
AetherForce Discord Lounge

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17 Jul 2023
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie changed their display name from kelenlukie#0 to kelenlukie.10:22:19
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie Elena Danaan 10:22:21
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie Michael Salla 10:22:22
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie Laura Eisenhower 10:23:59
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie all on telegram lol 10:24:16
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul Yeah.. AF discord server be gone almost dead these days, eh? 🫠 10:48:52
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul 😵‍💫 🥴 10:49:10
@_discord_795848334245101578:t2bot.iojmichelen Yeah, pretty dead if it took 12 days to get a reply that's only 4 posts away from my original challenge...
Elena Danaan, Michael and Laura Eisenhower discuss the subject but none of them have been active for 30 years.
My challenge was name anyone who's done MORE... Have any of these 3 briefed presidents on the subject?
Your disdain for Greer speaks loudly of your 3D frequency. But, hang in there and practice your universal love a little more.
18 Jul 2023
@_discord_517438530121760770:t2bot.iojameschadwhick changed their display name from Magi-Cal to jameschadwhick#0.05:35:19
@_discord_517438530121760770:t2bot.iojameschadwhick changed their display name from jameschadwhick#0 to jameschadwhick.05:35:27
@_discord_517438530121760770:t2bot.iojameschadwhick One Soul ? 05:35:29
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul You said we need extinction and nothing lasts forever. That's what we're roasting about here. 💀🙄 07:11:56
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul * You said we need extinction and nothing lasts forever. That's what we're roasting about here... 💀🙄 07:12:08
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul * You said we need extinction and nothing lasts forever. That's what we're roasting about here you see? 💀🙄 07:12:21
@_discord_517438530121760770:t2bot.iojameschadwhick One Soul lol ignore that was months ago 07:16:14
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie Oh you meant billy meier and pi 3.1446? 13:42:10
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie I am already in 12D "frequency" 13:42:22
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie instead of keeping everything to yourself, there's such thing as "sharing" 13:42:46
@_discord_795848334245101578:t2bot.iojmichelen SOURCE is 12D...
I don't share everything I've learned because Very few can accept it and just want to argue.
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul Yes.. because you don't provide any proper evidence of being a starseed or a light being.. 15:40:34
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul * Yes.. because you guys don't provide any proper evidence of being a starseed or a light being.. 15:41:36
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul So how do we take it as more than that.. just a vague New Age term?! 💀 15:42:27
19 Jul 2023
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce changed their display name from Aether Force to .aetherforce#0.00:50:12
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce changed their display name from .aetherforce#0 to .aetherforce.00:50:25
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce Yea, mostly dead cause of my lack of engagement. It may change one day. We shall see. 00:50:27
21 Jul 2023
@_discord_203296590520254475:t2bot.iotheverple#0 changed their display name from The Verple to theverple#0.02:12:56
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie the source has infinite frequency. Dimensionless. Ah yes the typical of keeping everything to yourself. 14:14:53
23 Jul 2023
@_discord_795848334245101578:t2bot.iojmichelen Mr 12D should know all the answers already and not need any information from a lowly 5D'er 02:38:09
@_discord_795848334245101578:t2bot.iojmichelen WHo claimed to be a starseed Soul man? This whole discussion started from love and light 12D Lukie, slamming Greer after I posted something about him... 02:44:01
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie no. All I did was just expose greer 08:51:14

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