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26 Apr 2024
@vollbrecht:matrix.orgvollbrechtits more of a space convenience for you, i am not to sure how much faster the ROM can be fetched and executed, if your other functions are currently in cache. So if they are not it may be potential faster if the function you are running is the same. Though you would need to benchmark it15:37:43
@vollbrecht:matrix.orgvollbrechtspi itself is a minimalistic protocol, and is pretty much "KISS" paradigm ;D everything that is about integrity etc you would have to provide in your own protocol that runs "over spi"15:39:30
In reply to @bjoernq:matrix.org
We don't have dummy pins currently but in that case, we could also provide a way to configure any number of pins between one and sixteen probably. Mind creating an issue in esp-hal for that?
I can create a task for that later today. But I don't know if arbitrary number of Pins would make sense, since

1) It might get confusing when specifying e.g. 7 pins and trying to get the buffer right afterwards

2) There seems to be some difference regarding the valid pin. 8bit requires an additional valid pin, 16bit only allows including the valid pin.
In reply to @secret_s_dude:matrix.org
I can create a task for that later today. But I don't know if arbitrary number of Pins would make sense, since

1) It might get confusing when specifying e.g. 7 pins and trying to get the buffer right afterwards

2) There seems to be some difference regarding the valid pin. 8bit requires an additional valid pin, 16bit only allows including the valid pin.
Yes it would require some work - having dummy pins is definitely the easier solution 👍
In reply to @secret_s_dude:matrix.org
I can create a task for that later today. But I don't know if arbitrary number of Pins would make sense, since

1) It might get confusing when specifying e.g. 7 pins and trying to get the buffer right afterwards

2) There seems to be some difference regarding the valid pin. 8bit requires an additional valid pin, 16bit only allows including the valid pin.
In other places we take Option - probably a good solution for this
@mathrews:matrix.orgMateus de Souza Albuquerque joined the room.16:52:36
@mathrews:matrix.orgMateus de Souza AlbuquerqueCaptura de tela de 2024-04-26 13-55-10.png
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@mathrews:matrix.orgMateus de Souza AlbuquerqueHello peopleeee, somebody here have see this error sometime in past? 16:54:54
@mathrews:matrix.orgMateus de Souza Albuquerquei'm trying to implement a http client in esp32, but some resources have deprecated in code, but i dnt know how to substitute this resource yet16:56:10
@mathrews:matrix.orgMateus de Souza AlbuquerqueCaptura de tela de 2024-04-26 13-56-59.png
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@mathrews:matrix.orgMateus de Souza Albuquerquethe error is at the line which is typed: let mut httpclient = Cliend::wrap(httpconnection);16:57:37
@mathrews:matrix.orgMateus de Souza Albuquerqueif somebody want to view the source code, i will put here the link. one mnt16:58:57
@mathrews:matrix.orgMateus de Souza Albuquerquehttps://github.com/mathrews/learning_rust/tree/main/Rust-iot-esp3216:59:33
@mathrews:matrix.orgMateus de Souza Albuquerque(sorry for my english if the same is a little bit ugly)17:00:27
@ivmarkov:matrix.orgivmarkov This line has a wrong version (just remove it!). Also, ideally you should use as a starting point the exampples in thge esp-idf-svc repo itself, as they are always guaranteed to compile and be up to date. 17:02:35
@ivmarkov:matrix.orgivmarkov * This line has a wrong version (just remove it!). Also, ideally you should use as a starting point the examples in the esp-idf-svc repo itself, as they are always guaranteed to compile and be up to date. 17:02:49
@mathrews:matrix.orgMateus de Souza Albuquerquethaks very much bro17:03:47
@mathrews:matrix.orgMateus de Souza Albuquerque
In reply to @ivmarkov:matrix.org
This line has a wrong version (just remove it!). Also, ideally you should use as a starting point the examples in the esp-idf-svc repo itself, as they are always guaranteed to compile and be up to date.
what is the right version?
@ivmarkov:matrix.orgivmarkovI said: remove it, it should not be necessary. 0.27 anyway. Also, use the example in the repo. What you are following might be wrong, as in not compiling in the first place.17:07:36
@ivmarkov:matrix.orgivmarkovOops sorry I meant the line where it lists the `embedded-svc` dep!17:08:23
@ivmarkov:matrix.orgivmarkov* [updated: this line](https://github.com/mathrews/learning_rust/blob/main/Rust-iot-esp32/rust-http-client-esp32/Cargo.toml#L31) has a wrong version (just remove it!). Also, ideally you should use as a starting point the examples in the esp-idf-svc repo itself, as they are always guaranteed to compile and be up to date.17:09:26
@mathrews:matrix.orgMateus de Souza Albuquerquei solved the error17:10:29
@mathrews:matrix.orgMateus de Souza AlbuquerqueCaptura de tela de 2024-04-26 14-11-08.png
Download Captura de tela de 2024-04-26 14-11-08.png
@mathrews:matrix.orgMateus de Souza Albuquerquei'm in the right way?17:10:54
@mathrews:matrix.orgMateus de Souza Albuquerque
In reply to @ivmarkov:matrix.org
Oops sorry I meant the line where it lists the `embedded-svc` dep!
i have see, i remove that hehe
@mathrews:matrix.orgMateus de Souza Albuquerquethanks bro17:11:59
@thezoq2:matrix.orgFrans Skarman (thezoq2) changed their display name from thezoq2 to Frans Skarman (thezoq2).18:21:36
@xixiaofinland:matrix.orgXi Xiao joined the room.19:07:20
@b3ztrawn0:matrix.orgmakedonskyi joined the room.19:08:48
27 Apr 2024
@lamaral:matrix.orgLuis Amaral joined the room.04:49:33

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