
IELE Virtual Machine

81 Members
The IELE Virtual Machine for the Blockchain21 Servers

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15 Sep 2018
@_slack_runtimeverification_U8U8CMMV2:matrix.orgralph.johnson Runtime calculation of gas is what EVM does. I was going to say "what all the blockchain VMs do" but I don't know about any other than EVM. Calculating gas cost is not a big part of the time in KEVM or IELE, and probably not in EVM either. 11:42:12
@gcolvin:matrix.org@gcolvin:matrix.orgWell, to a mechanic K is very much higher level than assembly and C ;)22:56:41
@gcolvin:matrix.org@gcolvin:matrix.orgAnyway, the EVM operations mostly charge fixed amount of gas, and are still in a big overhead in the C++ interpreter. I reduced it a lot by avoiding unnecessary computations per instruction, it can reduced further by pushing the computations to the end of basic blocks, and even further by hoisting computations further up the tree. If gas is gas calculated per instruction then what might compile to a single operation on two registers becomes that operation plus a more expensive sequence of operations to calculate the gas.23:07:35
25 Sep 2018
@colex:matrix.orgcolex joined the room.07:40:33
27 Sep 2018
@locusf:disroot.org@locusf:disroot.org joined the room.04:24:50
3 Oct 2018
@_slack_runtimeverification_U5FNFKKC5:matrix.orggrigore.rosu set a profile picture.01:47:12
@_slack_runtimeverification_U5FNFKKC5:matrix.orggrigore.rosu Hi Greg: sorry for not answering earlier, somehow this channel slipped ... too many channels and bridges in my slack. Ralph was right on the spot with his answers. We have suffered a lot with doing formal verification of EVM contracts, lots of errors being indeed due to overflows. So in IELE we decided to favor mathematical clarity, and thus easier formal verification, over gas. 01:47:13
@_slack_runtimeverification_U5FNFKKC5:matrix.orggrigore.rosu That being said, note that a smart contract owner who respects his clients can formally verify their contract and as part of that give a provably correct formula for how much gas the contract requires as a function of symbolic inputs. 01:49:58
@_slack_runtimeverification_U5FNFKKC5:matrix.orggrigore.rosu so everybody knows at call-time how much gas a transaction takes 01:50:44
@gcolvin:matrix.org@gcolvin:matrix.orgI'm drowning in channels, Grigore. I must turn most of them off if am to get anything else done :(. Fair enough choice for IELE. I'm working in the EVM/eWasm world of fixed-width, power-of-two registers, of course. And not wanting to slow down compiled code anymore than necessary.02:06:34
@gcolvin:matrix.org@gcolvin:matrix.orgStill, if this gas formula could be part of the required output of the validation of a contract going onto the blockchain, then metering goes away, does it not?02:12:59
@_slack_runtimeverification_U5FNFKKC5:matrix.orggrigore.rosu Greg: Yes! And that is a very important point, in favor of formal verification. 15:51:06
@gitter_gcolvin:matrix.org@gitter_gcolvin:matrix.orgThis is very exciting. Given a formal spec of a VM and program, I got that useful properties of program can be established at validation time. What properties I’m not sure, EVM 615 sets out just a few. I hadn’t considered that constant-time formulas could be created that establish properties of the program at call time, like how much gas it needs. What else?20:58:21
15 Oct 2018
@holybao:matrix.orgholybao joined the room.02:07:41
20 Oct 2018
@rinor.hoxha:matrix.org@rinor.hoxha:matrix.org joined the room.10:02:33
1 Nov 2018
@ranwar:matrix.orgranwar joined the room.03:14:01
6 Jan 2019
@zmanian:matrix.orgZaki | iqlusion.io joined the room.02:23:20
26 Mar 2019
@jurajselep:matrix.orgjurajselep | simplestaking.com changed their display name from jurajselep(simplestaking.com) to jurajselep | simplestaking.com.22:02:53
23 Apr 2019
@dima_tr:matrix.orgdima_tr joined the room.10:00:15
5 May 2019
@xp4.2:matrix.orgxp4.2 joined the room.19:05:55
7 May 2019
@rinor.hoxha:matrix.org@rinor.hoxha:matrix.org left the room.12:09:36
1 Aug 2019
@locusf:disroot.org@locusf:disroot.org changed their profile picture.15:01:24
@slackbot:matrix.orgSlack Integration set their display name to Slack Integration.15:01:26
12 Aug 2019
@locusf:disroot.org@locusf:disroot.org left the room.12:46:09
20 Aug 2019
@gitter_bredamatt:matrix.org@gitter_bredamatt:matrix.org changed their display name from Mattia L.V. Bradascio (Gitter) to Mattia Bradascio (Gitter).13:42:41
25 Aug 2019
@micdecipli5:matrix.org@micdecipli5:matrix.org joined the room.02:11:40
@micdecipli5:matrix.org@micdecipli5:matrix.org left the room.02:11:49
26 Oct 2019
@charlotte_ldmc:matrix.orgcharlotte_ldmc joined the room.16:15:18
14 Dec 2019
@alois:matrix.kiwifarms.netalois joined the room.16:25:26
17 Dec 2019
@boris:potatofrom.spaceboris joined the room.23:47:15

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