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10 Sep 2017
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: with 8GB of ram you can probably preload enough to make a difference19:47:13
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: you may also want to lower "preload num threads" to 119:47:37
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: if your CPU isnt too fast (or even if it is)19:47:47
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] mupf: its an notebook. intel i319:48:57
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: definitely 1 for that, then19:52:48
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: maybe also disable preload doors, that can sometimes load a lot of cells you will never go into19:53:11
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] mupf: thanks, it really seems to help. i will play with the new settings for a while20:19:47
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] mupf: and the ui looks quite nice. much better than skyrim ui overhaul20:20:05
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: nice!20:45:16
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: i tweaked the preload stuff quite a bit before i found what i consider to be a sweet spot20:45:35
* @OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge [irc] KittyCat: prefers Arukinn's Better UI for a UI mod. http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42139/?20:54:56
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] KittyCat: it's actually (slightly) darker than the vanilla UI (unlike the "Dark UI" mod I've seen, which is brighter to me), but keeps the separators so everything remains visually organized20:56:20
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: oh, this is nice21:15:58
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] KittyCat: http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45076/ looks rather interesting23:55:13
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: i was looking at that one23:57:19
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: KittyCat: that UI mod is awesome btw, might be my favorite now23:57:32
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: i had to add the dot crosshairs through23:57:45
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: *though23:57:48
11 Sep 2017
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] Chinchou: Sounds like a nice mod. Reminds me of running around in Oblivion with a bunch of immersion mods00:00:24
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[discord] halbe: i use this as a crosshair https://a.safe.moe/MBYur.dds00:05:50
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[discord] halbe: its similar except the lines are shorter and a bit farther apart00:06:11
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] jfcaron: What UI mod were you mentioning, johnnyhostile?00:17:42
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: jfcaron: this one http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42139/00:31:23
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: but i also really like the monochrome ui mod00:31:39
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] jfcaron: thanks.00:33:16
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] psi29a: morning07:07:07
* @OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge [irc] Tauv: is listening to León van der Stadt – Vivec in Sunset10:34:30
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] xq: so many small but nice fixes coming in 0.43 !10:39:33
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] JohnZ[m]: Only ~2 month to go until 0.4310:45:03
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] Shporang: I'm excited10:45:11

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