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25 May 2022
@_slack_kubeflow_UFVUV2UFP:matrix.orgDan Sun it is the gmeet link on the doc 19:46:01
@_slack_kubeflow_U022U7KG24W:matrix.orgRachit Chauhan Dan Sun: found the detailed reasoning why they still want sidecars even though the communication will not be over TLS (as it’s PERMISSIVE) https://github.com/knative-sandbox/net-istio/issues/150 Not having sidecars will lead to loss of metrics. ref: this comment 21:34:45
@_slack_kubeflow_UFVUV2UFP:matrix.orgDan Sun ye if you have strict security and audit requirement, you would need the sidecar 21:41:22
@_slack_kubeflow_U022U7KG24W:matrix.orgRachit Chauhan For audits => logs and metrics But for security purposes, STRICT was expected but it would cause failure as kube-apiserver is not part of the mesh and doesn’t have envoy 21:43:47
@_slack_kubeflow_UFVUV2UFP:matrix.orgDan Sun ye that makes sense 21:51:41
26 May 2022
@_slack_kubeflow_U03H27PMSMR:matrix.org_slack_kubeflow_U03H27PMSMR joined the room.06:03:04
@_slack_kubeflow_U03HSETDZPA:matrix.orgKuba Dawczynski joined the room.08:13:24
@_slack_kubeflow_U03HSETDZPA:matrix.orgKuba Dawczynski changed their display name from _slack_kubeflow_U03HSETDZPA to Kuba Dawczynski.09:07:31
@_slack_kubeflow_U03HSETDZPA:matrix.orgKuba Dawczynski set a profile picture.09:07:32
@_slack_kubeflow_U03HSETDZPA:matrix.orgKuba Dawczynski Hi everyone. I have one question maybe someone already had this issue. We are using kubeflow 1.4 and when we create new InferenceService, kserver is creating new virtual service with internal and external endpoint where external endpoint is looking like
unfortunately our network setup is a little bit complex and we would like to expose it like:
I've tried to dig in this channel and github to get some information but i haven't found nothing
@_slack_kubeflow_U01B8DPEY01:matrix.orgJohn Paulett joined the room.10:59:09
@_slack_kubeflow_U02AYBVSLSK:matrix.orgAlexandre Brown Hello, maybe try modifying the domain template to replace the . with /
kubectl edit configmap config-network -n knative-serving
@_slack_kubeflow_U01B8DPEY01:matrix.orgJohn Paulett changed their display name from _slack_kubeflow_U01B8DPEY01 to John Paulett.11:19:41
@_slack_kubeflow_U01B8DPEY01:matrix.orgJohn Paulett set a profile picture.11:19:43
@_slack_kubeflow_U03HSETDZPA:matrix.orgKuba Dawczynski there was my idea also, but no luck 😕 i've putted
domainTemplate: "{{.Domain}}/{{.Namespace}}/{{.Name}}"
also i've tried to add - instead of / but this not change anything
@_slack_kubeflow_U02AYBVSLSK:matrix.orgAlexandre Brown Have you tried deploying a new inference service after applying the changes ? (not patching an existing deployment) 12:51:25
@_slack_kubeflow_U03HSETDZPA:matrix.orgKuba Dawczynski yes, i created new inference service couple of times, and i also recreated kserver itself and it like for domain change in domain config file everyting went well that for this i don't see any changes unless i'm doing something wrong in config-network cm
apiVersion: v1
  mydomain.com: ,
    domainTemplate: "{{.Domain}}/{{.Namespace}}/{{.Name}}"
where in mydomain.com i've putted domain which i'm using in config-domain cm
@_slack_kubeflow_U02AYBVSLSK:matrix.orgAlexandre Brown On my side I didn't put the mydomain.com inside this config map, I put inside kubectl edit configmap config-domain -n knative-serving Perhaps you can try moving mydomain.com to this config map and only modifying the domain template in the config-network configmap ? kubectl edit configmap config-network -n knative-serving 13:02:28
@_slack_kubeflow_U03HSETDZPA:matrix.orgKuba Dawczynski ok but as default in config-network configimap
apiVersion: v1
  _example: ,
@_slack_kubeflow_U02AYBVSLSK:matrix.orgAlexandre Brown Yes I believe what is under _example is not applied and only there for documentation purposes 13:05:47
@_slack_kubeflow_U02AYBVSLSK:matrix.orgAlexandre Brown Maybe try this : config-network
apiVersion: v1
  domainTemplate: "{{.Domain}}/{{.Namespace}}/{{.Name}}"
  _example: ,
apiVersion: v1
  mydomain.com: ""
  _example: ,
@_slack_kubeflow_U03HSETDZPA:matrix.orgKuba Dawczynski ok give me the second 13:08:14
@_slack_kubeflow_U03HSETDZPA:matrix.orgKuba Dawczynski ```error: configmaps "config-network" could not be patched: admission webhook "config.webhook.serving.knative.dev" denied the request: validation failed: domain template has url path: /bar/foo You can run `kubectl replace -f /var/folders/m1/c6dp897x6jb4p9k0j32_mqbh0000gq/T/kubectl-edit-2589593085.yaml` to try this update``` validation failed 13:33:05
@_slack_kubeflow_U02AYBVSLSK:matrix.orgAlexandre Brown Now this makes more sense, it clearly states that having url path /bar/foo is not allowed and so I'd be inclined to think it's simply not feasible 13:34:15
@_slack_kubeflow_U03HSETDZPA:matrix.orgKuba Dawczynski ok, thx for information and your time 13:41:18
@_slack_kubeflow_U022U7KG24W:matrix.orgRachit Chauhan Due to some limitations at our org, we have to use namespace other than knative-serving for knative’s control plane. Will it have any problems with kserve ? 19:45:23
@_slack_kubeflow_UFVUV2UFP:matrix.orgDan Sun you might need to create additional virtual service for the path rewrite 19:47:29
@_slack_kubeflow_UFVUV2UFP:matrix.orgDan Sun Kunming checkout this example https://github.com/kserve/kserve/blob/master/docs/samples/gcp-iap/virtual-service.yaml 19:48:10
@_slack_kubeflow_UFVUV2UFP:matrix.orgDan Sun should be fine, probably need a few configuration changes 19:48:48
@_slack_kubeflow_U022U7KG24W:matrix.orgRachit Chauhan ok. I see there are references to knative-serving namespace (for ingresses) in kserve.yaml : 1. https://github.com/kserve/kserve/blob/master/install/v0.8.0/kserve.yaml#L14995 2. https://github.com/kserve/kserve/blob/master/install/v0.8.0/kserve.yaml#L14850 3. https://github.com/kserve/kserve/blob/master/install/v0.8.0/kserve.yaml#L14852 19:52:55

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