
Kabocha Technical Chat

413 Members
Support for engineering, maintenance, pallets, nodes, runtimes, RPCs, APIs and building on Kabocha.5 Servers

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26 Nov 2022
@_discord_565881594058113055:t2bot.ioFrogman#1959 changed their profile picture.18:25:56
28 Nov 2022
@_discord_794655569645666355:t2bot.iothephunkyone#0 joined the room.21:23:17
@_discord_794655569645666355:t2bot.iothephunkyone#0 Hello, Team!

I just joined your server today in an effort to reach out to every parachain team in the Polkadot ecosystem. I am from Lucky Friday, and we are Web3 enthusiasts who are building out a truly decentralized infrastructure. We have operational presence in 6 different countries, and we own and run co-located bare metal servers in SOC2 / CCSS compliant data centers. We recently were awarded a treasury grant to provide RPC services for the Kusama Relay Chain, and can also offer RPC services for individual chains as well. If you need any help collating on Kusama (or Polkadot), please tag me and I will circle back.

Thanks in advance! πŸ™
1 Dec 2022
@telegram_1630863851:t2bot.ioRamsey R
In reply to @_discord_794655569645666355:t2bot.io
Hello, Team!

I just joined your server today in an effort to reach out to every parachain team in the Polkadot ecosystem. I am from Lucky Friday, and we are Web3 enthusiasts who are building out a truly decentralized infrastructure. We have operational presence in 6 different countries, and we own and run co-located bare metal servers in SOC2 / CCSS compliant data centers. We recently were awarded a treasury grant to provide RPC services for the Kusama Relay Chain, and can also offer RPC services for individual chains as well. If you need any help collating on Kusama (or Polkadot), please tag me and I will circle back.

Thanks in advance! πŸ™
hey Phunky, currently all the infrastructure is provided by community. participants Grassroots organic development is our ethos. JelliedOwl is our main provider.
@_discord_754423973303025745:t2bot.iokratistos changed their display name from kratistos to kratistos#3126.19:42:25
2 Dec 2022
@_discord_757199668534050827:t2bot.ioRakesh changed their display name from Nityashree#2797 to nityashree.hooked#3973.18:12:54
3 Dec 2022
@_discord_467069888045907968:t2bot.ioWagonShack#5909 joined the room.12:42:25
7 Dec 2022
@_discord_794655569645666355:t2bot.iothephunkyone#0 Hey, Ramsey. All apologies for taking so long to circle back. Lucky Friday is very much a member of the Polkadot community, so would love to continue the conversation should any future needs arise 🀝 01:25:51
@_discord_415769108626407435:t2bot.ioyamne BLVCK changed their display name from yamne BLVCK to yamne#9524.08:47:22
@_discord_415769108626407435:t2bot.ioyamne BLVCK changed their profile picture.08:47:23
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey (Decentration) OOO#2804 hey phunky, ok great, we are not on exchanges yet, we'll soon be on a dex 11:17:24
@_discord_794655569645666355:t2bot.iothephunkyone#0 Okay, good to know...

But if you need additional collators for your parachain, please let me know and I will take that back to our team. Although I neglected to mention it in my intro, our CTO at Lucky Friday is Will (aka Paradox) from ParaNodes.io and the Kusama Council. Between the truly decentralized, fully owned hardware to run nodes, we also have some of the absolute brightest technical minds in the space on our tech team πŸ€
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey (Decentration) OOO#2804 hey Phunky if you resonate with grassroots values of decentralised organism then it would be great if you could support network publics, we also have a community run relay chain which is currently running on testnet, would you also like to run 2 validators there as well? 13:05:16
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey (Decentration) OOO#2804 * hey Phunky if we resonate with the grassroots values of browing decentralised organisms then you mihgt be interested in supporting our network publics infratrucrture, we also have a community run relay chain which is currently running on testnet, would you also like to run 2 validators there as well? 13:06:04
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey (Decentration) OOO#2804 Its called Pop Art relay chain 13:06:19
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey (Decentration) OOO#2804 https://apps.decentration.org/?rpc=wss%3A%2F%2Fpopart1.jelliedowl.com#/explorer 13:06:31
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey (Decentration) OOO#2804 we'd love to have Lucky Friday on board 13:07:09
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey (Decentration) OOO#2804 https://wiki.kabocha.network/docs/pop-art/become-a-validator The Phunky One | Lucky Friday πŸ€ 14:09:42
@_discord_794655569645666355:t2bot.iothephunkyone#0 I will get this over to our tech team today! 16:11:46
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey (Decentration) OOO#2804 Great make sure they use the latest branch (I think it’s V0.9.27), and link them to here for support if needed. 17:06:48
8 Dec 2022
@_discord_500039298440232960:t2bot.ioONLYJEET | KABOCHA joined the room.05:44:59
@_discord_969329112600698891:t2bot.iomm#1356 changed their display name from mm to mm#1356.20:29:22
9 Dec 2022
@_discord_794655569645666355:t2bot.iothephunkyone#0 Acknowledging receipt. Thank you so much and I'll be in touch. For now, I hope you and yours have a wonderful weekend! 22:24:37
13 Dec 2022
@_discord_935350826447282258:t2bot.ioColdStorageCapital changed their display name from ColdStorageCapital to ColdStorageCapital#0019.20:34:39
16 Dec 2022
@_discord_500039298440232960:t2bot.ioONLYJEET | KABOCHA Welcome! 16:33:11
17 Dec 2022
@_discord_1053678937982640229:t2bot.ioriffrr joined the room.14:24:21
19 Dec 2022
@_discord_757199668534050827:t2bot.ioRakesh changed their display name from nityashree.hooked#3973 to Nitya#3973.07:26:16
@_discord_839256783045918780:t2bot.ioTeal'c#3900 changed their profile picture.20:10:35
21 Dec 2022
@_discord_867658509548912640:t2bot.ioDarkSpark changed their display name from DarkSpark#3739 to DragonZero#3739.11:20:42
@_discord_867658509548912640:t2bot.ioDarkSpark changed their profile picture.11:20:45

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