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26 Jul 2024
@lulingar:matrix.orglulingarfor my ESP32C3 boards, I don't have to activate ESP-IDF on the shell08:28:39
@vollbrecht:matrix.orgvollbrechtwell we do alot of setup in our esp-idf buildscript but we do not setup the rustc xtensa compiler for you, so somewhere in the past you did that. 08:29:28
@vollbrecht:matrix.orgvollbrechtor are you using containers or such?08:30:25
@vollbrecht:matrix.orgvollbrechtbtw sorry for bombarding you witch such question, you just raised my curiosity that you seam to not using espup when compiling against xtensa :D08:33:15
@vollbrecht:matrix.orgvollbrecht * btw sorry for bombarding you witch such question, you just raised my curiosity by stating not using espup when compiling against xtensa :D 08:33:52
@lulingar:matrix.orglulingarNo worries! If that's the case then surely I did that. Unfortunately I haven't had time to have a consistent usage of Rust, so I got started a good while ago, then stopped, then resumed, etc. 08:47:01
@lulingar:matrix.orglulingarI'm not using containers, so certainly I must have installed rustc for xtensa at some point.08:47:23
@lulingar:matrix.orglulingar I guess espup handles that part conveniently now. 08:47:46

bjoernQ: Any possibility to try out this code on other chips than esp32 (revision v3.0)?
I'm interested of the output, I feel that something is still off on async side on esp32:

[INFO] - SPI 3 (read previous buffer)...
[INFO] - ... result: [5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
@dominaezzz:matrix.orgDominic Fischer
In reply to @randomexplosion:matrix.org
critical section mutexes don't block do they?
Yes they do
@dominaezzz:matrix.orgDominic FischerUnfortunately on multicore chips they block in interrupts too, which I don't like but it is what it is.09:57:45
@dominaezzz:matrix.orgDominic Fischer
In reply to @proffan:matrix.org
Something is not quite right after I upgrade to 1.80, I sometimes reach a state where both cores are in 'waiti` and all tasks stopped. After a while some random interrupt triggered, and things starts to go again
Isn't that how it's supposed to work?
In reply to @plaes:matrix.org

bjoernQ: Any possibility to try out this code on other chips than esp32 (revision v3.0)?
I'm interested of the output, I feel that something is still off on async side on esp32:

[INFO] - SPI 3 (read previous buffer)...
[INFO] - ... result: [5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
I can have a look
@slusheea:matrix.org@slusheea:matrix.org left the room.11:30:07
@randomexplosion:matrix.orgRandomExplosionOh cool, good to know, Thx Dominic!14:51:32
In reply to @dominaezzz:matrix.org
Isn't that how it's supposed to work?
With multiple active Tickers
@proffan:matrix.orgproffanThe esp32-s3 seems dead for about 20 seconds, then started to work again16:06:45
@proffan:matrix.orgproffanNo reset happened btw16:07:21
In reply to @proffan:matrix.org
The esp32-s3 seems dead for about 20 seconds, then started to work again
If you can provide a minimal repro please open an issue
@dominaezzz:matrix.orgDominic FischerAh I see17:13:13
In reply to @bjoernq:matrix.org
If you can provide a minimal repro please open an issue
Trying to minimize it, scratching my head now
@proffan:matrix.orgproffanRedacted or Malformed Event17:39:03
@proffan:matrix.orgproffan Also the Executor::run() loop is actively looping 17:40:56
@proffan:matrix.orgproffanAlso happens only with 1 core, let me check the ISRs17:55:10
@proffan:matrix.orgproffan* Happens regardless of single or dual core, let me check the ISRs18:15:23
@proffan:matrix.orgproffanMost likely it's the SPI DMA driver, still rootcausing (I am using 0.19.0, should I try current GitHub main first?)19:14:55
In reply to @proffan:matrix.org
Most likely it's the SPI DMA driver, still rootcausing (I am using 0.19.0, should I try current GitHub main first?)
If it's reproducible with the latest release version it's definitely worth creating an issue. Thanks!
@ctrlsquid:matrix.orgctrlsquid joined the room.21:32:28
@sneakycrow:matrix.orgsneakycrow joined the room.21:42:41
@knightpp:matrix.orgDanylo changed their display name from knightpp to Danylo.21:48:25

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