14:21:19
9 Apr 2024
@_slack_openlmis_U06TCGZUHRS:matrix.orgKamil Malinowski changed their display name from _slack_openlmis_U06TCGZUHRS to Kamil Malinowski.08:09:43
@_slack_openlmis_U06TCGZUHRS:matrix.orgKamil Malinowski set a profile picture.08:09:44
@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENAimage.png
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@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENA Hi team, I have a problem on OpenLMIS, I would like to know the principle of displaying the requesting health facilities in the "Requesting Facility" field of the proof of delivery processing form, does the basic functionality offer a display by default of all health facilities in a region or is there a way to ensure that a user can only see their home health facility 10:52:20
@_slack_openlmis_U049EU7EBT6:matrix.orgSzymon Radziszewski Hi, I think the system in this case works like this: 1. Searches for Supplying Facilities - selects facilities based on user rights (ORDERS_VIEW, PODS_MANAGE). 2. Searching for Requesting Facilities - each order has a supplying facility and a requesting facility. The system selects and displays these requesting facilities based on the previously found supplying facilities. 12:16:01
@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENA Ok Thank you very much my dear Szymon 12:49:38
@_slack_openlmis_U049EU7EBT6:matrix.orgSzymon Radziszewski You're welcome 12:54:52
11 Apr 2024
@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENAimage.png
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@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENA Hi Aleksandra Hinc, I did an import again with your recommendations, there I see that I no longer have the first error, but another error as indicated in the capture, it tells me that my field names are not correct 12:28:50
@_slack_openlmis_U04HBGHCMHS:matrix.orgAleksandra Hinc Yes, the csv file name should be just "orderable". Please try this and let me know if this is working 12:31:15
@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENAimage.png
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@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENARedacted or Malformed Event12:31:27
@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENA Ok 12:32:43
12 Apr 2024
@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENAimage.png
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@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENA Hi Aleksandra Hinc please look now at the error I have, however I launch the import with the same header name of the exported model 09:29:11
@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENARedacted or Malformed Event09:29:47
@_slack_openlmis_U04HBGHCMHS:matrix.orgAleksandra Hinc Could you please send me this csv? I will take a look on this and try to reproduce it on my side 09:30:23
@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENA Ok right now 09:33:23
@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENA
@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENA Here is the file 09:34:36
@_slack_openlmis_U04HBGHCMHS:matrix.orgAleksandra Hinc Hi Hermann NGUENA I checked this with another QA from our team and seems that all is working on our end. We were able to import file you've sent. Are you sure you sent me this incorrect file, that was failing? 🤔 13:04:24
@_slack_openlmis_U024V3XLVT7:matrix.orgHermann NGUENA Hi Aleksandra Hinc So now I don't understand anything, I can confirm that it's the same file that I'm launching, I'm going to try again, thank you my dear 14:49:09

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