
AetherForce Discord Lounge

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26 Aug 2023
@_discord_198835470803795968:t2bot.iofrogman8868 nothing abut that no 14:04:58
@_discord_198835470803795968:t2bot.iofrogman8868 There's a Tholos/Dromos in south america illustrated in fingerprints of the gods 14:05:19
@_discord_198835470803795968:t2bot.iofrogman8868 its the pinecone pyramid 14:05:27
@_discord_371736593238851586:t2bot.iotoroidalvortex >I’m in deep

>Netflix documentary

Toppest kek
27 Aug 2023
@chip1972:matrix.orgchip1972anyone here is a physicist?13:31:43
@_discord_371736593238851586:t2bot.iotoroidalvortex Yes 15:39:05
@chip1972:matrix.orgchip1972good... I am in brazil... trying to use science and technology to fight opression... and tryng to understand the relation between quaternion and free energy Any tips?17:18:13
@_discord_371736593238851586:t2bot.iotoroidalvortex You’re thinking too hard. 21:10:47
@_discord_371736593238851586:t2bot.iotoroidalvortex Change the way you think about energy 21:10:59
@_discord_371736593238851586:t2bot.iotoroidalvortex People survived in the past without giant electrical stations producing electricity for everybody 21:11:45
@chip1972:matrix.orgchip1972I agree with you.. I am studing Oriental medicine, pharmaceutic, organic food, probiotics, and fringe science. I use ionic treatment, ozone, and now learnig to use high voltage ions to increase plant grownig. I am studying gaseified generators, ovens, include vehicles; But I want to understand quaternion and lagrange mechanics, because I love science fiction, but today is pure garbage, and real science is now more fun. But is hard to find someone to talk about...22:09:29
28 Aug 2023
@_discord_371736593238851586:t2bot.iotoroidalvortex Magnetic current 02:36:34
@magrock518:matrix.org@magrock518:matrix.org joined the room.07:45:45
@magrock518:matrix.org@magrock518:matrix.org left the room.08:10:23
@chip1972:matrix.orgchip1972thanks. do you have any link? I only find some youtube videos, and a wikipedia page.14:17:03
29 Aug 2023
@_discord_371736593238851586:t2bot.iotoroidalvortex https://www.scribd.com/document/235151539/Edward-Leedskalnin-Magnetic-Base 01:15:05
31 Aug 2023
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 Free Energy, if you want to experiment to get Free Energy, you need to learn about the aether. 21:14:01
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 And you have come to the right place, the aether is everywhere and all matter and energy affects it. 21:15:23
Download image.png
In reply to @_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.io
And you have come to the right place, the aether is everywhere and all matter and energy affects it.
where is the right place?
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 Well, you found me 😊 21:40:58
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 What you need to do is first recognize the Aether is real, then recognize that a mere image can affect it and that you can feel this phenomena. 21:41:41
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 Then you need to persist just a little so you notice the energy builds up and becomes easier to feel with more exposure. 21:42:17
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 Then you have a new ability, the ability to plainly feel aetheric energies, then you listen to how I say it works, experiment with my graphical designs and learn that you can indeed understand and make this technology. 21:43:13
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 Then you take the principles in the images and apply them to hardware, to devices that have magnetic fields, electric currents. 21:43:45
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 But the first step is to open that second image above and put your hand 🤚 infront of the screen, moving your hand closerer and further from the screen and see if you feel anything, keep it up for at least a minute. 21:45:07
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 Most people can feel the energy, though not all. 21:45:19
1 Sep 2023
In reply to @_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.io
But the first step is to open that second image above and put your hand 🤚 infront of the screen, moving your hand closerer and further from the screen and see if you feel anything, keep it up for at least a minute.
Thanks, but this is not science...
I already do breath yoga, Tai-ji-kuan, qi-gong, transmutation, and can feel energy without help of pictures.
I want to understabd the physics of Aether.
@balalla1:matrix.org@balalla1:matrix.org joined the room.20:20:54
@balalla1:matrix.org@balalla1:matrix.org left the room.20:28:48

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