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13 Jan 2024
@_discord_214130708061487107:t2bot.iosslaxx Taking a look, thanks! 19:52:14
@_discord_98862751723577344:t2bot.io.yannik changed their display name from Yannik to .yannik.19:59:37
@_discord_214130708061487107:t2bot.iosslaxx Works, thanks. 20:02:35
@_discord_187304396625805322:t2bot.iomidigyo Will there be a new roadmap update on youtube soon? 20:05:26
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat I don’t know if there is much that is video worthy. Most new features are from lua, but not very impressive without mods that use them. 20:06:52
@_discord_187304396625805322:t2bot.iomidigyo So are we waiting for mod creators to get on it or does LUA need further implementation? 20:07:32
@_discord_195233236538884097:t2bot.ioweathdel the API is coming along bit by bit 20:08:11
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor Just need some more creators now, mostly but there is yet big work to be done 20:08:29
@_discord_195233236538884097:t2bot.ioweathdel I'm still waiting on the ability to create new cells to make a hilbert hotel 20:09:05
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat Hilbert hotel? 20:17:56
@_discord_325534431756550144:t2bot.ioplan9fromtauceti its very strange 20:25:52
@_discord_325534431756550144:t2bot.ioplan9fromtauceti changed their profile picture.20:25:52
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor infinity is, like 20:29:27
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor It's just infitine, dude 20:29:35
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor * It's just infinite, dude 20:29:50
The mathematical explanation
@_discord_325534431756550144:t2bot.ioplan9fromtauceti yeah, idk if its even a paradox (even wikipedia calls it a thought experiment) 20:43:38
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat I do wanna make a hotel 20:45:40
@_discord_325534431756550144:t2bot.ioplan9fromtauceti It probably wouldnt be too hard 20:46:24
14 Jan 2024
@darthgandalf:matrix.orgDarthGandalfWhoever uses this matrix room: https://t2bot.io/blog/2024/01/14/discord-bridge-reset/12:30:59
@darthgandalf:matrix.orgDarthGandalfso it's not bridge right now12:31:03
@darthgandalf:matrix.orgDarthGandalf * so it's not bridged right now12:31:06
@syndiekun:matrix.orgSindikatstill, thank you12:48:39


@testman42:matrix.orgtestmanwe are doing some serious necromancy right now12:52:50
@granminigun:matrix.orgGranMinigunOh joy.13:07:07
@sigmasquadron:matrix.org@sigmasquadron:matrix.org well, i guess this is goodbye. 14:45:29
In reply to @sigmasquadron:matrix.org
well, i guess this is goodbye.
well, it's possible we'll manage to bridge it back
@darthgandalf:matrix.orgDarthGandalfbut at least currently you're better using irc or even discord14:46:36

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