
AetherForce Discord Lounge

318 Members
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8 Sep 2023
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 In addition, the idea that an image might manifest a tangible energy might seem absurd, and yet there is nothing impossible out it, light can do so much. No one has issues with Bearden's claims that constructive/destructive interference affects the aether (manifests scalar energy in it). 09:51:23
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 The Lamb shift is the polarizing of virtual particles from the electric field of the proton on the Hydrogen atom, this splits the orbital in 2 by the partial shielding! The point is that is achieved with an electric field. if you believe that matter can affect the aether that HAS to be electromagnetic! Because matter is something like 99.99999% empty space, or, really it is by volume almost entierly Electric and Magnetic fields! The same thing that makes up light. 09:54:29
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 So while it might seem extraordinary, let me assure you it IS Physics! Light can affect various phenomena in space and channel it and with a good enough design manifest a notable level of energy! 09:55:37
In reply to @_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.io
In addition, the idea that an image might manifest a tangible energy might seem absurd, and yet there is nothing impossible out it, light can do so much. No one has issues with Bearden's claims that constructive/destructive interference affects the aether (manifests scalar energy in it).
Lets me explain properly... I believe what you are saying...
But I live in Brazil, a poor country, rich in crooks politicians, who sold the country to first world, where we work and produce hardly to keep these first world people living in a dystopian reality.
And now we are becoming a new china...
In addiction, big techs and pharma are destroyng us to replace with robots...
I am searching a real solution, to help commom people to have real information, practical hardware, to improve life quality, whithout asking people to believe in some metaphisical thing.
I apreciate and thank your work, the time you spend with me, but this not enough.
Its useful for me, but i am surround of people who will never undesrand this, and I am victim of their suffering.
@_discord_371736593238851586:t2bot.iotoroidalvortex Edward Leedskalnin claimed he knew the secrets of the pyramids when he built his megalithic castle.

Let it sink in. Realize he had produced real electricity on a small scale for himself to use & did not rely on a power grid.

His technology is primitive electricity, his science is primitive science. There’s a point in science where your average person does not need to know. In Ed’s science, you can figure shit out simply and easily.

What I’m trying to say is if you want “Free Energy” to do work, to heat, to light, just use Ed’s tech and maybe throw a couple of solar panels in for good measure. It’s actually relatively simple.
9 Sep 2023
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie didn't he use leverage? 12:32:58
@_discord_489213565153181706:t2bot.iovalps changed their display name from Valps to valps#0.19:10:15
@_discord_489213565153181706:t2bot.iovalps changed their display name from valps#0 to valps.19:10:21
@_discord_371736593238851586:t2bot.iotoroidalvortex There’s film of him moving stones using a winch with a long lever, and I think he explains block and tackle and how it disperses the weight of a load between several anchor points.

Moving loads is not a problem using leverage.

Cutting stone using leverage is a little more problematic 😂😂 His set-up is a closed circuit designed to do work using solenoid “automaton”.
10 Sep 2023
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4Tv-W5esvE 06:56:46
@_discord_371736593238851586:t2bot.iotoroidalvortex Griiiift 07:23:12
@_discord_371736593238851586:t2bot.iotoroidalvortex But true 07:23:21
@_discord_371736593238851586:t2bot.iotoroidalvortex https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/60687/pg60687-images.html 07:27:13
11 Sep 2023
@_discord_961027196955267145:t2bot.io.cosmic_void. joined the room.03:00:13
12 Sep 2023
@_discord_266594437281349632:t2bot.iobojangxx joined the room.12:19:11
13 Sep 2023
@_discord_795848334245101578:t2bot.iojmichelen changed their display name from JMichelen to jmichelen#0.22:14:49
@_discord_795848334245101578:t2bot.iojmichelen changed their display name from jmichelen#0 to jmichelen.22:14:58
Download proxy-image.png
@_discord_795848334245101578:t2bot.iojmichelen It is getting worse... The UN wants us as slaves... 22:15:00
@_discord_371736593238851586:t2bot.iotoroidalvortexDownload rapidsave.com_heil_spez-n8c7z37twwnb1.mov22:27:04
In reply to @_discord_795848334245101578:t2bot.io
It is getting worse... The UN wants us as slaves...
We are already slaves, secretly, by corporations and agencys...
We are not aware of the secret laws, agreements, made by our politicians.
They want to go public, and they need our consent...
Its black magic disguised...
14 Sep 2023
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce Aether Force is asking for your support

For those of you who are just getting acquainted with Aether Force, my name is John Ech, and I am the guy behind Aether Force. For the rest of you who know me, please hear me out.

I am writing this because I am in a pickle and am asking for some assistance.

So here is the situation: In the middle of August I switched servers for the Aether Force website for security, privacy, and price. For this month I have to pay for the expenses of both the new and old servers since they had to run simultaneously while I worked out some bugs. This double charge has been implemented into this months billing cycle. I have spoken with my hosting service (Cloudways) and have been given a 72 hour grace period to pay. In addition, I need to pay for the Icedrive storage account, a Wordpress theme renewal, and the domain name renewal. I am looking at around $300 just to keep the Aether Force ship running this month.

Before I continue I need to express that in most cases, there is just myself working on anything for the Aether Force brand. I have a inner circle of friends that share research and give advice on how to move things forward, but the actual implementations are my sole actions. My daily tasks include everything running and updating the website, file sharing services, construction and moderation of chats and forums, to the endless hours of daily emails and messages. This does not include making presentations and undertaking my own research. These simple tasks can easily east the large portion of the day. It is with my hope that in the future, I will afford to pay for the help I need with these tasks to allow me to further concentrate on creating instead of maintaining.
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce Daily operations really do require a full time job attitude. I do ALL of this for free at the moment because I am passionate about this work. I genuinely hold a deep concern for the survival of the living sciences. But I am also a human being that needs to ensure his families survival, as I have a four year old son. I do have full time employment as Director of R&D for non-profit that is soon closing on our first project, so we are all awaiting several salaries worth of backpay. I perform odd jobs and delivery just to make ends meet for my family, but this month I hit several financial speedbumps.

I am struggling to keep this going this month as my fatherly duties, car repairs, and other bills have wiped my wallet clean until I have some payment come through later this month. I do not know what else to do besides ask for your help for this month.

If you are willing to offer a lending hand, please consider donating through any of these platforms:

👉 CASHAPP - https://cash.app/$AetherForce
👉 PAYPAL - http://paypal.me/AetherForce
👉 STRIPE - https://buy.stripe.com/7sI7tP5UI3hw5Dq144)
👉 BUYMEACOFFEE.COM - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/aetherforce

📚 Please remember that purchasing anything through the Aether Force Shop (https://www.aetherforce.energy/aether-shop/) or directly ordering a 5 TB Hard Drive (https://www.aetherforce.energy/product/5-terabyte-hard-drives/) helps out immensely as well.

🙏 I am truly appreciative for your heart felt considerations of this situation and for any assistance you may be able to provide.

With Gratitude,
John Ech
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce * Aether Force is asking for your support

For those of you who are just getting acquainted with Aether Force, my name is John Ech, and I am the guy behind Aether Force. For the rest of you who know me, please hear me out.

I am writing this because I am in a pickle and am asking for some assistance.

So here is the situation: In the middle of August I switched servers for the Aether Force website for security, privacy, and price. For this month I have to pay for the expenses of both the new and old servers since they had to run simultaneously while I worked out some bugs. This double charge has been implemented into this months billing cycle. I have spoken with my hosting service (Cloudways) and have been given a 72 hour grace period to pay. In addition, I need to pay for the Icedrive storage account, a Wordpress theme renewal, and the domain name renewal. I am looking at around $300 just to keep the Aether Force ship running this month.

Before I continue I need to express that in most cases, there is just myself working on anything for the Aether Force brand. I have a inner circle of friends that share research and give advice on how to move things forward, but the actual implementations are my sole actions. My daily tasks include everything running and updating the website, file sharing services, construction and moderation of chats and forums, to the endless hours of daily emails and messages. This does not include making presentations and undertaking my own research. These simple tasks can easily east the large portion of the day. It is with my hope that in the future, I will afford to pay for the help I need with these tasks to allow me to further concentrate on creating instead of maintaining.
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 I get that, I know this research can be useful in the way you want but I have scant evidence of that or specifically how to use it with respect to say Free Energy. However I have produced remarkable healing results and for that reason maybe it is worth your time? For example one woman who was born deaf without the use of hearing aid gained normal hearing in moments, bones have healed during treatment, bruises lessened as we watch, people have gained dramatically more movement in joints, pain resolved and more. 09:58:54
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 So this is able to be used for healing, no question. of course that isn't saying it is ensured to on every occasion either. These things were done with unpowered steel or copper coils. 10:00:24
15 Sep 2023
Download image.png
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 Can you feel that? 13:08:01
@alisonrosegrace:matrix.orgalisonrosegraceRedacted or Malformed Event13:29:47
In reply to @_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io
Daily operations really do require a full time job attitude. I do ALL of this for free at the moment because I am passionate about this work. I genuinely hold a deep concern for the survival of the living sciences. But I am also a human being that needs to ensure his families survival, as I have a four year old son. I do have full time employment as Director of R&D for non-profit that is soon closing on our first project, so we are all awaiting several salaries worth of backpay. I perform odd jobs and delivery just to make ends meet for my family, but this month I hit several financial speedbumps.

I am struggling to keep this going this month as my fatherly duties, car repairs, and other bills have wiped my wallet clean until I have some payment come through later this month. I do not know what else to do besides ask for your help for this month.

If you are willing to offer a lending hand, please consider donating through any of these platforms:

👉 CASHAPP - https://cash.app/$AetherForce
👉 PAYPAL - http://paypal.me/AetherForce
👉 STRIPE - https://buy.stripe.com/7sI7tP5UI3hw5Dq144)
👉 BUYMEACOFFEE.COM - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/aetherforce

📚 Please remember that purchasing anything through the Aether Force Shop (https://www.aetherforce.energy/aether-shop/) or directly ordering a 5 TB Hard Drive (https://www.aetherforce.energy/product/5-terabyte-hard-drives/) helps out immensely as well.

🙏 I am truly appreciative for your heart felt considerations of this situation and for any assistance you may be able to provide.

With Gratitude,
John Ech
We got you brother 🤝❤️ thank you for your service. 🙏

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