
AetherForce Discord Lounge

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20 Apr 2023
@_discord_211224854966304769:t2bot.ioKin joined the room.11:02:09
23 Apr 2023
@_discord_1037481935410307282:t2bot.ioRichardVonCline joined the room.18:04:11
24 Apr 2023
@_discord_796025912868077568:t2bot.ioKO joined the room.16:18:15
26 Apr 2023
@_discord_892842009574932593:t2bot.ioThreeeSixNine#5857 Better late than never- we are heading to Dahlonega next week. I keep trying the Cherokee Gold Thomas Geckler contact info but I haven't gotten any response. Was wondering if anyone might know how to reach him. I'm not even sure if their office is there anymore bc the address is for a place now listed for sale. I would love to try the phi cold plasma devices. 14:14:52
@_discord_892842009574932593:t2bot.ioThreeeSixNine#5857 I got him on the phone, not really selling things out of a shop or office these days. very nice man, though! Very generous to answer my questions very knowledgeable and helpful. ✨ 16:30:26
28 Apr 2023
@_discord_725113695121702946:t2bot.ioyummy_pizza changed their display name from mrheckerman to yummy_pizza#8506.05:04:41
@_discord_725113695121702946:t2bot.ioyummy_pizza is it possible to materialize a physical object from consciousness? how could this be done? 05:04:46
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie Need to repair gene first 09:35:07
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie And you would need to be able to bypass the matrix though. 09:35:32
29 Apr 2023
@imlostlmao:matrix.orgimlostlmao joined the room.09:16:37
1 May 2023
@_discord_953907914735771658:t2bot.iocageworld joined the room.03:53:35
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul "Aether". 💀
That's the answer.
4 May 2023
@_discord_1062178639615107082:t2bot.iorobertprestonart joined the room.00:50:05
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie Controlling the matrix actually. 07:29:05
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul Same thing. 11:05:57
6 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in joined the room.04:06:20
8 May 2023
@_discord_732824545505050665:t2bot.ioAWL joined the room.19:34:57
9 May 2023
@_discord_517438530121760770:t2bot.iojameschadwhick Does anyone here have experience in building radioincs machines 21:40:36
13 May 2023
@luffy:chat.mistli.netluffy joined the room.08:11:33
19 May 2023
@_discord_370792438408675334:t2bot.iowhitewaterbug Who was the monk that used radiesthesia to build churches? I saw it once on vesica site but can’t find it now. 00:02:49
20 May 2023
@_discord_993291512706240552:t2bot.ioSimonSays joined the room.03:13:08
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in left the room.21:03:54
@_discord_725113695121702946:t2bot.ioyummy_pizza changed their profile picture.23:09:19
@_discord_725113695121702946:t2bot.ioyummy_pizza changed their display name from yummy_pizza#8506 to yummy_pizza.23:09:29
27 May 2023
@_discord_517438530121760770:t2bot.iojameschadwhick I'm starting a book group if anyone wants to join. The first 6 books we'll be reading 13:33:03
@_discord_517438530121760770:t2bot.iojameschadwhick The first six books for the reading group, done in any order.

* How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie

* The power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

* Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell maltz

* 48 laws of power by Robert Greene

* How to think like a Roman emperor by Donald J Robertson

* Exercises for Gentlemen: 50 Exercises to Do With Your Suit On by Alfred Olsen, M. Ellsworth Olsen
28 May 2023
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie changed their display name from Lukie Kelen to Lukie Kelen#7524.01:33:48
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie changed their display name from Lukie Kelen#7524 to Lukie Kelen.01:33:52
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie sorry but we dont do globalization here 01:33:53
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie lol and extinction is a joke when massive amount of techs and esoteric knowledge and wisdom are suppressed 01:34:26

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