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25 Nov 2023
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon The body needs more nicotinic acid simply because the body generally makes more quinolinic acid from tryptophan rather than real niacin, so excess quinolinic acid leads to niacin deficiency. We don't have quinolinic deficiency. 22:33:50
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Pellagra and anemia comes hand in hand together. Mental disorders also are iron deficiency and/or niacin deficiency. I have tried all other types of iron supplements, they all suck except for ferric ammonium citrate which is water soluble unlike ferric citrate and unlike various other iron supplements. 22:35:43
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon All the water soluble B vitamins besides nicotinic acid are pooped out by beneficial bacteria, they require nicotinic acid and FAC for optimal growth alongside generally organic/low pesticide/low bactericide diet. 22:39:03
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Lactococcus lactic makes peptides like Nisin which is like 34 or so amino acids bunched together, some of them degrade into and as Nicotinic acid. Milk, especially the first milk the mother makes for their child is high colostrum and has lactoferrin and Nisin. That said, modern cows are given antibacterial and antiparasite poisons that deplete nicotinic acid and ferric ammonium acid stores. People who got the clot shot are ironically low in the right form of iron. Lactoferrin isn't that good comparatively to ferric ammonium citrate. 22:43:03
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon And of course, most multivitamins have unnecessary metals like chromium, zinc, copper, etc., you'll get enough of them from eating a balanced diet that of course contains plants. 22:45:15
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Niacinamide merely salvages existing NAD+ molecules but it cannot mitigate the problem of having too much quinolinic acid build up and too low nicotinic acid levels. 22:46:36
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Vegans are generally too low on protein, so they need to either eat meat or take soy protein isolates. Chlorophyll has too much phytochemicals that disrupt the body from taking up true B3. Nicotinic Acid is the forgotten amino acid because it is the most suppressed "micronutrient", and FAC likewise since there's no normal vendor that sells FAC other than photography companies and chinese laboratories. 22:50:56
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Vitamin D (1,2,3) are endocrine disrupting hormones, and Vitamin K(1,2) are p-glycoprotein inhibitors as in they make spike proteins block the MDR1 receptor and you want to be able to have m.ulti d.rug r.esistance, not disabling it which streptomycin like 'ivermectin' causes havoc to glutamate channels and chloride channels. 22:54:15
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Ascorbic Acid is a phenolic acid that disrupts the uptake of Nicotinic Acid. All polyphenols are useless outside of it making things tastes different. Ascorbic Acid metabolizes into kidney stones, calcium or magnesium oxalates 22:56:17
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Vitamin C shills suppress the benefits of Niacin. 22:57:08
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Linus Pauling is a fraud bio harma agent 22:57:28
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon There's just too much irrelevant junk that can do more damage than good in any herbal supplements and conventional multivitamin supplements. 23:14:47
27 Nov 2023
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 You ae dropping a lot of knowledge but scratching my head a little over it. First off what precisely do you recommend people take? I mean for wiping out tinnitus, weight loss/gain (normalization) etc? Also can you take Nicotine and get the benefits of Nicotinic acid since perhaps the body oxidizes it? (IDK?) I know that Nicotine has some miraculous effects for some conditions especially when separated from smoking/vaping. But I have heard that flushing B6, Niacin (which I have taken and got the flush) seems to be more connected to causing obesity, do you think that is in error? 21:09:02
@_discord_737180047420555345:t2bot.ioaether22 * You are dropping a lot of knowledge but scratching my head a little over it. First off what precisely do you recommend people take? I mean for wiping out tinnitus, weight loss/gain (normalization) etc? Also can you take Nicotine and get the benefits of Nicotinic acid since perhaps the body oxidizes it? (IDK?) I know that Nicotine has some miraculous effects for some conditions especially when separated from smoking/vaping. But I have heard that flushing B6, Niacin (which I have taken and got the flush) seems to be more connected to causing obesity, do you think that is in error? 21:09:12
@_discord_694309742717173770:t2bot.ioperryiom joined the room.22:19:33
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon B6 is not Immediate Release Flush Inducing Niacin, it merely contributes to the NAD+ salvage pathway so it is less upstream/useful than Real B3 Vitamer that is Nicotinic Acid or Nicotinate or "Niacin".

Nicotine is not Nicotinic Acid, you will never get any benefits of Nicotinic Acid from Nicotine, the body cannot break Nicotine down into and as Nicotinic Acid. Nicotine when exposed to high temperature vapors sometimes breaks down into Nicotinic Acid but not at beneficial therapeutic levels.

Nicotinamide is Niacinamide is not Nicotinic Acid is Nicotinate is Niacin but many articles online deceptively conflate the two. Niacinamide progresses Type 2 Diabetes and damages the liver further.

I cannot recommend any random Nicotinic Acid selling brand yet since "PureBulk" brand keeps selling tampered junk. Go ask Dmitry Kats on Twitter for any specifics. Otherwise, the hom3ostasis.com/protocol page should have all the finer details that you're reluctant to read as this is a very demanding protocol. All I take is Nicotinic Acid and Ferric Ammonium Citrate (FAC/AFC) in the correct ratio in proportion to my bodyweight.

If you meant WHY I take this, it is for general metabolic homeostasis which of course has longevity implications. Niacin can help repair broken DNA strands, cure themselves of any reversible metabolic disorders (some genetic metabolic disorders however can't be reversed after their birth), no longer taking ten thousand useless trash fad supplements, etc. Dmitry Kats is a highly suppressed Valedictorian Epidemiologist and everyone who speaks of him on video ends up talking shit against him for invalid nonsense reasons.

Anyways, Nicotinamide can make people flush but it doesn't mean it is Niacin, you can't just presume you have Niacin, you even mention B6 as "flushing" which it isn't. The majority of society is metabolically illiterate, and that includes all the nutritionists on YouTube, every single one.
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Tinnitus is Glutamate overload in the astrocytes and neurons that lacks ammonia to resynthesize glutamate back into glutamine. FAC helps regulates that in a direct manner as it gets taken into the cells into the mitochondria to break down into Ferric/Iron(III), Ammonia and Citrate. The Citrate helps with the Krebs cycle, the Ammonia regulates the Urea Cycle, the Iron is a cofactor for various enzymes and also is what becomes the heme-iron for red blood cells as well as forming transferrin which is also a glycoprotein to protect the body from pathogenic poisons that get masqueraded as viruses but every virus sample always has added sulfonamides or streptomycin poison to mask the underlying problem that these poisons accelerate iron and nicotinic acid deficiency which leads to the four Ds (death, dementia, depression, dermatitis) and of course anemia. Cancers are primarily metabolic and secondarily genetic. 23:51:11
4 Dec 2023
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon changed their profile picture.05:58:14
11 Dec 2023
@_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.iomatrix-t2bot joined the room.16:25:42
18 Dec 2023
@_discord_100306755090644992:t2bot.iommx_in_orbit https://www.nature.com/articles/319269a0 21:13:24
@_discord_100306755090644992:t2bot.iommx_in_orbit 21:13:25
25 Dec 2023
@_discord_920596579470172170:t2bot.ioprsntco joined the room.21:12:30
28 Dec 2023
@_discord_514461484319899659:t2bot.ioDOccultist Has anyone used the vril wands from https://www.principality-of-sealand.ch 02:53:33
@_discord_514461484319899659:t2bot.ioDOccultist changed their display name from DOccultist to golden_tulip.02:53:36
2 Jan 2024
@_discord_233439229466771456:t2bot.iometamorpheus_ joined the room.23:04:48
7 Jan 2024
@_discord_247744244171669504:t2bot.iosamuelbqn joined the room.19:28:24
8 Jan 2024
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 changed their display name from Discobeat to discobeat_1.03:32:36
15 Feb 2024
@shirleyzhou2022:matrix.orgshirleyzhou2022 joined the room.00:46:25
7 Mar 2024
@captainstacks:matrix.orgthe captain joined the room.20:02:46
8 May 2024
@captainstacks:matrix.orgthe captain changed their display name from Captain Stacks to the captain.12:25:49

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