

24 Members
Greater Manchester, UK 🐝 Concilio et Labore5 Servers

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16 Mar 2020
@gregknicholson:disroot.org@gregknicholson:disroot.orgchanged room power levels.20:34:00
@gregknicholson:disroot.org@gregknicholson:disroot.org removed their display name Grey Nicholson.21:50:42
13 Apr 2020
@kriteus9:matrix.org@kriteus9:matrix.org joined the room.23:32:42
@kriteus9:matrix.org@kriteus9:matrix.org left the room.23:34:08
18 Apr 2020
@gregknicholson:disroot.org@gregknicholson:disroot.org left the room.09:23:05
23 Apr 2020
@kriteus9:matrix.org@kriteus9:matrix.org joined the room.22:14:38
@kriteus9:matrix.org@kriteus9:matrix.org left the room.22:15:11
10 May 2020
@gregknicholson:matrix.org@gregknicholson:matrix.org left the room.12:29:42
@greytheearthling:mozilla.orgGrey the earthling πŸ¦– changed their display name from Grey Nicholson to Grey.12:45:46
13 May 2020
@greytheearthling:mozilla.orgGrey the earthling πŸ¦– changed their display name from Grey to Grey 🜨.19:44:28
25 May 2020
@grami:matrix.org@grami:matrix.org left the room.21:42:51
7 Jul 2020
@katelynn342:matrix.org@katelynn342:matrix.org joined the room.16:50:31
8 Jul 2020
@katelynn342:matrix.org@katelynn342:matrix.org left the room.00:18:20
1 Aug 2020
@allnuj:matrix.orgJack Allnutt joined the room.00:18:31
@allnuj:matrix.orgJack Allnutt changed their display name from allnuj to Jack Allnutt.00:22:03
@allnuj:matrix.orgJack Allnutt set a profile picture.00:25:12
15 Aug 2020
@redsec-andy:matrix.orgredsec-andy joined the room.20:05:55
30 Sep 2020
@greytheearthling:mozilla.orgGrey the earthling πŸ¦– changed their display name from Grey 🜨 to Grey πŸ¦–.15:41:15
@greytheearthling:matrix.orgGrey the earthling joined the room.15:44:47
@greytheearthling:mozilla.orgGrey the earthling πŸ¦–changed room power levels.15:45:17
4 Oct 2020
@phoenixlandpirate:halogen.city@phoenixlandpirate:halogen.city joined the room.20:39:01
20 Oct 2020
@greytheearthling:matrix.orgGrey the earthlingI don't get it.The offer of Β£60M is β€œon the table”, but we're going into tier 3 anyway. So what do they want in exchange for the money? Do they just want Andy Burnham to beg?22:17:33
21 Oct 2020
@phoenixlandpirate:halogen.city@phoenixlandpirate:halogen.cityAndy wants 65+ so if he accepts he gets the money and cant complain, if he doesn't, if he gets the Β£60m without accepting it, he can still complain.10:32:01
@description123:matrix.org@description123:matrix.org left the room.13:42:40
@allnuj:matrix.orgJack AllnuttThe question is: Which table? The council leaders said they never had the Β£60m in writing17:48:42
@allnuj:matrix.orgJack Allnuttalthough apparently Jenrick has now written to them individually, trying to bypass Burnham17:48:57
@phoenixlandpirate:halogen.city@phoenixlandpirate:halogen.cityWhen it comes down to the rules and stuff, is it still okay to leave or visit manchester to see people who are in your bubble?!18:10:43
22 Oct 2020
@allnuj:matrix.orgJack Allnuttyes, and yes (although the former is discouraged)20:38:04
@allnuj:matrix.orgJack Allnutt * yes, you can leave/enter GM (although that is discouraged), and support bubbles haven't changed and are exempt from the household mixing rules (in as much as one can treat the entire bubble as a household)20:39:50
25 Oct 2020
@greytheearthling:matrix.orgGrey the earthlingSo the tier boundaries aren't borders like the border between Wales and England; they just mean if you live in a tier 3 area different rules apply? It's clearly not very clear :) cos I've heard people asking whether it's OK to travel from one tier 3 area to an adjacent one, as if the point is to stay inside a quarantine area.12:53:13

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