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22 Sep 2017
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: civ5 has code from civ1, civ6 too probably17:01:43
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] jmelesky_: at some point they took that engine and updated it again for Skyrim, but they renamed it in the process17:01:56
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] jfcaron: oh I thought you meant the human endeavour, not the video game.17:01:57
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] jfcaron: Just look at civilization. We just keep monkeypatching old government and economic systems. Sometimes there's a rewrite from scratch, but those are usually quite bloody and uncomfortable, and often have new bugs that need to be worked out anyways.17:03:00
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: aurora engine is another one that got updated for a while iirc17:03:52
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: or whatever nwn/kotor uses17:04:03
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] magamo: Yeah, that's the Aurora engine.17:05:31
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] jfcaron: Is that open-source?17:05:49
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] magamo: I think it got rebranded the "Eclipse" engine or something like that for NWN2 and DA:O17:05:58
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] jfcaron: Electron17:06:26
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] magamo: jfcaron: No, it's Bioware proprietary. -- But, there's an open source reimplementation of it.17:06:26
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] magamo: Electron, yes.17:06:32
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] magamo: xoreos is the open source reimplementation project for the Aurora engine. It's still in the early stages.17:07:00
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] jfcaron: Oh Eclipse is yet another descendant of Aurora.17:07:15
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] magamo: #xoreos here on freenode is their irc channel.17:07:16
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] magamo: Bioware's older Infinity Engine (for Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment and Icewind Dale) has an open source reimplementation as well, "gemrb"17:08:05
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] magamo: Which is pretty mature.17:08:24
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: gemrb is cool17:09:07
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] jfcaron: Has anyone made any new games for gemrb?17:09:21
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] magamo: I haven't really used it much yet. I should try installing IWD2 under it, since as so far, that's the only one that Beamdog hasn't touched.17:09:39
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: in my experience a lot of mods work with it17:10:02
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] johnnyhostile: for bg1/217:10:13
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] magamo: I've heard that too.17:10:19
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] magamo: jfcaron: As far as I know, neither gemrb or xoreos have editors as part of them. I don't think anyone has made any completely new games with either as of yet.18:28:37
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] jfcaron: I guess those kinds of games require a lot of assets work, which the open-source community isn't good at providing.18:41:05
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] magamo: The lack of an editor might be a factor too.18:44:28
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] sakuramboo: we need more engine replacements19:31:11
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] sakuramboo: the GTA3 one looks promising19:31:30
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] sakuramboo: https://github.com/rwengine/openrw19:32:16
@OpenMW-Bridge:matrix.orgOpenMW-Bridge[irc] randall: I'll say, how long do you think before it's playable? and where to get a legit copy of gta3?19:34:21

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