
Battle of the Bits

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5 Nov 2018
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [xyz39808] chip cop 23:51:39
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [xyz39808] fears zanzan 23:51:44
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [ChipChop] me scared of zanzan pffffff 23:52:06
@_espernet_YQN:matrix.org@_espernet_YQN:matrix.org left the room.23:52:09
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [charlotte ON WEB] these niggas walking on cake LMAAAO 23:52:17
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [charlotte ON WEB] was cake walk a actual genre 23:52:49
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [charlotte ON WEB] of music 23:52:54
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [xyz39808] http://battleofthebits.org/arena/Entry/Pull+Over+(x+fears+zanzan)/7042/ 23:53:02
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [ChipChop] i dont have a subroutine for fear of a zanzan that like never gonna be added 23:53:05
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [B00daW] cakewalk was a minstrel party 23:53:14
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [charlotte ON WEB] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqpINmqxlsc lmao they are FREAKIN out wtf 23:53:20
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [B00daW] where the couple who did the best dance got an ornate cake 23:53:27
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) couple japanese hoarders are tuning/timing issues imo is blowin up though, really noticeable, strangley23:53:27
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [xyz39808] I have a feeling it means it in the pen and paper context. To make something afraid. So X fears zanzan means the cops scare him 23:53:47
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [B00daW] so cakewalk is almost a racist term 23:53:48
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [xyz39808] omake cake 23:54:02
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [ipi] <@!98896602776731648> go to sleep 23:54:05
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [charlotte ON WEB] we out here gettin that cake 23:54:09
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [B00daW] you could be white and be in the party if you had blackface 23:54:13
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [ordinate] pull over 23:54:16
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [charlotte ON WEB] lol thats more race equal than nowadays 23:54:27
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [ChipChop] _sing riding dirty_ 23:54:31
@_espernet_BotB2:matrix.orgBotB2 (IRC) JonKaruzu - QuadC22A03.nsf :: mp3 now available (rendered by kleeder) :: https://battleofthebits.org/arena/Entry/QuadC22A03.nsf/29846/ 23:54:36
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [B00daW] yeah i know in a weird way 23:55:37
@_espernet_anewuser:matrix.organewuser (IRC) joined the room.23:56:21
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [ordinate] why do all those 1920s type singers do that really fuckin fast vibrato 23:58:01
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [charlotte ON WEB] its prolly cuz the recordings fucked up and are liek 10% faster than normal. MAYBE 23:59:02
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [ordinate] oooooh mAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (self-oscillating vibrato) 23:59:25
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [25 8 pu2k] wait wh 23:59:38
@_espernet_vombot:matrix.orgvombot (IRC) [25 8 pu2k] at 23:59:38

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