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13 Oct 2021
@_slack_kubeflow_UFC0G606A:matrix.orgKrishna Durai Yes, the idea is to submit many inferences at one go and chech the results asynchronously 03:40:49
@_slack_kubeflow_UFVUV2UFP:matrix.orgDan Sun @_slack_kubeflow_U02AF95BSUF:matrix.org Do we support the migration path from 0.5? 03:40:53
@_slack_kubeflow_UFVUV2UFP:matrix.orgDan Sun We do not support batch inference yet but the idea is that we can run a spark job or something like that to take a batch file and send the requests to the inference services, collect back the response and write to a resulting file. 03:55:03
@jagadeeshj:matrix.orgJagadeesh J joined the room.04:32:29
@_slack_kubeflow_U02HL87RBDG:matrix.org_slack_kubeflow_U02HL87RBDG joined the room.07:11:29
@_slack_kubeflow_UFC0G606A:matrix.orgKrishna Durai Thanks for your reply Dan! 07:15:17
@_slack_kubeflow_U02HLB9PNMQ:matrix.org_slack_kubeflow_U02HLB9PNMQ joined the room.07:44:41
@_slack_kubeflow_U02AF95BSUF:matrix.orgSuresh Nakkiran joined the room.13:16:29
@_slack_kubeflow_U02AF95BSUF:matrix.orgSuresh Nakkiran Dan Sun the kserve migration job does not work from kfserving v0.5.0 because there are knative and istiod version/config differences between v0.5.0 and v0.6.0.. 13:16:30
@_slack_kubeflow_U015DQVPBR7:matrix.orgMarcin Jimenez joined the room.14:57:30
@_slack_kubeflow_U015DQVPBR7:matrix.orgMarcin Jimenez what is the recommended strategy on upgrades from 0.5 to 0.6 and beyond? 14:57:30
@_slack_kubeflow_UFVUV2UFP:matrix.orgDan Sun There will be no community meeting today, we have Kubecon talk for KServe today at 2:30pm PDT Serving Machine Learning Models at Scale Using KServe - Animesh Singh, IBM 15:20:08
@_slack_kubeflow_UAYJJUQJZ:matrix.orgtheofpa joined the room.15:34:53
@_slack_kubeflow_UM56LA7N3:matrix.orgBenjamin Tan joined the room.15:40:36
@_slack_kubeflow_UM56LA7N3:matrix.orgBenjamin Tan I must be doing something wrong but I still haven't figured this out: I have Kubeflow set up on a private GKE (so https everything), but I want to have my Knative models not have to go through Dex. I've tried setting up an additional Istio Ingress but keep hitting into various problems (IngressNotConfigured, not being able to curl with the new domain etc) 15:42:19
@_slack_kubeflow_UM56LA7N3:matrix.orgBenjamin Tan Is there an easier way to bypass Auth for Knative? 15:42:39
@_slack_kubeflow_UM56LA7N3:matrix.orgBenjamin Tan And if I bypass it, does it still go through https? 15:45:42
@_slack_kubeflow_U0127AUTPMH:matrix.orgNick joined the room.15:51:18
@_slack_kubeflow_U0104H1616Z:matrix.orgiamlovingit joined the room.15:55:14
@_slack_kubeflow_UM56LA7N3:matrix.orgBenjamin Tan Otherwise, I would be interested in how other foiks handle this 15:56:02
@_slack_kubeflow_UFVUV2UFP:matrix.orgDan Sun
In reply to@_slack_kubeflow_UM56LA7N3:matrix.org
Otherwise, I would be interested in how other foiks handle this
Benjamin Tan if you have describe your setup in more details I can help out to trouble shooting, we have setup this before so pretty sure it should work
In reply to@_slack_kubeflow_UFVUV2UFP:matrix.org
There will be no community meeting today, we have Kubecon talk for KServe today at 2:30pm PDT Serving Machine Learning Models at Scale Using KServe - Animesh Singh, IBM
Dan Sun actually I think it’s 2.30pm tomorrow https://kccncna2021.sched.com/event/lV2s/serving-machine-learning-models-at-scale-using-kserve-animesh-singh-ibm?iframe=no
@_slack_kubeflow_U0113251MGS:matrix.orgPeilun Li joined the room.18:44:29
@_slack_kubeflow_U0113251MGS:matrix.orgPeilun Li So I guess we have to: 1. First upgrade our manifest from 0.5 to 0.6 (without changing existing services -- still on 0.5) 2. Then install 0.7 manifest to the cluster 3. Meanwhile for new service deployment we can deploy with 0.7 directly, while the old 0.5 deployments are still controlled by 0.6. 4. Finally use the migration job to migrate existing 0.5 services (controlled by 0.6) to 0.7's api group and controller. Would that be a working path? 18:44:29
@_slack_kubeflow_U0113251MGS:matrix.orgPeilun Li
In reply toundefined
(edited) ... controller. Would ... => ... controller. 5. Delete the 0.6 manifest afterwards. Would ...
@_slack_kubeflow_UFVUV2UFP:matrix.orgDan Sun
In reply to@_slack_kubeflow_U0127AUTPMH:matrix.org
Dan Sun actually I think it’s 2.30pm tomorrow https://kccncna2021.sched.com/event/lV2s/serving-machine-learning-models-at-scale-using-kserve-animesh-singh-ibm?iframe=no
oops sorry my bad
@_slack_kubeflow_UFVUV2UFP:matrix.orgDan Sun
In reply toundefined
(edited) ... KServe today at ... => ... KServe tomorrow at ...
@_slack_kubeflow_UFVUV2UFP:matrix.orgDan Sun
In reply toundefined
(edited) ... tomorrow at ... => ... tomorrow 10/14 at ...
14 Oct 2021
@_slack_kubeflow_U02HTJ9GLKT:matrix.orgRiley Greenimage.png
Download image.png
@_slack_kubeflow_U02HTJ9GLKT:matrix.orgRiley Green Hi, I have installed Kubeflow 1.4 from manifests and I tried to deploy the sklearn-iris predictor sample and I am getting the following error: Any ideas on a way forward? Many thanks 🙏 02:35:49

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