
AetherForce Discord Lounge

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26 Oct 2023
@_discord_252150616896438272:t2bot.io_kolter012_ joined the room.07:27:16
@_discord_307789405765238794:t2bot.ioaidan_138 joined the room.09:36:46
@_discord_904687192679518248:t2bot.iothenotnumber joined the room.14:11:06
31 Oct 2023
@_discord_459129406141628416:t2bot.ioshiver4031 joined the room.17:20:17
2 Nov 2023
@_discord_873279895642451989:t2bot.io.mattdd joined the room.17:00:42
3 Nov 2023
@_discord_1160987018638143588:t2bot.ioczarczu joined the room.03:02:37
12 Nov 2023
@_discord_510519844223844353:t2bot.ioiaqs1 joined the room.14:15:04
@befobe5107:matrix.org@befobe5107:matrix.org joined the room.23:05:09
@befobe5107:matrix.org@befobe5107:matrix.org left the room.23:06:10
13 Nov 2023
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon joined the room.16:11:12
18 Nov 2023
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce The whole server is devoted to the topic in its various forms. Feels good to clean up the place a bit. Lots of restructuring to occur when I find time. 00:09:47
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce I have an auto-translation of the shape power 2 .. not very good. 00:10:41
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce * The whole server is devoted to the topic in its various forms. Several channels address it in their own way. Feels good to clean up the place a bit. Lots of restructuring to occur when I find time. 00:11:39
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 Can I have it? 01:18:56
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 To avoid me from trying to do that myself.... 01:19:18
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 hmmm, or maybe chat gpt would do a better job of translating it? 01:19:30
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 * hmmm, or maybe chat gpt would do a better job of translating it? 01:19:46
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 Is it the translation that isn't good, or the book? 01:20:42
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 * Is it the translation that isn't good, or the book? (or both?) 01:21:04
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce Sorry. I didn't find the translation to be that great. My hard drive is locked up till monday while I clone a drive but will see if I can find it again. 01:34:05
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 Thanks, trying to get it is going to be a pain, if I try to buy the Kindle version it seems it wants a new Amazon account (weird) but attempts to create one are failing (weird) and it's just becoming increasingly difficult, then I need to get DL it, get around their DRM, well that's the easy part. 02:16:12
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 * Thanks, trying to get it is going to be a pain, if I try to buy the Kindle version it seems it wants a new Amazon account (weird) but attempts to create one are failing (weird) and it's just becoming increasingly difficult, then I need to DL it, get around their DRM, well that's the easy part. 02:16:43
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 So, where is the right place to talk about the physics of the aether? 02:17:08
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 I mean, admittedly not that many people interested but there should be a place. 02:17:28
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 * So, where is the right place to talk about the physics of the aether, and technologies to affect if directly? 02:17:54
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforceDownload Dan_A._Davidson_-_Shape_power_II_2014_ITA-ENG_translate.pdf03:20:20
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce Kindles format is the worst.

I was able to find it on my laptop still. Here ya go.

I am still restructuring the chat. Let me think about it.
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce Also, here is a backup of the discord from several months agao, so the majority of your stuff is still in there. Just open in a browser. 03:25:54
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforceDownload AF_DISCORD_BACK_UP.html03:26:07
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 Thanks! 04:27:57

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