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22 Nov 2023
@_discord_918953454079205397:t2bot.iodjejp joined the room.09:07:11
23 Nov 2023
@_discord_857330251457363979:t2bot.iomusikaljulie joined the room.23:58:22
24 Nov 2023
@_discord_399942153947840512:t2bot.iomarshall.massage joined the room.20:42:22
@_discord_399942153947840512:t2bot.iomarshall.massage Testing… 20:42:23
@_discord_399942153947840512:t2bot.iomarshall.massage 20:42:26
25 Nov 2023
@_discord_1141819959341760552:t2bot.ioufodestroyer_39269 joined the room.00:36:03
@_discord_1141819959341760552:t2bot.ioufodestroyer_39269 is this the section to chat?.. sorry i'm new to discord 00:37:15
@_discord_1141819959341760552:t2bot.ioufodestroyer_39269 can someone help me? I am targeted by electromagnetic weapons and I believe radionic tech and orgone accumulators or psychotronic generators. The reason I think this for the orgone and psychotronic generators is because I can feel this life energy getting sucked from my stomach area, sometimes my ribs and elbows. I also get magnetic movements, movements which force me to move in the direction of metal and electrical objects. I am magnetized to people's arms as well, but I'm theorizing it's the electrical signals in the arms. Everyone seems to be targeted and used as antennas, I can hear hissing (the microwave auditory effect) in their voices, though they're not tortured like I am. They emit like this subtle energy electric current from their eyes that hit mine (maybe eloptic energy?). I am also getting hit with real negative energy, energy that can decay stuff. The reason I think radionic tech is because I am conscious of energy, this subtle energy, within my body as well as consciousness outside of my body. Also vibrations in the palm of my hands, bottom of my feet and sorta all over my body. It all started when I started listening to binaural beats that were supposed to "open the third eye". I read in the comments section people saying they've experienced vibrations and stuff as well. Can anyone explain these things please? 00:55:08
@_discord_1141819959341760552:t2bot.ioufodestroyer_39269 i need help this is torture, im barely able to think and concentrate, im willing to pay people to help me out.. 00:56:22
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon I would try something like this https://www.hom3ostasis.com/protocol/ and read it very carefully. If you want proof of it working, see https://t.me/STUDI3S and https://t.me/TRAJ3CTORY I've tried lots of stuff before but sticking to that protocol page whenever it updates had kept me from going to the hospital. 04:30:05
@_discord_1141819959341760552:t2bot.ioufodestroyer_39269 you're targeted as well? is this protocol for targeting or for helping mental illness? 04:59:24
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon I used to do a lot of orgonite stuff too, including shungite and magnetic arrays and zappers and ionizers and a shit load of herbs and supplements, even had a custom orgonite with vogel crystals, magnetic fields, crystals, slim spurling tensor ring, multiple religious coping mechanisms, etc., nothing worked. 14:50:49
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon people would try anything but nicotinic acid and that's pretty sad, since now ferric ammonium citrate is better understood these days as the missing piece to make supplemented real niacin (there's lots or fake niacin and tampered brands) work better. I used to get sick and get static electricity (from ionizers but sometimes even when I don't use air ionizers) shocks all the time, and grounding doesn't always work, it gives me heart arrhythmia. I also used to get overwhelmed by the radio background sound of being in a room or a car. Now I don't have tinnitus. 15:00:34
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon I'm pretty sure Karl Welz promoted black magic but that fact is generally ignored by many 15:01:58
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon https://www.grimoires.com/ Karl Welz's Grimoires website, same guy that invented Orgonite before Don and Carol Croft came along and tried to make their own variants of it as well as the zapper variants from Dr Clark. 15:07:42
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon I also tried taking colloidal metals before, it only ruined my kidneys and heart further 15:11:20
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Any excess voltaic charge (gamma rays from sun or food or even direct dielectric scalar energy space laser shooting satellites) in the body increases metabolic demand for more protons to deal with the electron transfer chain to regulate the mitochondria and convert that charge into forming Adenosine Triphosphate and heat. The reasons certain parts of the body have chi stagnation is generally due to intracellular metabolism issues that compound until it switches off a certain part of the body like a circuit breaker turning off to prevent a short circuiting to happen in the whole body 15:40:41
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon If you're socially targeted, you should brush up on OPSEC knowledge to avoid sending megacorps free data by opting out on various things 15:41:13
@nighthard66:matrix.org@nighthard66:matrix.org joined the room.18:48:26
@nighthard66:matrix.org@nighthard66:matrix.org left the room.18:51:29
@_discord_1141819959341760552:t2bot.ioufodestroyer_39269 thanks, I copied down what you've said, though not sure if it'll help with the electromagnetic and chi targeting. I know there's chemtrails that put metals in the body that could probably help target someone, but my vitamin supplements haven't really changed my torture, I'd need something that can stop a radionic and orgone device, since I believe they're targeting me with that 21:23:14
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon your vitamins are not actual vitamins 21:54:34
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Ferric Ammonium Citrate makes lactococcus lactis grow better than on heme-iron. F.A.C. signals the body that there is ample Nicotinic Acid (in therapeutic dosages in the right FAC to Niacin ratio). Having a baseline nutritional homeostasis is just that, but this protocol also cures cancers and helps people lose weight if they're fat or even gain weight if they're too skinny. People generally have a freakout session the first few dosages because of the niacin flushing sensation can last even 3 hours but this also breaks down micro blood clots, lowers LDL (bad cholesterol), raises HDL (beneficial cholesterol), also binds toxins out of you. Just two powders in therapeutic dosages with water verses thousands of different phenolic acids that merely mimics nicotinic acid with 1/10000th of the benefits that you could be having.

Anyways, people like Ken Wheeler thinks that a small tesla coil device would discharge at the ghosts like a deterrent. Besides the general dangers of ozone air that would be made from it, Ken did claim that a real estate agent had exorcised a house using his advice.
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Besides zapping the demons back to the shadow realm, everything else is more speculative but not necessarily useless, like feng shui and making your own seals and such around a perimeter or inside your room. 22:14:00
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Mitigating geopathic stresses might help, but one would generally have to learn how to dowse using a pendant to ask the nearby entities certain questions. 22:19:14
@_discord_1141819959341760552:t2bot.ioufodestroyer_39269 wym? 22:20:50
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon there's no multivitamin on this planet that uses real nicotinic acid and F.A.C., and all the B vitamins beside B3 vitamer as Nicotinic Acid (not nicotine) are readily made from ample presence of Nicotinic acid, FAC, carbs from diet. B12 isn't even a real metabolite for the human body, it is synthesized by geobacter to kill anything as evolved or evolved from a nematode. 22:23:56
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Cobalamin is cobalt, the body doesn't use cobalt at all 22:24:43
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon I would be suspicious of taking natural sources of B12 22:25:13
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Supplementing the other B vitamins are a waste. Vitamin E is not really essential since it merely helps redox reactions but NAD+ synthesized from Nicotinic Acid with Quinolinic Acid(from metabolized tryptophan from metabolized sugar) and Ammonia also does, as too Ferric Ammonium Citrate. CoQ10 is similarly not really needed, Iron is the ideal reduction-oxidation element and FAC gets stored in the liver only to use it to form new red blood cells. Retinol/vitamin A can be overdosed so less essential than cholesterol, but cholesterol itself can be synthesized from amino acids, and cholesterol makes all the hormones in the body. There are fake forms of Vitamin A as beta carotene, fake forms of Vitamin E, and Vitamin F(Cholesterol) is non essential in comparison to proteins as a source of amino acids 22:31:42

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