
IELE Virtual Machine

81 Members
The IELE Virtual Machine for the Blockchain21 Servers

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22 Jan 2018
@_slack_runtimeverification_U5GE6G57G:matrix.orgdwight.guthThat is the textual representation of a iele contract. It assembles into a format that will in the future be executed by the Cardano blockchain. Its behavior when called is completely deterministic and does not depend on the specs of the computer running the code. Does that answer your question?17:08:56
25 Jan 2018
@gitter_johan_andries_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_johan_andries_twitter:matrix.org joined the room.16:38:24
@gitter_johan_andries_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_johan_andries_twitter:matrix.org When following the instructions in INSTALL.md, the last make command fails with 16:38:29
@gitter_johan_andries_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_johan_andries_twitter:matrix.org changed their display name from gitter_johan_andries_twitter to johan andries (Gitter).16:38:48
@gitter_johan_andries_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_johan_andries_twitter:matrix.org == kompile: .build/rvk/ethereum-kompiled/interpreter
tests/ci/rv-k/k-distribution/target/release/k/bin/kompile --debug --main-module ETHEREUM-SIMULATION \
--syntax-module IELE-SYNTAX .build/rvk/ethereum.k --directory .build/rvk \
--hook-namespaces KRYPTO --gen-ml-only -O3 --non-strict
/tmp/tmp-kompile-3368781429881838545.l:8611: warning, rule cannot be matched
/tmp/tmp-kompile-6690750962456022966.l:23824: warning, rule cannot be matched
40 states, 1247 transitions, table size 5228 bytes
ocamlfind opt -c .build/rvk/ethereum-kompiled/constants.ml -package gmp -package zarith
ocamlfind opt -c -I .build/rvk/ethereum-kompiled KRYPTO.ml -package cryptokit -package secp256k1 -package bn128
ocamlfind opt -a -o semantics.cmxa KRYPTO.cmx
ocamlfind remove iele-semantics-plugin
Removed /home/johan/.opam/4.03.0+k/lib/iele-semantics-plugin/META
Removed /home/johan/.opam/4.03.0+k/lib/iele-semantics-plugin
ocamlfind install iele-semantics-plugin META semantics.cmxa semantics.a KRYPTO.cmi KRYPTO.cmx
Installed /home/johan/.opam/4.03.0+k/lib/iele-semantics-plugin/KRYPTO.cmx
Installed /home/johan/.opam/4.03.0+k/lib/iele-semantics-plugin/KRYPTO.cmi
Installed /home/johan/.opam/4.03.0+k/lib/iele-semantics-plugin/semantics.a
Installed /home/johan/.opam/4.03.0+k/lib/iele-semantics-plugin/semantics.cmxa
Installed /home/johan/.opam/4.03.0+k/lib/iele-semantics-plugin/META
tests/ci/rv-k/k-distribution/target/release/k/bin/kompile --debug --main-module ETHEREUM-SIMULATION \
--syntax-module IELE-SYNTAX .build/rvk/ethereum.k --directory .build/rvk \
--hook-namespaces KRYPTO --packages iele-semantics-plugin -O3 --non-strict
/tmp/tmp-kompile-2644832360223680173.l:8611: warning, rule cannot be matched
/tmp/tmp-kompile-4648644375054646150.l:23824: warning, rule cannot be matched
40 states, 1247 transitions, table size 5228 bytes
File "realdef.ml", line 1:
Error: The files prelude.cmi
and /home/johan/.opam/4.03.0+k/lib/iele-semantics-plugin/KRYPTO.cmi
make inconsistent assumptions over interface Constants
org.kframework.utils.errorsystem.KEMException: [Error] Critical: ocamlopt returned nonzero exit code: 2
Examine output to see errors.
at org.kframework.utils.errorsystem.KEMException.create(KEMException.java:113)
at org.kframework.utils.errorsystem.KEMException.criticalError(KEMException.java:30)
at org.kframework.backend.ocaml.OcamlBackend.accept(OcamlBackend.java:110)
at org.kframework.kompile.KompileFrontEnd.run(KompileFrontEnd.java:71)
at org.kframework.main.FrontEnd.main(FrontEnd.java:52)
at org.kframework.main.Main.runApplication(Main.java:113)
at org.kframework.main.Main.runApplication(Main.java:103)
at org.kframework.main.Main.main(Main.java:52)
[Error] Critical: ocamlopt returned nonzero exit code: 2
Examine output to see errors.
Makefile:111: recipe for target '.build/rvk/ethereum-kompiled/interpreter' failed
make: * [.build/rvk/ethereum-kompiled/interpreter] Error 113
@_slack_runtimeverification_U5GE6G57G:matrix.orgdwight.guthCan you please run `make clean; ocamlfind remove iele-semantics-plugin; make` and let me know if the problem recurs?17:07:48
@gitter_johan_andries_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_johan_andries_twitter:matrix.org Unfortunately the error remains. I checked to make sure the remove command did delete ~/.opam/4.03.0+k/lib/iele-semantics-plugin/KRYPTO.cmi. 17:18:47
@_slack_runtimeverification_U5GE6G57G:matrix.orgdwight.guthcan you please try checking out the `install` branch and then rebuilding everything and let me know if you still have the problem?18:20:48
@_slack_runtimeverification_U5GE6G57G:matrix.orgdwight.guthif that works I will merge those changes into the master branch, but I can't reproduce on my own so I'd like you to test first18:21:11
@gitter_johan_andries_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_johan_andries_twitter:matrix.org The changes in the install branch fixed the error. Thank you for your help. 18:33:25
27 Jan 2018
@ryan_stock:matrix.orgryan_stock joined the room.03:32:40
@hatter6822:matrix.orghatter6822 joined the room.18:50:55
19 Feb 2018
@stakehub.io:matrix.orgstakehub.io joined the room.02:19:16
15 Mar 2018
@mt:unixpimps.netmatekdk joined the room.00:25:00
@mt:unixpimps.netmatekdkHello - I've spend some time looking at IELE - seems pretty solid :) Can I ask you - is this a project that is 'dedicated' to Cardano blockchain ? Or is the idea that other chains will pick this up ?00:26:36
16 Mar 2018
@Grigore:matrix.orgGrigore Hi matekdk . No, IELE is not dedicated to Cardano. But Cardano will likely be the first blockchain to adopt it. Note that IOHK funded the entire IELE project. We'd be glad to see IELE deployed on more blockchains in the future, though. 02:59:49
@mt:unixpimps.netmatekdk Grigore: Cool - is there a specific person I should contact in that regard ? For possible biz-inquiries also - in regards to needed tweaks to iele. 13:25:40
@Grigore:matrix.orgGrigore matekdk: you can always contact dwight.guth, @brandon.moore, @theo.kasampalis and myself (see https://runtimeverification.com/team/). We'd like to know what you plan to do with it. 15:09:08
@mt:unixpimps.netmatekdk Grigore: Thanx - you guys will receive en email from me later. 18:33:35
27 Mar 2018
@zhanla0:matrix.org@zhanla0:matrix.org joined the room.01:47:10
@zhanla0:matrix.org@zhanla0:matrix.orgwill a c++ blockchain work with iele?02:04:52
@zhanla0:matrix.org@zhanla0:matrix.orgiele seems like a great project. I really am glad to see the industry moving away from ethereum dependence such as EVM.02:06:21
@_slack_runtimeverification_U5GE6G57G:matrix.orgdwight.guth Iele has an open source inter process communication api for invoking the vm to execute a transaction, so code in any language can be used to interface with it if it follows that interface. The code is also under a very permissive open source license, so nothing is stopping you from implementing a iele vm in c++ either. 04:06:30
@zhanla0:matrix.org@zhanla0:matrix.orggreat thanks!04:28:41
14 Apr 2018
@hysnabi:matrix.orghysnabi joined the room.12:17:42
22 Apr 2018
@gcolvin:matrix.org@gcolvin:matrix.org joined the room.17:29:22
@gcolvin:matrix.org@gcolvin:matrix.org changed their display name from gcolvin to Greg Colvin.17:53:32
@gcolvin:matrix.org@gcolvin:matrix.org set a profile picture.17:56:53
@gcolvin:matrix.org@gcolvin:matrix.org removed their display name Greg Colvin.17:58:40
@gcolvin:matrix.org@gcolvin:matrix.org 18:00:06

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