
secant & tangent

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9 Jun 2019
@mayeulc:matrix.org@mayeulc:matrix.org joined the room.15:17:38
@mayeulc:matrix.org@mayeulc:matrix.org left the room.15:18:47
@mayeul:mayeul.netMayeulCNothing hapened, move along... (I can undo the change, but IMO there's no point in removing the alias, besides breaking links from TWIM, etc. Even exposing to phishing/cybersquatting in theory). I was also curious to see if the pills would reappear on the previous links I posted (they did).15:23:09
@mayeul:mayeul.netMayeulCAlso, I'm missing a ninja emoji.15:23:35
In reply to @mayeul:mayeul.net
Also, I'm missing a ninja emoji.
probably need a time machine for that
@mayeul:mayeul.netMayeulCYeah, as well as a ninja emoji in the unicode standard 😅15:29:17
@tulir:maunium.nettulirwell yeah that's what the time machine is for15:30:18
@tulir:maunium.nettulirdamn, a nine page proposal for a single emoji15:31:33
@tulir:maunium.nettuliranyway I think it's planned to come out next year15:31:44
@mayeul:mayeul.netMayeulCAll right, well, that's impressive, I hadn't seen this document. I also just got what you were hinting at with the time machine. I thought you were talking about inserting it between my join and part events. I've thought about proposing unicode code points in the past; I'd like to do a 7-segment display. Anyway, I'm done with the offtopic :)15:42:35
10 Jun 2019
In reply to @tulir:maunium.net
I like how they compare search results of ninja with some other stuff, bet they don't even realize that ninja is also the largest steamer on twitch with some million followers and the search results are not completely rigged
@sanlox:matrix.org@sanlox:matrix.orgAnd that they use plenty of memes07:13:33
@jenn6827:matrix.org@jenn6827:matrix.org joined the room.14:35:00
11 Jun 2019
@imgx64:librem.one@imgx64:librem.one joined the room.11:53:02
@imgx64:librem.one@imgx64:librem.one left the room.11:53:48
12 Jun 2019
@sanlox2:matrix.org@sanlox2:matrix.org left the room.09:39:56
16 Jun 2019
@sanlox:matrix.org@sanlox:matrix.org changed their display name from taiga to sanlox.16:06:55
17 Jun 2019
@taigaka:matrix.orgtaigaka joined the room.08:30:29
@2253814:matrix.org@2253814:matrix.org left the room.08:30:46
@2253889:matrix.org@2253889:matrix.org left the room.08:30:53
@2255772:matrix.org@2255772:matrix.org left the room.08:31:01
@2256056:matrix.org@2256056:matrix.org left the room.08:31:06
@2260098:matrix.org@2260098:matrix.org left the room.08:31:13
@2272931:matrix.org@2272931:matrix.org left the room.08:31:17
@2271821:matrix.org@2271821:matrix.org left the room.08:31:20
@2269908:matrix.org@2269908:matrix.org left the room.08:31:24
@2263165:matrix.org@2263165:matrix.org left the room.08:31:29

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