
AetherForce Discord Lounge

318 Members
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29 May 2023
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie everything last forever because existence is eternal 13:03:11
31 May 2023
Download IMG_20210703_155122.png
@_discord_517438530121760770:t2bot.iojameschadwhick Time machine 13:28:26
@_discord_1090860157535268945:t2bot.iojorki joined the room.21:39:51
5 Jun 2023
@_discord_795848334245101578:t2bot.iojmichelen This is the greatest time in human history!
6 Jun 2023
@_discord_877864947328118854:t2bot.iognothi93#0 changed their display name from Gnothi to Gnothi#1577.16:01:15
8 Jun 2023
@_discord_1100481774653558934:t2bot.ioUsername12ab3c joined the room.04:52:11
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie steven greer is an agent lmao 09:49:13
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie cant even take him seriously 09:49:18
10 Jun 2023
@_discord_114296922872872964:t2bot.ioelerium joined the room.02:16:52
11 Jun 2023
@chip1972:matrix.orgchip1972 set a profile picture.12:38:45
@chip1972:matrix.orgchip1972 changed their profile picture.12:39:40
@chip1972:matrix.orgchip1972 changed their profile picture.13:23:36
@_discord_1039627121263386634:t2bot.iojumpingcloudberry joined the room.18:43:08
21 Jun 2023
@_discord_899133975094759474:t2bot.io```|)161741 ¢0¢41|\|3``` changed their display name from DigiTal CocaiNe#1771 to cochain4#0.07:59:55
24 Jun 2023
@jingles:connect.beyondminds.orgJingles joined the room.10:11:11
26 Jun 2023
@kingtutstomb:matrix.org@kingtutstomb:matrix.org joined the room.05:33:28
@kingtutstomb:matrix.org@kingtutstomb:matrix.org left the room.06:47:21
28 Jun 2023
@gdudd:matrix.org@gdudd:matrix.org joined the room.22:37:20
@gdudd:matrix.org@gdudd:matrix.org left the room.22:37:45
29 Jun 2023
@_discord_586976948127793255:t2bot.io_accele_#0 changed their display name from accele#7452 to _accele_#0.21:09:49
9 Jul 2023
@_discord_199757765319589889:t2bot.iocarboncarbon#0 changed their display name from カーボン | Carbon#8935 to carboncarbon#0.17:06:43
17 Jul 2023
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul changed their display name from AlmightySoulKing#0704 to almightysoulking#0.09:19:35
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul changed their display name from almightysoulking#0 to One Soul.09:19:43
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul Dale Carnegie is such a hack bruh. 💀 09:19:45
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul Same with Norman Peale.. 09:19:58
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul Yes, jameschadwhick my boi.. fit that inside your thick skull.. that is if you're anything more than your body. 💀 09:21:11
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul Someone should pin all this stuff so that people really start their study instead of trolling, scaremongering and fraudmongering.. 😒 09:52:56
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul * Someone should pin all this stuff in one place so that people really start their study instead of trolling, scaremongering and fraudmongering.. 😒 09:53:21
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie changed their display name from Lukie Kelen to kelenlukie#0.10:22:08

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