
IELE Virtual Machine

81 Members
The IELE Virtual Machine for the Blockchain21 Servers

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15 Dec 2017
@_slack_runtimeverification_U5GE6G57G:matrix.orgdwight.guthIs there anything we can do for you?15:25:24
@_slack_runtimeverification_U5FNFKKC5:matrix.orggrigore.rosuWe just started it. Welcome @atlas.ng.15:35:02
@kuldeepsinh:matrix.orgkuldeepsinh joined the room.16:15:17
@atlas.ng:matrix.orgatlas.ngOh so cool16:21:23
@atlas.ng:matrix.orgatlas.ngI just thought I would check it out16:21:32
@atlas.ng:matrix.orgatlas.ngits very exciting what you are doing16:21:43
@atlas.ng:matrix.orgatlas.ngI'd like to look into getting involved with building apps on the cardano platform in the near future16:26:25
16 Dec 2017
@Grigore:matrix.orgGrigore atlas.ng: thanks for your enthusiasm for IELE. You should likely also get in touch with the Cardano community for that. We help with the development of their new VM, but note that we != Cardano. 05:06:41
@Grigore:matrix.orgGrigore set their display name to Grigore.17:38:40
@Grigore:matrix.orgGrigore set a profile picture.17:38:50
18 Dec 2017
@ydna:matrix.orgydna joined the room.10:02:52
@ydna:matrix.orgydnawhere can we buy jt10:03:31
@markc0311:matrix.orgmarkc0311 joined the room.12:27:49
Room Avatar Renderer.19:44:45
@sjmackenzie:matrix.orgsjm joined the room.20:08:07
@sjmackenzie:matrix.orgsjmGreetings chaps, exciting work on IELE. Is there an approximate time line on deployment into Cardano? 1 year?20:09:38
@sjmackenzie:matrix.orgsjmtesting, seems my previous message was deleted.20:10:41
@sjmackenzie:matrix.orgsjmUnderstood that RV != Cardano, I think it's a perfectly valid question to understand an approximate idea on when IELE is completed.20:13:01
@sjmackenzie:matrix.orgsjm (ah! my messages are getting through, reloading the channel updated the interface with the latest state) 20:15:31
@Grigore:matrix.orgGrigore Thanks sjm . I believe we'd like to deploy IELE in Cardano in less than 1 year, hopefully in 6 months or so. 20:33:37
@Grigore:matrix.orgGrigoreBut it is ultimately IOHK's decision20:34:03
@sjmackenzie:matrix.orgsjmI see, so the primary deliverable at this stage is the efficient backend? Then some integration to'ing and fro'ing with IOHK. Yeah okay so a year give or take. Thanks for your help Grigore, see I'm planning on building on IELE but have to synch some critical path components (as best a possible) to be ready for IELE.20:40:02
@Grigore:matrix.orgGrigore sjm: sounds good. let's stay in touch. 20:41:13
@sjmackenzie:matrix.orgsjm👍 great work chaps20:45:58
21 Dec 2017
@jurajselep:matrix.orgjurajselep | simplestaking.com joined the room.12:41:56
24 Dec 2017
@ethme:matrix.orgethme joined the room.07:10:01
29 Dec 2017
@bzula:matrix.orgbzula joined the room.00:08:09
5 Jan 2018
@lgasior:matrix.orglgasior joined the room.12:13:57
21 Jan 2018
@sjmackenzie:matrix.orgsjm Is this the equivalent of LLVM IR? https://github.com/runtimeverification/iele-semantics/blob/master/iele-examples/erc20.iele 18:56:26
@sjmackenzie:matrix.orgsjm If so does this IR have similar properties as that of webassembly, in that it's completely portable? 18:57:33

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